Features and ideas of holiday scenarios for the New Year

When planning your New Years celebration, you need to think through all the creative, organizational and technical issues in advance. One of the preparation stages is script writing. To do this, it is not at all necessary to contact professional presenters or organizers - it is quite possible to write it yourself, having studied the examples and features. Let's take a closer look at the features and ideas of holiday scenarios for the New Year.

Features of creation
The scenario of the New Year's event, in fact, is a kind plan for it... It describes in detail all the dialogues and actions of the participants - the presenter, guests, speakers. Ideally in a script all technical equipment must be specifiedused decorations and equipment. Another important part of a good script is timing... The per-minute schedule will help make the holiday more dynamic and keep the participants interested.
It should be understood that the scenarios of different events will differ not only in terms of contentbut also by structure... For a party, it could be short outline with notes, for an official event - more detailed. A script for a New Year's party or a performance, even if it is designed for a narrow circle of spectators, should have a traditional, well-developed shape with an individual concept.

Even to write a typical script, you need to clarify a few significant questions.
- Take note of the number of participants in the event, their gender, age and who they are to each other. It is believed that it is easier to attract attention and occupy participants of both genders, but a large variation in age, on the contrary, will complicate the matter.The children present can be involved along with the adults, otherwise a separate program is drawn up for them and their leisure time is organized.
- The theme of the holiday should be close to all participants... As a basis, you can take an activity (creative, professional or educational), the plot of a film or book, a sport, travel, events from the past or present. The most neutral are "Kaleidoscope of Fairy Tales", "New Year's Journey", "Defenders of Santa Claus" and so on. It is better to avoid controversial issues (for example, illness, politics, religion, nationality) that can ruin your mood and cause disagreement.
- All tests should be as simple and accessible as possible. In addition to individual tasks, interaction tasks are also important - this brings together unfamiliar people, makes relationships more relaxed.
- So that individual participants do not lose interest, it is necessary to unobtrusively pay attention to everyone, select contests and distribute roles in such a way as to show abilities and reveal talents. When the same people shine in the company, the rest involuntarily becomes bored. Another controversial point is team competition. To preserve the festive atmosphere, there should be no losers. Since the holiday is good - friendship and goodness wins, the villains repent, and the rivals achieve their goals by joint efforts.
- To keep the dynamics, it is necessary to alternate between different types of activities. But at the same time, you should not go too far - if a feast is provided, there should also be time for it, as well as for rest.
Important! For a holiday with friends or family at home, the obligatory part with congratulations, creative numbers and contests should last no longer than 20 minutes. Otherwise, it will have to be split into several parts. This is enough to evoke the necessary emotions, to establish the atmosphere.

Various games at the table
Feast - an important part of the New Year's holiday. So that the snacks do not drag on for a long time and keep the guests' interest, all guests, without getting up from their chairs, can take part in simple but interesting contests. To get to know all the invitees, you need contests, during which everyone tells some facts about themselves.
There are many options for this.
- "Name"... The presenter calls the first participant, who calls his name, and all those present repeat it in chorus. This participant then points to any other person who should also respond, and so on.
- "New Year Stories". To do this, prepare question cards in advance. For example: "The most unexpected gift for the New Year?", "What do I remember from the children's holidays?", "What do I expect from next year?" etc. Stories should be short, at the end you can give a small prize for the most memorable.

So that the seat at the table is not boring, you can slightly stretch out with the help of simple tasks.
- "Coin". The first private trader is put a coin on his finger, which he must pass in a circle, without using the rest of the body. Instead of a coin, you can use a chip or a button. Those who have dropped are fined - they carry out simple tasks of the leader.

- "Decoration for the Christmas tree". All are united in groups of 2 or 3 people. With the help of what they are wearing (meaning scarves, jewelry, watches and other accessories), it is necessary to build a Christmas tree toy. Alternatively, you can use what is on the table or kitchen utensils. In the end, the best decoration is determined by applause.

- "Congratulatory telegram." Any text of congratulations with the missing words is taken as a basis. Each guest in turn must say an adjective, which the presenter writes in the place of the gaps, and then reads out what happened. For children, you can choose an option with a fairy tale.

- "Songs by request". Since no meal is complete without songs, cards with the winter words "blizzard", "snowfall", "tree", "frost", "February", "blizzard", "Santa Claus" and so on are placed in a bag or hat. Participants take turns drawing cards and singing songs in which the declared word is found, the help of relatives and friends is welcome.

- "New Year's fireworks". To begin with, you need to pass inflated balls to each sitting person, which should burst at the command of the presenter by any means at hand.
In addition to claps, guests will be amused with confetti or wishes hidden inside.

Interesting competitions
A small company that does not need to be divided into teams can be offered several tasks.
- At the beginning of the event, or even a few days before it, each of the participants should draw out a card with the name of the one whose "New Year's elf" he becomes. After that, the "elf" should begin to show attention to his object - to treat him with something, help to take off his outer clothing, invite him to dance. At the end of the evening, each person guesses the name of their intended helper. Those who called the name incorrectly should do something pleasant to the one who tried for them.

- "New Year's disco"... The presenter should prepare in advance a cut of various compositions from children to "gypsy", which are interspersed with a neutral fast melody. Everyone stands in a circle and passes the ball to each other. When the intermediate music ends, the person left with the ball goes into the circle and dances what he got.

- "Mandarin duck"... The goal of this competition is to peel a tangerine and eat it quickly. Participants may be disturbed by wearing mittens or gloves. Another option is to tie pairs of hands so that only one free is left.

- "Fulfillment of desires". On New Year's Eve, you must make a wish. To do this, everyone present is given a piece of paper 10 minutes before midnight on which they need to draw what they want. It can be a schematic sketch or a detailed drawing, the main thing is to be in time. With the chime of chimes, everyone stands in a circle, put leaves in front of them, hold hands and, with the last blow, jump "into the future." For a small family, you can take a common sheet of Whatman paper and make a collage, and at the end of the year see which of your wishes has come true. You can safely form teams from a large company.
So that no one is offended, you can distribute cards with marks on the back or divide according to some criterion (boys against girls or older ones against younger ones).

- "Reindeer team"... Couples compete in which one participant is a "deer" (he is blindfolded), and the other is a "New Year's gnome" (holds a "deer" with a scarf or string stretched around the waist). From improvised items (pins, chairs, boxes) a track is formed, which must be traversed with minimal losses.

- "Snow fight"... The room and players are divided in half. Each side has the same number of snowballs (crumpled sheets of paper, cotton wool, foam rubber or white balloons). The task is to throw as many shells as possible on the side of the enemy while the music is playing. At the end, the side with the fewest snowballs wins.

- "Snowman". On easels (or sheets of Whatman paper attached to the wall), you need to draw a snowman. In this case, everyone draws only one detail. To complicate matters, you can stick your hands through a slot in a piece of cardboard that will block your view. Another option for a creative competition for any age is to inflate balloons, give the contestants double-sided tape, paper and scissors. From the resulting set, you should also make funny and unusual snowmen.

- "Cheerful photo zone"... For the competition, you need props and cards with tasks, who should be portrayed, for example: a snowman on the beach, a tired Christmas tree, Santa Claus who has forgotten a gift, a Snow Maiden in a beauty salon, and so on. The funniest and most expressive photograph wins.

Sample scripts
A win-win option for both children and adults will be scenario "New Year's traditions in different countries of the world." Since there is a lot of information here, two presenters will be required, which may well be Santa Claus and Snegurochka.

The short version below can be supplemented as you wish or delve into each of the topics.
Lead 1: Greetings to everyone who is on our New Year's light! Happy New Year!
Lead 2: In Russia, no one can imagine the New Year without a decorated Christmas tree, watching films that have become traditional, a New Year's table and congratulations from the president. There are similar traditions and customs in every country, let's get to know them.
Lead 1: Today a parcel arrived with a map containing several empty spaces. We will stick on the missing parts, learn a lot of new things. So here we go!
Lead 2: Relatively close, in Italy, Olentzero brings gifts (that's the name of Santa Claus there) and leaves them on the windowsill. Every Italian must also have time to eat 12 grapes at midnight - then all wishes will come true. The inhabitants of Italy are very friendly and energetic, so we invite you to take part in several contests (Two or three contests to choose from).
Lead 1: Now let's rest and go further - to Japan. In this country, visiting temples and ringing bells relieves of worries and troubles in the new year, and this requires at least 108 strokes. At this time, it is customary to play shuttlecock or dice with movable chips, to launch tops and kites.
Lead 2: At this time, on another continent, in hot Brazil, merry companies gather, go out to the street or the beach with a large floating tree. Brazilians not only collect a magnificent table, but also send gifts to the sea to make their dreams come true. Let's support the atmosphere of the carnival with fiery dances! (Music break or dance competitions)
Lead 1: In Greece, St. Basil leaves gifts for children - for this they need to leave their shoes near the fireplace. The traditional dish is a sweet cake with a coin inside, which goes to the luckiest one.
Lead 2: In France, it is customary to celebrate the New Year with loved ones at home or in a restaurant. Houses are decorated with garlands in advance, the whole city is lit with festive illumination. To maintain a warm atmosphere, we invite those who wish to take part in a creative competition (making jewelry, collective drawings, and so on).
Lead 1: However, not in all countries the old year ends on December 31st. Chinese New Year comes with the Spring Festival in February, in India in March, in Burma and Thailand in April. In Ethiopia, by contrast, this holiday marks the end of the rainy season in September. All these and other countries have one thing in common - people have fun in their own way, make wishes and hope that next year everything will be fine. Let us congratulate each other and make the most cherished wishes that will definitely come true!

For middle-aged people and the elderly, a holiday in the style of the popular TV show "Field of Miracles" is perfect.
Leading: Hello dear viewers! To celebrate the New Year in a fun and interesting way, we have prepared for you the game "Field of Miracles". So that no one is left on the sidelines on this wonderful and good holiday, we will take out the names of the participants from the magic bag prepared in advance. So, they will take part in the first round ... Let's welcome our participants with loud applause!
Assignment for the first round: What is the name of the main attribute of Santa Claus? (Staff).
The players spin the reels like in a TV game with points and prizes, or a fictional version with themed tasks. The presenter can be assisted by a girl who will take out the props and turn the letters.
Leading: We have identified the first participant in the New Year's finale, and now the commercial break! (Competitions, sketches, music or dance number to choose from).
Our New Year's Eve continues. I invite the participants of the second round to play ... Assignment for the second round: "In what month was the New Year celebrated before the reform of Peter the Great?" (September)
Leading: We invite the last three players to the final qualifying round ... Welcome! Assignment: What is the name of the New Year's party at which it is impossible to recognize the guests? (Masquerade) After the end of the third round, the host announces a commercial break.
Leading: And now our erudite troika will answer the question, and we will determine the main winner of the New Year's game. So, on our scoreboard, is the name of the writer who created the character Snegurochka in his play, who became the companion of Santa Claus? (Ostrovsky) As soon as the winner is determined, the host offers to take out his prize and play a super game. Super game task: "What is the name of the author of the poems for the song about a Christmas tree born and raised in the forest?" (Kudasheva)
Leading: So our game is over, let's thank all the participants with loud applause! I would like to wish that in the New Year, each of those present could show all their talents and apply knowledge! Now let's digress and move on to dancing!

As well as preparing for the holiday, organizing and writing the script should be done in advance, as this is a rather complicated process. To be successful the following recommendations should be observed:
- you should not dump all responsibility on one person, several participants can be involved in writing the script; but it is imperative to identify a responsible person with an authoritative opinion, who will determine the final result;
- it is important for a beginner to replenish the collected materials with new games, original congratulations and poems; all ideas should be immediately recorded and refined;
- even for a home holiday, the ready-made version of the script should be well structured and understandable; in a pile of scattered leaflets with dozens of amendments, it will be difficult to figure out or find what you need;
- at a small family event, the screenwriter usually becomes the presenter; if another person is chosen for this role, it takes time to familiarize yourself and clarify all the incomprehensible points; knowledge of the roles that need to be learned by heart is best checked in advance;
- the script writer must have an idea of all the modern technical means involved, if any; the same applies to invited speakers; at a modest celebration, the same person may take care of props, musical accompaniment and prizes;
- the photographer and videographer (or the people responsible for filming) must be aware of the key scenes in order to capture them in time.

For a holiday as relaxed as New Years a hard script with rehearsals and learned jokes is not encouraged.
During any celebration, unexpected situations may arise. In this case, you should prepare several options - a video greeting, an additional competition or a musical pause.

For information on how to write a New Year's script, see the following video.