We make Christmas toys with our own hands

Everyone can make unique and unusual New Year's toys. This will take a little time, a flight of imagination and a great mood. Having made one toy, you will want to create several more original crafts, and then decorate the festive tree with them. The creative process will be appreciated by all family members. Children will take an active part in the creation of New Year's masterpieces with great pleasure. The main thing is that in order to compose unusual crafts, there is no need to run to the store and purchase special materials. It is enough to rummage in the attic and select any unnecessary things.

Fundamental rules
Surely everyone will agree that the New Year mood arises when decorating the interior for the holiday. And we are talking not only about decorations placed on the shelves, but also about Christmas tree decorations. You can make them with your own hands from the most unexpected materials.
It is enough to sort out the box with junk things intended to be sent to the dacha, and connect a little imagination. And based on the advice of experienced craftsmen, you will be able to avoid many mistakes and save your own time.

The Christmas tree is the main attribute of the New Year's holiday. This means that she requires a special approach to her decoration. The main thing is to adhere to several important aspects:
- decide on the theme of the design;
- choose matching decorations.

Only after deciding on the topic, it will be possible to determine what toys the New Year's tree should be decorated with. The theme "fairy tale" involves the design of images of fairy-tale heroes.And to create them, you need to decide on the materials at hand. For example, paper, felt or wire.
Some wildlife enthusiasts decorate the Christmas tree with toys made from pine cones harvested in the park. It is only necessary to restore their shade and supplement with eco-decor.

Schemes for making different jewelry
Homemade toys are widespread in society today. They belong to the category of hand-made, and the simplest materials are used for their manufacture, for example, plastic bottles, polystyrene, wood, plasticine, papier-mâché and much more. Textile toys are in great demand, since it is impossible to buy them in a store.
In fact, you can turn any item into a New Year's toy. Boxes of different sizes, plastic cups, even hair brushes.
If you want to create something unique, you can go to a specialized art store.

A few simple ideas will allow you to transform not only the tree, but also the very atmosphere of the holiday.
To date, there are a lot of schemes for making various original jewelry. They can be found in creative books, on social networks, and on any internet portals. However, it is best to go for a real master class, where you can see the step-by-step progress of the work. They are often held at New Year's fairs for children, which open a month before the holiday.
Detailed master classes help each person create interesting crafts at home. In the same place, specialists are ready to offer viewers to purchase templates, layouts and foundations for work that have no analogues.

From yarn
Christmas tree decorations made from yarn, familiar to all housewives, look very impressive and home-like. To create such masterpieces, a very small amount of materials is required, namely: yarn, pins and PVA glue. As an additional consumable, you need a plate, a porous tray, a sheet of paper, a marker or a pencil.
- First of all, you need to moisten the threads in PVA. They must be completely saturated with glue, so that the finished decoration will have the required shape.
- While the threads are wetted in the glue, it is necessary to make a template for the future toy. To do this, the desired drawing is made on a sheet of paper. It can be a star, a bird, or even a house.
- The prepared template must be fixed on the porous tray. To fix it, you should use pins or ordinary toothpicks. After that, the interior decor of the toy is formed.
- Then, from the yarn soaked in glue, the contour of the craft and the inner filling are laid out. Masters often advise not to cross the threads with each other. The yarn toy should be flat.
- When the craft is laid out, you need to put it aside until the glue is completely dry. Next, the clips are removed. At the top of the toy, you need to make a loop for hanging the toy.
- As an additional decoration, you can use decorative sequins or rain.

A beautiful Christmas tree toy can be made from ordinary wire. In the finished version, the wire ornament can plug any crafts sold in supermarkets into the belt. For the execution of such a masterpiece, it is necessary to prepare wire of different thicknesses, pliers, beads, beads and a colored ribbon.
- First you need to take a thick wire, cut it into pieces, and make the desired shape from them. The folded ends must be twisted. This will fix the contour of the toy.
- Next, a thin wire is taken. One end of it is tied to the finished base, beads and seed beads are strung on the other. Then the decorated thin wire is wrapped around the base.
- At the end of the decoration of the toy, the tip of the thin wire must be tied with a bow, or a hook must be made onto which the ribbon clings to hang the craft on the Christmas tree.

Of ribbons and beads
There are New Year's toys that are not made for 1 day.But not every person is able to spend so much time creating crafts.
Moreover, you can make a pretty Christmas tree decoration from a regular satin ribbon and beads in just half an hour.

For example, it is proposed to consider the construction of a Christmas tree. For work, you will need beads, shiny cardboard, tape, quick-drying glue (even 101 will do), a needle and thread.
- The tape must be folded like an accordion and strung on a thread. A bead should be skipped after each ribbon loop. The main thing is not to forget that each loop and bead should gradually decrease in size.
- When the ribbon ends, the thread must be tied in a knot, thereby fixing the base of the Christmas tree.
- Next, the cardboard is taken. A small star is cut out of it, which must be attached to the top of the finished Christmas tree.

Made of cardboard
Many Christmas tree decorations are made from cardboard. To create them does not require a lot of effort and energy.
In a few minutes, an ordinary sheet of thick paper can be turned into a unique decoration.

For work, you will need a sheet of ordinary cardboard, yarn, glue, paints, brushes, a napkin and any decor.
- First you need to make 2 identical figures from cardboard and glue them together, laying a loop of thread between them. This is the base of the toy.
- A loose thread of yarn is used to wind the toy in chaotic directions. As soon as a yarn pattern has formed on the craft, you can glue it over with a napkin.
- The base needs to be well coated with glue. The napkin is torn into small pieces and applied to the toy being created.
- After the glue has dried, it is necessary to start painting the product. Then shade the textures and add interesting decor to your toy.

From rags
A sewing machine is required to create Christmas tree decorations from fabric. But if you have free time and patience, you can sew the craft by hand. It is preferable that the fabric has a New Year's ornament.
- First you need to make a paper pattern. For example, stars, gingerbread man, letters, hearts and any other shape.
- Next, cut the fabric material in pairs.
- Then sew both parts along the contour, leaving a small gap for the stuffing.
- Cotton wool or synthetic winterizer is pushed through the hole left into the toy.
- The last step - the hole is sewn up, and a loop is fixed on the top of the toy.

From twine
Christmas toys made of paper or ordinary cardboard are more effective if you add a few other materials to them, for example, natural twine and a little felt.
- First of all, you need to make a template on a regular sheet of paper. Next, transfer the image to cardboard. For example, you can take a simple option - a star.
- The thickness of the base of the toy should be approximately 1 cm. Accordingly, a sheet of cardboard will not be enough. You will need to make several identical shapes and glue them together.
- Next, the twine tail is fixed to the cardboard with glue. Then the winding of the toy begins. It is important that the threads fit as tightly as possible to the base of the product. There should be no gaps.
- As a decor, you need to create a couple of leaves and berries from any fabric material, and then glue them onto the prepared star.

From beads
New Year's toys made of beads are often referred to as minimalism. And this is not surprising, since their creation requires a minimum of material and a small amount of time.

To work, you will need the most common wire, beads, beads, a ribbon and a few coins. The coin in this case is used as a decoration.
- First of all, you need to make a loop on the wire. At its other end, beads and beads are strung. They will play the role of Christmas balls.
- After the wire is completely filled with balls, you will need to fold it in a spiral shape.
- When the product acquires the required shape, bend the free edge of the wire so that the beads do not fall apart.
- A satin ribbon is tied to the top of the tree for hanging.
It is preferable to decorate the lower tail with a coin. Double-sided tape will work for fixing.

From felt
New Year's toys made of felt look home-like. They feel warmth, comfort and tranquility. This material is picky and easy to work with.
Recently, soft felt Christmas toys are very popular.

To create a chic product, you will need to stock up on some materials and tools. First of all felt. It can be used in a variety of color palettes. Next: multi-colored threads, glue, scissors, a needle, cardboard, satin ribbon, cotton wool or synthetic winterizer.
- First, you need to make a sketch of the future decoration on paper. It can be anything, depending on the imagination of the performer.
- After the pattern is ready, you need to transfer it to felt and cut it out. A distinctive feature of this material is the absence of shedding. Therefore, there is no need to additionally process its edges.
- Next, you need to make the same decorative elements. Each blank is sewn in pairs. It is best to use contrasting threads.
- It is necessary to stuff a synthetic winterizer or cotton wool inside the harvested toy. Thus, the decoration gains volume.
- Next, a hole is sewn up through which the filler was pushed, a loop for hanging on a Christmas tree is glued - and the cotton craft is ready.

From light bulbs
In modern art, even an ordinary burned-out light bulb can become a work of art on a Christmas tree. Its ideal shape allows you to create the most beautiful and unusual fairy tale characters.

Moreover, the work requires a small list of materials. Of course, damaged light bulbs, acrylic paints, brushes, cords or ribbons are suitable as decorative elements. It is preferable to use hot melt glue to fix the elements of the craft.
- First you need to clean the light bulb from dirt. To do this, you need to take a cotton pad, moisten it with alcohol and thoroughly wipe the glass base.
- Further, using acrylic paints, the image of a New Year's hero is created. Snowmen look very impressive.
- A knitted hat or cap made of ordinary fabric will help to hide the base.
You can tie a scarf around the penguin's neck, the shape of the light bulb allows you to do this.

Making Christmas balls
An obligatory attribute of the New Year is a Christmas tree, which the whole family is engaged in decorating. Since ancient times, round glass balls have been considered ideal Christmas tree decorations. In Soviet times, many such sets were released, but, unfortunately, not all of them have survived to this day. Some of them crashed, others just got lost. And with whom they remained, they value them and try to monitor the appearance of the glass.
Modern fashion also interprets the use of Christmas tree decorations in the form of volumetric balls, but created by human hands.
Before each holiday, numerous master classes are held, allowing you to learn the step-by-step process of creating beautiful large balls for the New Year's tree using a variety of materials.

From threads
Surely many have already tried more than once to create a New Year's ball from threads, but they did not always succeed. Someone said that bad glue was caught, others argued that the threads did not meet standards. In fact, mistakes were made in the craftsmanship technique. To prevent this from happening in the future, it is proposed to get acquainted with a special master class, where the gradual formation of balls from threads is signed.

First of all, you need to prepare materials and tools: balloons, cotton threads, PVA glue, water, sugar, scissors and glue with a polymer base. For additional design, you will need spray paint and decorative elements to the taste of the performer.
- To begin with, the balloon is inflated in accordance with the required dimensions.
- After that, it is necessary to dilute the mass to wet the thread. For this, 2 tbsp are connected. l. water, 2 tsp. sugar and 50 ml of PVA. The components are thoroughly mixed.
- A thread is lowered into the finished mass.
- The inflated balloon is wrapped with an impregnated thread in a chaotic manner and set aside for several hours until the adhesive is completely dry.
- After the glue dries, the balloons must be blown off.
Thread crafts can be dyed or decorated with additional decor.

From paper
Paper jewelry is very popular. But even with the use of the usual and familiar to everyone material, you can create unique Christmas tree masterpieces.
For example, a flower that, decorating a Christmas tree, will remind you of the upcoming spring.

For work, you will need a small amount of glue, double-sided colored cardboard, scissors, double-sided tape, a stapler.
- First you need to cut 12 identical strips of paper. Their width should be approximately 2 cm. Each strip must be folded into a loop and fixed at the ends with a stapler.
- After the stripes take the shape of petals, you need to collect the flower. The petals are connected to each other using double-sided tape.
- Then a center is cut out of colored paper, which is inserted into the center of the flower and fixed in the same way using double-sided tape.

Ready examples
From the information provided, it becomes clear that everyone can make a Christmas decoration. For example, a Christmas tree toy moon deer. The master spent more than one day to create it, but he was able to achieve an effective result. In a similar way, you can make the symbols of the coming year, for example, a rat or a bull.
Other options are worth considering.

For information on how to make Christmas toys with your own hands, see the next video.