Review of simple hairstyles for the New Year

To create a full-fledged image for the New Year is the dream of any lady. When a dress, shoes and accessories have already been chosen, the question of beautiful styling remains open. The modern beauty industry offers a huge selection of light and very beautiful hairstyles for the New Year. Moreover, it will be possible to choose one or another option even for women with short hair, as well as for charming girls.

All about curls
Undoubtedly, curls are considered the most beautiful hairstyle on a festive night. This styling looks especially good on the hair of young enchantresses.
For short hair
To create beautiful curls, you need a curling iron or curlers.... On wet, clean hair, it is enough to apply a small amount of mousse and use a comb to divide the hair into several sections. Starting from the upper occipital zone, create beautiful "waves". When the procedure is over, we fix the curls with varnish. Also, a similar hairstyle can be decorated with a bright headband or scarf. In addition, the curls can be fixed on the back of the head with a stylish hair clip.

For medium and long hair
Curls have a special charm precisely on the hair of the maximum length.... Creating beautiful curls on children's hair is a simple matter. To do this, it is enough to take hot rollers and styling products. Apply a small amount of foam to clean hair and twist each strand on curlers (preheated). Let stand for 15–20 minutes and carefully remove the hair curlers. Then we lightly comb the curls and cover them with strong fixation varnish.

For medium hair, beautiful curls can be created by braiding. For example, it is enough to braid damp hair in small braids overnight.After waking up, unravel and fix with hairspray. A similar hairstyle can also be created just before the New Year's feast.... It is enough to braid your braids 2-3 hours before the holiday.

Festive tail
Collected hair looks no less original. For example, for girls with long hair, the following festive option is suitable:
- on the left and right sides, select small strands and weave braids;
- we collect the rest of the hair in a ponytail and fix it with a strong elastic band;
- we connect the braids, and wrap the ends around the tail;
- fix the tail itself with elastic bands at an even distance from each other - create "flashlights";
- at the final stage, we cover the hair with varnish.

Another option for creating a simple and beautiful hairstyle for the New Year is as follows:
- select a strand in the front of the head and weave a spikelet;
- we collect the rest of the hair in a ponytail and tie a beautiful bow.
This hairstyle looks festive and original.

Unambiguously styling with weaving elements is one of the most advantageous options. Baby braids look adorable and touching. You can create a beautiful hairstyle on the hair of a young lady step by step at home. So, the execution technique (in stages) is as follows:
- on clean, dry hair, apply a styling agent and comb back;
- select the central strand and make a bouffant, cover with a strong fixation varnish;
- we start weaving the central strand using the French braid technique;
- We fix the ends with a silicone rubber band, and slightly curl the rest of the strands with a curling iron.
Lush hairstyle will definitely attract rave glances on New Year's Eve.

Also "boxing" braids and "waterfall" will become relevant for children. As for the last option, it is relevant for owners of medium-length hair.

All you need to create this hairstyle is a comb and styling products. The hair is divided into strands and laid on top of each other. In this case, we pass the upper curls through the lower ones. Thus, a hairstyle is obtained that resembles flowing strands, like a "waterfall". A great option for little girls.

Simple and quick styling
If time is too short, then you can create your own New Year's hairstyles in just 3-5 minutes. We are talking about styling with a "wet hair effect". To do this, it is enough to cover the hair with a generous layer of gel and give it the desired shape. A similar styling can be supplemented with a bright hair clip decorated with rhinestones.

A bun will also become a beautiful and simple hairstyle for a young princess. To do this, it is enough to collect the hair in a ponytail at the back of the head and wrap the curls around the base. Fix the bunch with a beautiful satin ribbon and varnish.

No less original look "double" beams: one is located on the crown, and the other - on the back of the head.

In order for a festive hairstyle to turn out beautiful and neat, pay attention to the following recommendations:
- give preference to naturalness - too bulky styling will look ridiculous;
- overuse of styling products will give your hair an unkempt look;
- don't forget about the negligence effect - it will add playfulness and lightness to the hairstyle;
- braids should not be too tight - this feature can cause irreparable harm to hair.

Most of the simple hairstyles for the winter holiday can be done by yourself at home.
The main thing is to create a positive attitude and take your time.... A well-chosen, stylish hairstyle will not only become a "highlight" of the image as a whole, but will also give the lady self-confidence.

New Year's hairstyle in 10 minutes in the video.