Making paper crafts for the New Year
In anticipation of the New Year, a special menu is thought out, gifts are purchased, a guest list is drawn up, and most importantly, a festive atmosphere is created in the house. And we are talking not only about a decorated Christmas tree, but also about the interior of the room as a whole. On the eve of the New Year holidays, every family is in search of unique trinkets to decorate their home. For example, wreaths, garlands, flags, snowflakes. But if you look from the other side, these decoration elements can be made with your own hands from any available means and materials. The most common are paper decorations.

In anticipation of the New Year, contests for the best thematic craft are organized in all schools and kindergartens. Children create beautiful compositions from cardboard, plasticine, yarn. At the same time, various artistic techniques are used. However, paper crafts are considered classics.
In the recent past, primitive garlands were glued from paper, snowflakes were cut out. Today, an extraordinary masterpiece can be created from several white sheets. At the same time, use different techniques. For example, quilling. For such crafts, paper rings are required, from which an interesting composition is formed. The quilling technique allows you to create volumetric masterpieces of any complexity.

Quite often, when creating crafts for the New Year, paper folded in an accordion is used. Fan folding can be used to make a snowman, holiday balls, and more.
Necessary materials
A lot of interesting materials have been developed to create crafts for the New Year. A if you delve into attics, you can find a lot of things and objects that are suitable for creating thematic compositions. For example, cuts of tree branches, plastic.
Today in specialized stores you can buy paper of different sizes, weights and textures. The most common is the white office A4 format. But for New Year's crafts, this is not enough. Ideally, purchase packaging of colored, corrugated paper and cardboard. It would be nice to buy some craft paper and tracing paper. Some compositions may require metallized paper.

The main thing is that the presented varieties of material are not in short supply.
To create snowflakes, it is preferable to use thick paper or paper napkins. From corrugated paper, it will turn out to make voluminous copies. Having white gouache, you can cut snowflakes from cereal packages and paint them. For more serious compositions, boxes from household appliances will do, but it is very difficult to cut out any elements from such cardboard.

In addition to materials, you need to stock up on a number of tools. You will definitely need a clerical knife and scissors. An awl is useful for working with dense material. To glue the craft, you will need several types of glue, namely PVA, a pencil and a universal glue gun. A stapler is useful to fix the paper. To make a template, you need a simple pencil, ruler, compasses.

For the decorative filling of the compositions, you will need paints, felt-tip pens, cotton wool, vine twigs, plasticine, sparkles, oracal. Of course, each individual craft requires special materials and tools. And detailed information on the formation of a composition is described in master classes.

Master classes
Today, on the eve of New Year's holidays, shelves in stores and supermarkets are filled with Christmas tree decorations and interior decorations in different price ranges. Among such a wide variety, everyone can choose the right jewelry. It's just not clear why pay huge amounts if you can make similar toys, wreaths or a sock for a gift with your own hands.

The most remarkable thing is that all family members can take part in creating home masterpieces. For example, mom prepares a template, dad cuts it out of paper, and a child glues it together. And then they all start decorating the base together. Thus, you can create any crafts. However, in the first couples, it is worth considering light work with a detailed master class. This is the only way to understand the step-by-step sequence of actions.

To begin with, it is proposed to remember how ordinary snowflakes are cut. An even paper square is folded in half, then in half, then the ends of the resulting square are folded overlapping each other, and a drawing is cut out. But this option has long lost its relevance, and people decided to buy snowflakes in sets at fairs. Craftsmen have their own opinion on this matter. They are ready to offer a master class on creating fan snowflakes.

But first you need to prepare materials and tools.
- Paper, choice of white or colored.
- Scissors.
- Decorative snowflakes.
- Beads.
- Glue.

Now you can start creating.
- It is necessary to fold the fan out of paper, glue its edges to make a circle.
- On fan bends, you need to cut a pattern.
- A decorative snowflake is glued in the middle of the paper base.
- Beads are glued to the open fan.
- The final touch is to make a loop for the thread.

The finished snowflake can be hung on the tree. If you make several such crafts, you will be able to decorate a New Year's wreath, just remember to supplement it with Santa Claus, artificial Christmas tree branches, small balls, bows and ribbons. In a similar way, you can make a lot of New Year's decorations. These can be simple stars or unusual houses. The main thing is to follow the step-by-step execution instructions.

Easy-to-do New Year's crafts have always been popular with young children. Even at school, at a labor lesson, kids made paper lanterns, Christmas trees, snowflakes. But schoolchildren gave particular preference to shiny paper-filled garlands. To work requires:
- several sheets of white paper;
- shiny tinsel of any color;
- scissors;
- glue.

Having collected the material necessary for work, you can start creativity.
- Snowflakes with a diameter of no more than 10 cm are cut out of paper.
- Snowflakes are glued onto tinsel.
- After the glue dries, the tinsel is wrapped around the garland, thereby masking the wire.

The finished beauty can be hung on a Christmas tree or decorated on the wall. Instead of snowflakes, you can cut out any other shapes, such as stars or bells. A miniature Christmas tree that mother and child will put together looks very interesting. However, the parent should only help in difficult moments so that the finished creation belongs entirely to the baby. But first you need to collect materials and tools.
- Green paper in different shades.
- A sheet of brown paper.
- Compass.
- Scissors.
- Pencil.
- Styrofoam or cork.

Now the fun begins - the execution process.
- Make even circles on green paper. To do this, you need to use a compass. It is important that each new circle has a smaller diameter than the previous one.
- The finished circles must be folded in half several times so that the paper resembles a fan.
- In the center of the circles, you need to make cuts corresponding to the diameter of the pencil.
- The pencil must be pasted over with brown paper to make it look like a tree trunk.
- For the stability of the craft, you can use a piece of foam, where a flat surface will be in contact with a shelf or table, and its upper part, torn off in a chaotic manner, will symbolize snow. A slot is made in it for a tree trunk, filled with glue and a blunt end of a pencil is placed in it.
- After the adhesive has hardened, you need to take a paper circle of the largest size and put it on a pencil, lowering it to the base. Then a smaller circle is put on - and so on until the smallest diameter.
- The top can be decorated with a star, and beads can be glued to the Christmas tree tiers.

In fact, there are many ways to create simple yet unusual tree decorations.
Bulk crafts
Crafts with visual volume look much more interesting. For example, it is proposed to get acquainted with the master class "volumetric snowman". The process of creating it is quite complicated, but if you follow the instructions, you will be able to create a spectacular decoration. First you need to prepare consumables.
- White paper.
- Colored beads (preferably black and red).
- Set of colored paper.
- A small piece of cloth.
- Needles with thread.
- Cotton wool.
- Several buttons.
- Glue.
- Scissors.
- Cocktail tube.
- Cardboard.
- Styrofoam.

Having prepared the material, you can start creating a snowman.
- Fan circles are the basis of the work. Snowman tiers should be roughly the same size. The more tiers you get, the higher the growth of the fabulous creature will be. By the principle of a fan, paper is folded, and its sides are glued together. Thus, fan circles are obtained. A small hole must be made in the middle of them. The circles should be of different sizes so that the balls of the snowman's body stand out visually.
- Having made the blanks, you can start assembling the crafts. A hole must be made in the foam where the cocktail tube is inserted. For strength, you can fill the base with a small amount of glue. Now fan circles are put on the tube. First, small blanks, then a little more. Having reached the middle of the torso ball, fan circles should be worn in decreasing order. In a similar pattern, the second ball of the snowman's body and the third are put on.
- Now you need to decorate the assembled workpiece. In the upper circle of the torso, the elements of the face, the black beads will be the eyes, and the red ones will be the nose and mouth. A scarf made of prepared fabric is tied between the upper and middle body of the snowman. A hat is sewn from the same material, the inside of which is filled with cotton wool. The headgear is attached to the snowman's head with a universal glue.
- It remains to place the buttons on the body of the fairytale hero using the same glue.

It may seem like a very complicated craft. But if you follow the instructions, no problems will arise.
Interior decoration
The owners of apartments and houses are very scrupulous about interior decoration. Indeed, when creating a New Year's atmosphere, it is important to take into account many nuances. First of all, it is important to know the symbol of the coming year. Next, you need to find out what the feng shui experts advise regarding the nuances of planning decorations in the house.

But, despite the advice, many people make their own adjustments. Complement the beauty of the home with exquisite decorations. The main thing is that the brightness of the holiday does not interrupt the warmth of family comfort. That is why every detail of the New Year's upgrade is thought out with special trepidation.
The main part of home decoration is the Christmas tree. It should not be cluttered with toys of different styles. If the choice fell on balls, then the Christmas tree decorations should have a round shape. If a child wants to hang toys made with his own hands on a festive tree, it is necessary to work out the design so that the children's decorations do not stand out against the general background of the composition, but complement it.

When decorating a festive tree, special attention is paid to its top. The classic style offers a red star. The modern trend advises using a large bow, an angel figurine or a stringed pike.

Having dealt with the tree, you need to move on to decorating the ceiling. Ideally, you should use an LED strip. Only not in a chaotic manner, but, for example, along the contour of a room. This design looks quite interesting in hidden ceiling niches. By a similar principle, you can hang electrical garlands.

The main thing is that their length allows you to completely beat the idea of \ u200b \ u200bdeveloping the ceiling.
For owners of high ceilings, hanging decorations can be recommended. For example, snowflakes, angels, stars and any other thematic shapes. Shiny rain will help to complement the hanging figures. It is fixed to the ceiling, and its ribbons are scattered across the free space in a chaotic manner.

Home owners pay special attention to wall decoration. This is a huge platform for creative impulses, where you can make the most fabulous fantasies come true. Children will be especially positive about the permission to "work" with the walls. They will take part in creating a festive masterpiece with great pleasure.

Since ancient times, it has been customary to decorate front doors with New Year's wreaths. But these decorations also look decent on a regular wall in a room. The main thing is to correctly complement the composition. The wreath can be hung over the fireplace for a much more sophisticated look. In addition, socks must be hung on the fireplace itself. Their number should be the same as the number of people living in the house.

The person's initials embroidered on the socks help to avoid confusion.
Unfortunately, socks for gifts are increasingly purchased in stores... The reason for this is the complexity of the decor. However, the craftswomen found a unique option to supplement the socks with bulk and markers, without overworking themselves. The upper part of the sock is stitched with a white cloth, where the cotton wool is pushed. Initials are obtained from adhesive letters at the hardware store.

Surely many have noticed that women who are on maternity leave reveal their creative potential. They easily come up with ways to decorate the premises for any holiday, and especially for the New Year.They are able to form fabulous compositions from ordinary office paper, scissors and glue, placing them on the ceiling or on the wall, so that the baby will fall in love with this magical holiday from childhood.

For example, can be made from paper voluminous Santa Claus and Snow Maidenby placing their images on the wall in the reach of child growth. In a similar pattern, you can cut out a snowman, dog, cat, bunny and fox playing in a snowy meadow. The main thing is to connect imagination.

When decorating an apartment or house, special attention is paid to the windows. A win-win will be pasting over window glass with fabulous plots cut out of paper. Of course, you can glue snowflakes in the old fashioned way, but this is not very interesting and even primitive.

When decorating a house, some owners are ready to sacrifice even their comfort. They turn mirrors into window openings. There is no sense in this. The mirror loses its main function, and the meaning of the window with its own reflection is not clear to anyone. Ideally, it is worth decorating the contour of the mirror with a snowstorm and monochromatic garlands along the contour.

For information on how to make a Christmas tree out of paper with your own hands, see the next video.