Review of contests and games for the New Year

Fun and interesting contests will help make any New Year's feast better. You can choose themed games for both a large company and a small team.

Table games options
Choosing the right entertainment for the New Year's Eve, you should pay attention to various table games. They can be held both at the beginning of the holiday and at the end.
- "New Year's cocktail"... This kind of entertainment is suitable for a large company. From 3 to 6 people can participate in the competition. The presenter blindfolds each of them and puts a glass in front of them. All drinks on the festive table are used to mix cocktails. The presenter takes turns picking up a bottle with the next ingredient and asks the company who needs to pour this drink. As a result, each participant's glass contains a cocktail consisting of three ingredients. The drinks are often weird.
The task of the game participants is to drink the contents of the glass without frowning.

- "Questions and Answers"... Another good entertainment for a large company is a quiz. It can be carried out both at home and in a public institution. Questions for the quiz are prepared in advance. They can be associated with the New Year, family traditions or the peculiarities of the life of the gathered company. The winner who answers more questions can be awarded a sweet prize or a themed souvenir.

- "Guess the Character"... You need to prepare for this game in advance. Names of famous characters must be written on separate pieces of paper.These can be historical figures, heroes of cartoons or films. When the time comes for the game, each of the guests takes out one of the forfeits. His task is to parody the character so that the other participants in the feast will guess him. The winner is the one who manages to guess the most personalities.

- "Connect the pairs." To hold this competition, you need to prepare pieces of paper with text in advance. On two sheets of paper, you need to write down the beginning and end of a certain line of the song. Having prepared several such pieces of paper, they must be mixed. The participants in the game are divided into two teams. The task of each of them is to collect as many lines as possible and guess which song they are from.

- "New Year's News"... This is another New Year's game that everyone will love. The task of the facilitator is to write on the cards 5-6 different words that are in no way related to each other. During the feast, cards are distributed to all guests. The task of the participants in the game is to come up with some kind of New Year's news from this set of words. The stranger it turns out, the more interesting it is for all guests to listen to it.

- "Chinese New Year". This New Year's entertainment will appeal to lovers of travel and other cultures. Each participant is given a pair of Chinese sticks. The winner is whoever manages to eat a salad or fruit platter using these cutlery.

It is not difficult to conduct such games. Any person can act as a host at a home party.
Mobile contests
To stir up a bored company, you can also hold a couple of mobile contests during the holiday. You can choose interesting and easy games for both children and their parents.
For premises
Most of the New Year's contests and games are held indoors. One of the most popular entertainments is called "Crocodile"... At the beginning of the competition, all participants are divided into two large teams. The first of them comes up with a complicated word. It is best to choose something themed and related to the holiday. It is spoken to one of the members of the opposing team. The task of this person is to show the hidden word.... It is not allowed to say anything. When the puzzle is solved, the teams change their roles. To complicate matters, words can be replaced with complex phrases or even movie quotes.

Another popular game that is suitable for an older audience is Dance on the Melting Ice. Participants are divided into pairs consisting of a man and a woman. Each of them is given a newspaper, which plays the role of an ice floe. The task of the participants is to dance on the newspaper without going over its edges. When the music changes, the ice begins to gradually "melt". The newspaper at this moment folds in half. The place to dance is getting smaller. Participants who go beyond the boundaries of the sheet lose. The competition continues at the same pace until there is only one couple left on the dance floor. It is its members who become the winners.

For the street
You can diversify the New Year's Eve with street contests. Interesting entertainment is easy to find even for the smallest... For example, hold a competition for the best drawing in the snow. To do this, you need to prepare in advance the water tinted with food dyes. It is poured into shampoo jars or bottles. Using these blanks, the child can paint any picture on the snow. One of the adults can act as a judge in this competition.
So that none of the children is left upset, everyone should be given small gifts or sweets.
The kids will also like the competition called "Snow Sniper"... Before proceeding with it, you need to draw a broad line in the snow. Children should also prepare "shells" in advance. Small snowballs should be stacked next to this line. After that, you can start the competition. Children throw snowballs at a distance. The place of impact is marked with a red flag or colored tape. The winner is the sniper who managed to throw the snowball at the farthest distance.

Creative contests
Song or dance competitions will also help to entertain the company. Such entertainment helps not only to amuse the company, but also to reveal the hidden talents of the gathered guests. Song contests can be held in different ways. Participants in such a festive show can try:
- sing New Year's songs using only vowels or consonants;
- perform your favorite compositions in the "animal language";
- parody famous songs;
- perform modern hits in the style of children's songs or ditties.

The best singers receive their awards. The winners of the creative competition are chosen by those who do not take part in it.
Fun activities for preschoolers
When organizing a children's party or a home party, you should also take care of choosing the right entertainment.
- "Beads for the Christmas tree". To carry out this task, you need to pick up a large number of paper clips in advance. To make the Christmas decoration brighter, you should use colored stationery. Before the start of the competition, children must be divided into two teams. Each of them is given half of the paper clips. From them, the kids must assemble a long chain. The winner is the team whose beads are longer in a certain period of time.

- "Thief of the New Year"... This game will not only entertain the company, but will also help to train children's attentiveness. One of the guys gets the role of the New Year's thief. The rest of the participants in the game need to close their eyes. At this time, the "kidnapper" enters the room and takes several thematic items. These can be Christmas toys, crackers, drawings, or tangerines. After a minute, all the guests open their eyes. The winner is the guest who names the most stolen items.

- "Dress up the Christmas tree." To conduct this game, its participants need to be blindfolded and presented with 1-2 New Year's toys. After that, each person is spun around its axis. His task is to find a Christmas tree by touch and hang toys on it. The winner is the one who can do it the fastest.

- "Snow fight". This game is completely safe for children. To carry it out, you need to prepare soft snowballs made of paper or cotton wool. The number of snowballs depends on the composition of the teams. The more there are, the more effective the game will be. All children should be divided into two large teams. The battlefield is also divided into two parts by colored tape. Each team at the beginning of the game has the same number of "shells". After the signal, the children begin to throw cotton snowballs at half of the opponents. Their opponents throw them back. After the stop signal, the host counts the number of snowballs on the territory of each team. The winner is the one who managed to throw the most shells to the opponents.

- "Race in the bags of Santa Claus." This is another time-tested game. To carry it out, you need to prepare two large red bags decorated with tinsel. All children must be divided into two teams. The first participants, upon a signal, climb into the bag and jump over a certain distance, and then return back. After that, they pass the baton to other participants. The winner is the team that manages to go the entire distance faster. This children's competition should be held in a room with a safe floor covering, because during the race children can fall to their knees.

Young children can also try out their favorite fairy tale or cartoon scene. Choosing for "film adaptation" is New Year's stories with Santa Claus, Snow Maiden and other fairy-tale characters. Plots can be as simple as more complex or funny.
Interesting options for teens
When choosing games for children of senior school age, you should pay attention to those contests where they can prove themselves.
- "Dance with obstacles". At a height of 1 meter, you need to tie a thick rope. Each of the participants in the competition must crawl under the dance music.After that, the rope is lowered a few centimeters down, and everything is repeated. This happens until there is only one person left with the greatest flexibility.
- "Defile". This competition is also suitable for young people. All its participants must be lined up at one of the walls. They take turns to parade from one wall to the other. The catch lies in the fact that this must be done in the role that is assigned to them by the presenter. This can be the role of a fairy-tale princess, a one-legged pirate or some kind of wild beast. The leader needs to come up with thematic tasks in advance.
- "Come up with a biography"... This game is perfect for quiet evening gatherings. When guests are tired and are seated, they should be given large sheets of paper and pens or markers. On them, they must write an original biography of any New Year's hero. The winner in this game is the one who manages to come up with the best and most unusual story.

Another interesting idea for a group of teenagers is hold a competition for the best festive costume or mask for the New Year. Both boys and girls will take part in it with pleasure.
Games for different numbers of people
When planning an entertainment program, an important role is played by the company in which the holiday will be celebrated.
For a small team
For a party in a small company of 4-5 people, you can pick up a few simple contests.
- "New Year's forfeits". This simple entertainment will appeal to almost any company. All forfeits must be prepared in advance. You need to write simple tasks on sheets of paper. The papers are rolled up into tubes and placed inside the balloons, which are then inflated. Anyone can participate in this game. Everyone bursts the ball they like and performs the task they have inherited.

- "Unusual sculpture". You will also need colorful balloons to run this competition. They need to be inflated in advance and distributed to all participants. Everyone's task is to sculpt a beautiful figure of a girl from these balls. Whoever does the best is the winner.
If desired, the presenter can complicate the task and distribute balloons to the participants, which they will have to inflate on their own.

You can hold games and contests on New Year's Eve with memorable prizes.
For large companies
For a large group of friends and relatives, you can make a richer game program. Competitions for her can be selected both intellectual and comic.
- "Who's Longer"... This team game is perfect for a large company. All guests should be divided into two groups. The task of each of them is to lay out the ribbon from their clothes. Whoever gets it longer wins.
- "Guess the Hero"... At the beginning of the evening, the host asks all the guests to give him some thing that can characterize him. When the time comes for the game, the guests have to guess who this or that item belongs to. The winner is the one who manages to give the most correct answers.
- "Christmas decoration". To conduct this game, all those present must be divided into teams of 4-6 people. They are tasked with building a New Year's decoration from scrap materials. For this, fruits, cosmetics or any other things can be used. The winner is the team that managed to make the most unusual and cute piece of jewelry.
- "Mandarin relay"... Another game for a large company is related to tangerines. There are two trays of sweet fruit on the table. Each of them is for one team. The task of the participants in the game is to transfer the tangerines to another part of the room using a tablespoon. The winner is the team that manages to move all the fruits faster. The prize for the winners can be a bag of sweet tangerines.
- "Snowman"... It is better to carry out such a game towards the end of the holiday. The presenter draws snowmen on two Whatman paper. The participants in the game are blindfolded with ribbons.Each person is spun around its axis. The participant is given a carrot sticker. Its task is to pin the nose in place with closed eyes.

Games and practical jokes can be combined with regular dancing or singing New Year's songs. In this case, all guests will be satisfied with the holiday.
For two
New Year in the company of a loved one can also be bright and memorable. Themed games and contests can be part of the program for the evening.
One of them is called "Drawers"... It can be carried out both in the company of 3-4 people, or together. The players sit opposite each other. One of them is blindfolded. A sheet of paper is laid in front of him. He is given a pen or pencil in his hands. The man who is not blindfolded tells the second that he should draw. As a result, the pictures are funny.
Another interesting game that is suitable for two is called "Dress the lady." The girl holds in one hand a ribbon twisted into a ball. The partner takes the tip of this ribbon with his lips and tries to wrap it around his lady. This is best done for speed.
During New Year's Eve, you can also play various online games, for example, "Fire and Water".