Making a Christmas tree with our own hands

New Year is a time of magic and creativity. Adults are amazingly transformed, like children, looking at New Year's toys and sincerely rejoicing at decorating the house, especially when the interior details are made with their own hands. A Christmas tree made of non-standard materials is a great opportunity to create a festive mood and a pleasant pastime with children.

Original and creative ideas
The Christmas tree, as an integral part of the New Year's holiday, came to us from Germany. It was there that for the first time they began to decorate spruce branches with sweets, ribbons and outlandish objects in order to please the spirits. In Russia, Peter I was the first to decide to support the custom, and then the wife of Nicholas I. People fell in love with the New Year's beauty so much that even Joseph Stalin allowed them to arrange New Year trees for children.

From ancient times to this day, people, in pleasant hassle, have been buying live Christmas trees and decorating them, rejoicing in the pleasant smell of needles, albeit for a short time. However, some try to protect nature and fulfill their New Year's fantasies, making Christmas trees from improvised and non-standard materials. Some of them become a unique element of the interior, others, to the delight of children, go to exhibitions in kindergartens and schools. One way or another, the holiday mood spreads with incredible speed.

A do-it-yourself Christmas tree can be made from anything, however, the most affordable and simplest way is to make decor from tinsel. Indeed, thin shiny tinsel needles are so reminiscent of a Christmas tree, and the color of the decoration today pleases with its diversity.If you want to make a version that does not take up much space, you can fix the tinsel by bending it in the shape of a Christmas tree, right on the wall. The decoration can be attached either on buttons or on transparent tape, depending on the coating. For a voluminous version, a Christmas tree model made of wire is wrapped with tinsel, in conclusion, decorating it with bows, ribbons, cotton balls and rain.

If you want to decorate the walls even more, you can create a Christmas tree from garlands, fixing them on the wall or in the corner, giving the structure volume. Both ordinary garlands with LED bulbs and garlands in the form of sparkling stars or flowers look attractive.

Another option that saves space is the New Year's beauty from Christmas balls. For its execution, toys of various diameters are strung on a fishing line, which, in turn, represents a spruce frame. The product begins with one toy, becoming wider with each row, like a real coniferous beauty.

The idea of making a Christmas tree from many rows is presented by needlewomen in various versions. So, a spruce from a tree looks especially cozy, in which rows from the shortest to the longest are laid out of branches of various lengths and interconnected with a wire or fishing line. The finished product is decorated with Christmas balls, beads and other New Year's paraphernalia.

Cute miniature Christmas trees are made by craftswomen from paper or a magazine. A variety of techniques come to the rescue in manufacturing, be it quilling, origami, volumetric modeling, twisting newspaper tubes or classic applique. Many paper ideas are available for children to implement. A paper frame can be successfully made from various materials at hand, for example, from buttons, beads, mosaics, New Year's cards, thread spools.

With an anxious attitude to painstaking work, you can try your hand at making a coniferous beauty from beads. At the same time, the works are small, however, causing genuine admiration. A Christmas tree made from a bottle of champagne, exquisitely decorated with tulle, corrugated paper or organza and supplemented with sweets located on the structure in the form of New Year's toys, can become a stylish decoration of the festive table.

Continuing the theme of bottles and their decoration, the craftswomen suggest making a Christmas tree from wine corks, dyeing them in different colors and placing them in the shape of a triangle. It is worth noting the strength of the finished product, because the rough surface of the corks is perfectly held by glue or held together with wire.

Another idea for decorating the interior and the festive table is a Christmas tree made of sweets. At the same time, children's favorite treats are attached to a cone frame made of cardboard or wire. Sweets of any shape look advantageous, however, a more classic version is round in golden foil.

A snow-white tree can be made from cotton pads. For this, cotton wool products are folded in the form of a triangle and fixed with a stapler at the base. "Needles" are as simple as possible, and therefore the idea can be used for home art with children. The finished parts are glued to the cone base and complemented with beads.

Continuing to create a festive mood together with children, it is useful and interesting to feel like a sculptor, creating from plasticine. If the product will be stored in general accessibility, it is better to use soft hardening plasticine for it, which does not collect dust. The main parts of the structure can be made from cones by making decorations and figures for decor from plasticine.

You can also make a Christmas tree from office supplies, for example, from paper clips. Such an iron beauty is distinguished by meticulousness and a large number of small details. Fastening them to each other, you feel like a real master of design and, probably, that is why this method is especially loved by boys.

Today, you can build the main attribute of the holiday from everything that is at home. Designs made of books folded in the shape of a Christmas tree, thread balls, pillows, glasses, bottles, discs and even photographs look original, unique and very bold.

Step-by-step master class
Unfortunately, not all materials can be used to make a really large and creative interior Christmas tree for the New Year. It is possible to make a three-dimensional model on the wall using the most affordable and simple material - colored paper. It is easy to attach paper needles to the base using any adhesive.
Tools and materials
For creativity, you will need simple materials and tools that can be found in any stationery store, namely:
- a large sheet of thick cardboard or foam;
- green colored paper;
- shiny colored paper;
- foil;
- PVA glue;
- stationery knife;
- marker;
- Double-sided tape;
- ruler.

How to do it?
The first step is to determine the size of the future interior display. A large herringbone will require one large sheet of cardboard or several glued together. If this is not available, can be replaced with a sheet of thin foam for better shape retention and lightweight construction. So, we cut out a triangular blank from cardboard or foam. A homemade Christmas tree can be wide or narrow, depending on the location chosen. In addition to the base-triangle, we cut out the leg and the star using a clerical knife. On the wall, the base can be fixed with tape or buttons.

When the body is ready, we start making needles. To do this, you will need a lot of thick colored paper, which we fold and fix on the base in the form of an inverted fan - an accordion. At this stage, it is important to measure and determine the future length of the accordion. The place where the needles are attached to the base should be 2 times narrower than the green canvas. For a long accordion, sheets of colored paper are glued together and only then folded. Begin laying out the accordion fans from below. The uppermost accordion is the shortest, as it falls on the upper corner of the triangle.

The edges of the fan, arranged in rows, hang over each other, creating the desired volume. The accordions are attached to the base with PVA glue or double-sided tape glued in 3-4 places and along the edges. The structure must be free and mobile. In this case, the corners can be slightly raised with tape. It is important to completely cover the base with "needles", and therefore the edges are attached with glue or tape to the wall.

For a finished Christmas tree, a star is cut out of foil or shiny paper. For decoration, foil is rolled into small balls and glued to the resulting needles. The "leg" of the Christmas tree is also made of colored paper and glued to the base. Homemade coniferous beauty is ready. She pleases with her lightness and airiness, simplicity and environmental friendliness, a sense of satisfaction from her own creativity.

Beautiful examples of crafts
A beautiful three-dimensional model made of colored paper can decorate any space, be it an office or a home.

A stylish addition to the festive table is a Christmas tree made from a bottle of champagne with a delicious addition of chocolates.

Cute homemade Christmas trees made of paper cupcake molds will fill you with coziness and holiday atmosphere.

New Year's designs made of Christmas tree balls, strung on a fishing line, can be made in both flat and volumetric versions.

Small Christmas trees made of buttons of various colors on a cone base look cute at home.

The model, made in the technique of volumetric modeling, conquers with its impressive dimensions and creative appearance.

How to create an original Christmas tree from ordinary cardboard, see the video.