All about New Year's quests

On New Year's holidays, everyone gathers together with family and close friends to have fun. The preparation can be enjoyable, and it is not only about delicious food, but also about the entertainment program. Why not arrange a quest right at home to get a charge of positive emotions, laugh enough and test your own strengths! To do this, it is enough to consider several interesting options and choose the one that you personally like.

New Year is one of those holidays when even distant relatives gather at the same table. This time is expected not only by children, but also by adults, because special vibes soar in the atmosphere, magic is felt, the mood rises and you want to have fun until the morning. If the family has members of different ages, you can come up with something fun to make everyone interesting.

The New Year's quest can be on different topics, today there are a lot of ideas that need to be studied in advance in order to find something original.
The main idea of such a game is to complete a series of tasks to achieve a specific goal. And since we are talking about the New Year, the message may be from Santa Claus and his team of assistants.
To receive a gift from a fairy-tale character, you will need to go through many obstacles, guess riddles, solve difficult tasks, for which not much time is sometimes allocated. It will be interesting, exciting and very fun, so your family and friends will appreciate this idea and will forever remember New Year's Eve.

Creation rules
Organizing a New Year's Eve quest at home can be a daunting task that will take time. It is necessary to think carefully about everything, schedule each step and decide on the final prize, so that the participants have the motivation and desire to reach the finish line.
Despite the fact that the New Year's bustle includes the preparation of various dishes, you can start preparing the quest long before that: buy props, prizes, prepare costumes, etc.

The home quest includes various puzzles hidden in envelopes to be found by completing tasks. Each note is hiding in a specific place in the apartment. As soon as one of the players finds a card where the next task is written, he starts further searches. Sometimes there may be a rebus, riddle or puzzle inside that you need to solve in order to go to the next item in the quest.
At some point, the game can be moved to the street and hidden clues there - this will help unwind, breathe fresh air, after which you can return home.

The chain of tasks must be connected and eventually lead to a cache where the main prize will be hidden. It is imperative to think through all the tasks so that the participants can cope with them. Preparing at home won't be difficult if you start early.
To do everything at the highest level, you need to take a piece of paper and write down all the universal places in the house, where you can hide tips in the future. However, you should more carefully select the cache for the gift so that it is not discovered immediately. It is not necessary to follow the sequence of tasks, you can lay them out in different ways, the main thing is that everything is done.
Of course, DIY decoration plays an important role, and since we have a New Year theme, you will need to purchase tinsel, various decorations and decor in order to present everything colorfully and brightly.

Storyline ideas
Storylines can be as you wish. Searching for pirate treasures on a desert island, wandering through a mysterious forest or visiting a mysterious haunted castle are just a few of the ideas for a New Year's quest. Also, the plot can be based on a favorite children's cartoon or a popular movie.
Throughout the search for the main prize, you can use puzzles. These can be cards with different pictures that hide certain words in themselves. You will need to collect all the notes with such clues in order to compose a complete proposal, and perhaps even a fairy tale to make it more interesting. These cards can be made in the form of snowflakes, Christmas trees, any New Year's paraphernalia. To collect all the notes, it is better to number them - this will make it easier to find the complete list.

To organize a bright quest, you may need a long garland, which will become a labyrinth. This is exciting, as the game will take place in a fabulous atmosphere with flashing colored lights.
The garland can be pulled through all rooms, closets and nooks and crannies of the house.
The storyline should be created taking into account who will take part in the quest, and what are the age restrictions of the players... remember, that children do not always understand adult riddles, so if kids are present in the game, it is important to do everything so that they are interested. At the same time, there are many ways to diversify the quest in such a way that everyone has their own task, and everyone can make their own contribution to achieving the goal. However, you can do this in the form of a competition: whoever goes the whole way first will receive the main prize - it all depends on personal wishes.

Interesting tasks
For adults
The New Year for parents involves a lot of worries, the search for gifts for children, so we can say with confidence that they also want to relax and get at least some pleasure from the holiday. This can be arranged with minimal effort, and then New Year's Eve will turn into a real adventure, you just need to prepare everything.
The facilitator can provide a message from the undercover agent that he sent to the team of participants. This note says that something important is hidden somewhere in the room, which can bring great joy to whoever finds it. The agent cannot tell what exactly is there, but he left various clues that will help you get closer to this cache. Here you need to show all your imagination to compose notes with codes, puzzles and other mysteries in a detective style. As soon as the participants find the answer, they are presented with the next location of the clue. It is a team game that brings together and allows you to work together towards one goal. To make it more interesting, you can set a time limit for completing tasks, and if players do not cope, assign additional penalties.
Taking into account the contingent of participants, it is possible to compose different tasks for the wife, husband, mother, etc.

For teenagers
The organization of such a quest is somewhat easier than for adults, but even here you need to be smart. Adolescent children are not so easy to interest, they are quite smart, quirky. Therefore, it will take time to come up with something special.
Such a game can be made a competition in order to additionally motivate teenagers, each of them will strive to receive a gift. Here you will need to complete certain tasks, you may even need to go outside to look for clues and clues, which somewhat diversifies the quest.

The storyline depends on preference - it can be something in the style of "Star Wars" or a popular computer game that teens love so much. The quiz will also be fascinating, through which the participants will be able to receive additional tips, thanks to which they can form an overall picture and find the main prize. On the net you can find and print cards with riddles and puzzles on various topics. Questions can be not only serious, but also funny in order to dilute the situation and defuse the atmosphere.
There are a lot of places where you can hide tips: wardrobes, old suitcases, shelves, sofa, doors, vases, shoes, dishes, etc.
Among the tasks may be the following: name the foreign brothers of Santa Claus, make a word from letters written in random order, guess brand names by logos, etc.

For kids
Toddlers love to play, and the easiest way for them to come up with something fun. In the quest, it is recommended to use the hands of children so that they create something themselves - it can be drawings, stucco crafts, appliques and much more. For each completed task, they receive small prizes... Of course, children under five or six years old will need the help of adults, but this will make them even more interesting, and everyone will get a lot of pleasure.
You can make jigsaw puzzles yourself so that your child can put together a complete picture and get a surprise as a result.

For the whole family
There are practically no restrictions here, besides, it is very interesting and fun to go through the quest with the whole family. Of course, the one who organizes everything in advance knows the tricks and problem solving in advance, but this will not prevent you from having a lot of pleasure and, if necessary, will allow you to adjust the direction of the players. You can sit down and come up with various tasks together to create a New Year's quest with joint efforts. As for puzzles and riddles, there are enough of them on the net to make a list and pick up according to the storyline. It can be a detective investigation, treasure hunt, helping Santa Claus find the Snow Maiden, or gathering a team of assistants.
Everything that only your imagination is enough for can be realized if you do it in advance.

Sample scripts
The quest game with the name "Adventures by fairy tales" will bring maximum pleasure to your children, will develop memory and will delight the little ones. The goal is to collect the key phrase. You can come up with a name for your team together and even draw an emblem. The assignments should be printed in advance, having issued them on the New Year's attributes. The key phrase will be: "A fairy tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it, a lesson for good fellows." This statement can be divided into several parts and given out one after each completed task.
You can bring the participants up to date with a colorful speech that all of us will have a fascinating journey into the world of fairy tales. The first starting point will be the "Glade of Riddles", which will open access to the next stage. Here you will need to guess the fairy-tale characters: Emelya, the Frog Princess, Koshchei the Immortal, Kolobok, Thumbelina and everyone for whom you can independently come up with riddles in rhymed form.

The next step is to determine the name of the tales from the passage. Of course, only those that kids know should be used here, although adults can help kids find the answer. For example: “An arrow flew and hit the swamp. And in that swamp, someone caught her. Who, having said goodbye to the green skin, became cute, beautiful, good-looking? "
Now you come to the sports station, where you will need the props - a bucket and a broom. The participant holds a broom in one hand, and the leg is in the bucket. In this position, it is necessary to walk a certain distance, bypassing various obstacles, and here you can put a time limit. As soon as all members of the quest complete the task, a part of the key phrase is issued.

Surely, every child dreamed of receiving a letter from his favorite character, so prepare telegrams, and let the children guess who the author is. One of the stages may include puzzles, from which you need to put together a picture from a fairy tale.
As you can see, it all depends on your own imagination, any ideas can be realized, the main thing is that everyone is interested.
For an example of a New Year's quest, see the following video.