Crafts on the theme "Firebird"

The fabulous beauty of autumn inspires the creation of crafts from natural materials. How to make autumn applique "Firebird" step by step with your own hands and perform other interesting work on the theme "Autumn" for the garden and school, you will learn in this article.

Making applications
The heroine of Russian folk tales - the Firebird - fascinated with her beauty, promised happiness and wealth. Let's try and we, together with the children, create a wonderful image of her.
Let's prepare for work:
- watercolor paper;
- paper lace napkin for baking;
- watercolor;
- a toothbrush;
- PVA glue;
- dried leaves;
- zucchini seeds;
- thuja twigs;
- dry violet flower.

- put a napkin on a sheet of paper;
- using a toothbrush, spray burgundy paint over the napkin, trying to generously cover its openwork edges;
- wait for the napkin to dry and remove it from the paper;
- cut out the resulting openwork circle - the applique will be round;
- take the prepared herbarium and try to fold the bird;
- move the leaves and fantasize how to make a torso, which is suitable for the head, wings;
- having folded the drawing you like, glue the details;
- we will make the body of a bird from a green leaf, and a yellow birch leaf will become a head with a sharp beak;
- from bright leaves we create a lush tail and wings;
- using zucchini seeds to make eyes and a beautiful pattern on the body;
- we glue the thuja twigs into the tail and onto the crest of the fairytale heroine;
- we bring a bright accent to the work - we glue the violet flower on the plumage;
- the applique is ready.

Together with young artists, we will make a Firebird applique for kindergarten.
- Cut out the torso from lilac paper, which was drawn using the template.
- We will make the eyes from peas of black and white plasticine.
- The fabulous plumage is made of wedge leaves. Purple, yellow and orange, contrasting with the lilac body of the bird, they will make the work beautiful.

Bulk crafts from natural materials
Crafts on the theme "Autumn" surprise with a variety of ideas and plots;
- bouquets of dried flowers and fruits;

- wreaths of branches and flowers;

- charming forest dwellers of fruits and cones;

- fabulous forest houses and their owners.

Decoration of any autumn holiday - large volumetric crafts from vegetables and fruits using the carving technique, made with the participation of parents and teachers. Among them, you will surely find works with fabulous birds. Creating winged symbols of happiness requires patience, certain skills, and special tools. Professionals use real Thai knives in their work, but at first, a regular table knife will do. The product is assembled and fastened from separate elements:
- head;
- torso;
- feathers.
Making a tail with openwork feathers is a delicate and painstaking work. Experienced craftsmen advise to start learning the art of carving by creating a "Firebird" in the shape of a watermelon basket.

Children of primary school age can also make a simple volumetric craft for the autumn holiday. Anyone can handle an accessible master class.
For work, prepare:
- glue;
- cardboard;
- scissors;
- plasticine;
- acorns;
- rowan berries;
- colorful leaves.

We create the work in stages.
- Glue a layer of yellow maple leaves onto a sheet of cardboard. We make the next row from rowan leaves.
- Glue a layer of yellow-green foliage again.
- We decorate the feathers of the bird with "eyes" - glue rowan berries and acorn caps in a circle.
- We make the body and head of the bird - we fasten large acorns together with plasticine.
- We create eyes from the berries of a snowfield or allspice peas.
- The fantastic bird is ready.

Kids will make a voluminous craft from autumn gifts and an empty bottle of liquid soap.
You will need:
- hop cones;
- leaves;
- spikelets;
- a cylindrical cream lid;
- glue and glue gun;
- black pepper or 2 small flat buttons.

Let's describe the progress of the work.
- Using a glue gun, fix the bird's head - the lid from the cream on the top of the bubble.
- We glue the bird's eyes made of pepper or buttons.
- Decorate the head with a hop tuft.
- We decorate the neck of the bottle - neck and shoulders - with a whole necklace of hop cones.
- Glue the lush tail of spikelets and leaves to the back of the product.
- We decorate the belly and sides of the bird with small purple leaves, trying to close the empty space. On the sides we attach wings made of bright maple leaves.
- The Firebird is ready and can take pride of place at the exhibition in the kindergarten.

More ideas
You can create a fantastic bird from a fairy tale not only in the form of an applique made of leaves and flowers. Anything that your creative imagination tells you is suitable for work: seeds, fruits and ordinary cereals. From this wealth, you can make a delightful mosaic canvas.
To create a mosaic, prepare:
- cardboard;
- scissors;
- plasticine;
- ash, maple, linden seeds;
- watermelon seeds;
- acrylic paints;
- brush.

Stages of work:
- paint the seeds of the watermelon bright colors and let them dry;
- prepare a bird template from cardboard;
- circle it on the base for the mosaic and cover it with a layer of plasticine;
- put ash seeds on plasticine in the direction from the wings to the body;
- after the body, we decorate the neck, cutting off the bottom of the seeds so that the work looks neat;
- we make a tail, continuing to trim each feather;
- the bird's head will consist of 2 maple seeds, and the tuft will consist of ash seeds and linden fruits;
- the final touch in the work - we decorate the wings and tail of the Firebird with colored watermelon seeds.

Delightful and delicate work will be made from dried flowers and cereals.
- a sheet of cardboard or thin plywood;
- a wooden frame of the right size;
- jute rope;
- eggshells;
- cereals and spices: cloves, poppy seeds, millet, sesame seeds, beans (white and red), buckwheat, split peas, pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds;
- maple or linden leaves;
- glue Moment "Crystal";
- hair fixation spray.

- draw a bird and flowers on the basis for the mosaic;
- carefully glue the rope along the contour of the drawing;
- determine what part of the work you will begin to decorate with cereals;
- Apply a small layer of glue to the intended place;
- we start working with large details - we make flowers from sunflower and pumpkin seeds;
- we carry out a snake from halves of peas;
- add beans in between;
- fill the remaining space with millet and buckwheat;
- we make the belly of the bird from white beans, the neck from buckwheat, red beans and peas, the head from sesame and millet, the beak from poppy seeds;
- let the work dry for a day and fill it with varnish;
- as soon as the varnish dries, we proceed to the design of the background;
- cut flowers from freshly harvested maple leaves and fix them with glue;
- let the decor dry and spray the work with varnish again;
- cover the background with a tinted eggshell, "planting" it on the same glue;
- again we cover all the work with varnish and insert into the frame;
- the chic mosaic is ready.

How to make a "Firebird" from leaves, see the video.