Making voluminous snowflakes out of paper

What's New Year's without snow? Our country is northern, there is enough snow. Myriads of tiny snowflakes lurk in the snowdrifts. Examine any under a microscope and see an extraordinary miracle. Since ancient times, on New Year's Eve, people have been decorating their homes with artificial snowflakes.

Anyone can make a flat two-dimensional snowflake. She is undeniably good. But on New Year's Eve, you want something unusual, and here three-dimensional snowflakes come to the rescue.
To decorate the room where the Christmas tree and the festive table will stand, we will create unusual volumetric snowflakes with our own hands - beautiful and delicate paper, cardboard, any material that lends itself to scissors, bends, glues, bends.

Just a few hours of inspired creativity - and your home will be transformed into fabulous palaces.
Materials and tools
Snowflakes can be made from different materials. Most often, A4 paper is used. You can cut one or more than two snowflakes from one sheet.

Necessary tools for work:
- scissors;
- stapler;
- glue stick;
- stationery knife;
- simple pencil;
- ruler.

Execution technique
Below are master classes showing how to make New Year's snowflakes step by step from various materials with your own hands.

Made of cardboard
Prepare the required number of sheets of cardboard of at least two colors, at the rate of 2 sheets of different colors (for example, yellow and blue) for one snowflake. Further actions are as follows.
- We mark one sheet along the larger side into three parts. We draw 2 lines. We put the second sheet, cut along the lines. We get 6 rectangles.
- We fold each of them in half, with scissors we make cuts perpendicular to the fold as follows: 2 external, not reaching a couple of centimeters to the edge, and 2 internal - half shorter. The same steps for other blanks.
- We turn each rectangle into a snowflake petal: we bend the entire central part forward relative to the general angle, and move the short strip in its middle back to the corner. Diligently iron all the folds.
- We collect the snowflake. To do this, you need to glue, alternating colors, all the blanks with outer stripes. Ready.

The next snowflake is universal in size, but it will take a lot of detail. The work is simple, but painstaking - a good thing for children. In addition to multi-colored paper, you will need a bag of sequins. We do not give the exact dimensions, choose yourself, approximately keeping the ratios given below.
- Cut out two circles, the diameter of one is 3-4 times less than the diameter of the other.
- We prepare 8 squares of paper of the same color and the side is 2 times larger than the first circle. And the other 8 are relative to the second. We twist and glue 16 bags. These are the petals of a snowflake.
- Along the circumference, evenly glue the petals to the larger mug, first large ones, and after the glue dries - small ones.
- We glue a small circle in the center. Finally, we decorate it and the edges of the large petals with sequins.

Let's show you a snowflake that can be cut and stapled in 10 minutes. Prepare 6 squares of paper or isolone. Sizes and colors are at your discretion.
- We bend the square diagonally, and add the resulting triangle again.
- We make 4 notches parallel to the base of the triangle in the direction of the fold. The distance between them is 1-1.5 cm, we leave the same amount to the opposite side.
- Expand the workpiece. We connect the corners of the central square and fasten with a bracket. Turn over and fasten the next 2 strips. We repeat 2 more times.
- Let's make 5 more petals in the same way.
- We connect the petals in 2 groups of 3 pieces and already from the groups we get the result.

Another simple volumetric snowflake made from stripes. The material is arbitrary, the tools are standard.
- We cut 10 identical strips from the selected material. We lay 5 of them on a flat surface at intervals up to a width. The other 5 are laid perpendicularly with a weave through one.
- We glue the strips adjacent in the corners in pairs. The central ones remain free.
- We also work with the second workpiece.
- We leave one half-snowflake on the table, turn the second one over and attach it to the first one with a rotation of 45 degrees so that the free strips fit into the folded strips of the lower one. At this point we glue the strips.

Here's another paper snowflake.
- Fold the square sheet diagonally 3 times.
- With a pencil, draw 3 arcs along the larger side of the triangle so that the lower 2 do not reach the edge.
- Cut along the lines with scissors. Cut out 2 triangles under the lower arc.
- Expand the workpiece. We bend the middle strips of the rays to the center and glue them.
- In the same way, we make the second workpiece.
- We glue them with flat sides, turning them relative to each other.
- We glue something beautiful in the center, for example, a rhinestone.

From isolone
This is polyethylene foam of the PPE-F, Isolon 500 brands and 0.2-10 mm thick. The material is suitable for making crafts in a wide range of sizes. Here are its main properties:
- lightweight, on average 30 kg / m3;
- soft - millimeter sheets are cut with scissors or a construction knife;
- non-flammable, melts when heated;
- lends itself to slight stretching, forming waves that can decorate the product;
- fastened with hot glue, threads or a stapler or a stream of heated air from an electric stove, hair dryer, soldering iron, iron;
- changes shape exclusively by heating, is not afraid of changes in temperature and humidity.

To make a snowflake from an isolon, we need:
- hair dryer with two heating modes;
- glue gun with a temperature switch (working - 105 degrees);
- spray gun;
- acrylic enamel or rubber paint.

Keep in mind that the isolon must not be overheated, otherwise it will melt, and the workpiece will have to be done again. We recommend experimenting with material trims with the heating temperature of a hair dryer and a glue gun.
Let's make a simple isolone snowflake. We need sheets of 3 colors: white, blue and blue.
- Let's cut strips: 5 pieces of white, 10 pieces each of other colors. The white stripes are the longest, the medium length blue and the shortest blue. The sizes are arbitrary.
- We glue the ends of the white stripes. A glue gun works best for gluing. To each white loop on both sides we glue first blue, then blue loops.
- We collect a snowflake from five petals.

You can place some kind of decoration in the center.
3D Snowflakes
Let's show you how to make a very creative three-dimensional snowflake out of paper. Of the tools you will need:
- school eraser;
- thread with a needle;
- compass.

Algorithm of actions.
- We prepare 8 identical squares from A4 paper. Cut out circles from them.
- In each circle we draw a small circle. We draw 4 diameters at an angle of 45 degrees and make cuts along them to a small circle. We get 8 sectors.
- We fold each sector on all circles with a small bag, you can use a pen, glue it.
- We take a needle and thread. First, we pierce a piece of eraser and lower it to the knot so as not to tear the paper. We string 4 blanks with small bags up, turning by about 20-25 degrees, then down the remaining 4 with the same turns.
- With the second piece of eraser we squeeze our structure, trying to bring both elastic bands as close as possible. We straighten the thorns - the snowflake is ready.

Original Christmas tree snowflake.
- We draw a triangle on the sheet - the profile of the Christmas tree. Its height in centimeters will give us the number of layers, let it be 17. Through a centimeter along the height, draw lines parallel to the base. The lines on the diagram will give the diameters of the circles.
- For each diameter: we measure its value, cut a square with such a side, bend it diagonally, draw along the folds of the line, draw a circle inside it, cut out this circle, cut along the lines a little more than the middle.
- We twist each sector of the circle with a pencil to form sharp cones, glue them. We got a set of 8-pointed stars.
- We pass the wire through the lid and fix it. We string the stars in decreasing order of diameters, turning them so that the cones are staggered.
- You can simply bend the wire from above. And a tip twisted into a horn will complete the Christmas tree.

Necessary materials:
- 5 sheets of A4 paper;
- glue stick;
- metal ruler, a simple pencil;
- colored glitters, sequins.

Step-by-step actions are as follows.
- We draw a middle line along the long side of the sheet. Fold one side of the sheet with an overlap of the line by about 1 cm. Fold the other side to the middle and glue it to the already folded side. The result is a three-dimensional figure.
- With a pencil, mark the top and bottom of the edges by 2 cm. Bend the edges along the marks, you can use a ruler. The result is 2 folds and a main fold on each side. We straighten the figure and gently bend the main folds inward.
- We fold our workpiece in half, glue it so that it does not unfold, mark the middle on top. On the right side we make a mark 9.5 cm from the upper edge, on the left - 5.5 cm. We connect these marks with two lines, cut off the extreme triangles.
- Repeat the previous steps for four more parts of the snowflake.
- We glue the blanks. Apply the adhesive with an inverted T, stripes down the middle and on the fold. The bottom of the 5-piece bag can be clamped with a paper clip until the glue dries.
- We apply glue at the top of the workpiece, fully unfold the snowflake. We press, wait for the glue to dry.
- We decorate the snowflake. We apply glitter sequins to the very tips of the rays, glue the sequins in the middle.

Another snowflake. Simple in design, but attractive in its airiness. You need to prepare:
- 2 sheets of paper;
- glue stick.

Manufacturing instructions.
- We make 6 identical squares from paper: from one sheet 4 and from the second 2.
- We fold one of the squares diagonally. From a right angle along the side, we outline 6 lines 12 mm apart. Draw lines parallel to the other side of these marks, not reaching the fold of about 1 cm.
- To speed up the work, we put the remaining 5 in the lined square. We bend it, iron it with pressure. We make cuts along the lines. Expand 6 blanks of petals.
- At the top of each workpiece, we form a cone, glue it. Turn the shape over, glue the next two strips. We do this 4 more times. The petals are ready.
- We collect 2 groups of 3 parts each. Finally, glue the entire snowflake.

The next craft will be a ballerina snowflake. Materials are standard.
- We draw it ourselves or find a silhouette of a dancing ballerina on the Internet. It is still advisable to use several different figures. Print, paste on thin white cardboard, cut out - the ballerina is ready.
- A skirt is a snowflake. Let's take the simplest flat stencil. Everything that is filled with black is cut out.
- Let's make a blank for a ballerina's skirt. To do this, cut out a square from A4 sheet. Fold it diagonally 2 times, carefully smoothing the folds.
- We take the workpiece by both corners and pull the corners below the base with overlapping, as if twisting a bag. We make sure that the resulting sharp corner at the top is even, without folds, and the folds do not go beyond the sides. Smooth both edges of the shape.
- An isosceles triangle has formed on the reverse side, to which the selected stencil can be applied. We put the template on the triangle, outline the contours, cut off all unnecessary, unfold. Here it is - a tutu of a ballerina.
- We put a skirt on the figure, glue it if it does not hold.
- Now the fasteners. If you plan to put a ballerina snowflake on a Christmas tree, glue the thread, for example, to its handle.

If you decide to put it on a windowsill, use a clothespin. There are many options.
On New Year's Eve, adults and children want to make snowflakes with their own hands to decorate their homes.

The presented article provides step-by-step instructions with which it is easy to make the most beautiful three-dimensional, voluminous snowflakes from paper, cardboard or isolone.
For information on how to make a voluminous snowflake with your own hands, see the next video.