How and from what to make a snowflake?

Preparing for the New Year holidays, many people devote a lot of time to decorating their homes. Fortunately, there is everything you need for this - the stores sell a lot of interesting and beautiful decorations. However, some details can be made by hand. In this article, we will learn from what and how you can make a snowflake.

What to make a snowflake from?
A snowflake is a cute and attractive decoration for almost any setting. With such decorations, the interior seems to come to life, it becomes more comfortable and hospitable. You can buy beautiful snowflakes in the store, or you can make it yourself. For such crafts, you do not need to have expensive materials and tools, and the time for their production is minimal. To make a neat New Year's snowflake, needlewomen can turn to different materials. It all depends on the type of decor and its texture. Let's consider in detail what is most often used to create flat and voluminous products.

The easiest way is to make a flat snowflake with your own hands. For this, many of the materials at hand are suitable. If you act carefully, you end up with attractive New Year's crafts that effectively decorate any setting. Let's analyze a list of the most popular materials that are used to create flat snowflakes:
- it can be paper strips - such products are considered the simplest, even small children can easily cope with their manufacture;
- from swirled paper strips - these components also make pretty snowflakes, which take a little time to make;
- napkin - usually the napkin needs to be folded into a triangle, after which you can give the product intricate patterns.

Flat New Year's snowflakes are often attached to different bases, glued to glass, mirrors, windows. Thanks to such decorations, the interior "comes to life" noticeably, creates a festive mood.

Volumetric self-made snowflakes turn out to be more difficult to execute. However, they look more interesting and attract more attention. To make such interesting decorations, a needlewoman can use a number of materials:
- paper - suitable for making not only flat, but also voluminous snowflakes, you just need to make multifaceted figures from it, for example, triangles or rectangles;
- plasticine - chic snowflakes of various shapes can be made from the specified material, specimens made from plasticine of different colorful colors look especially original and attractive;
- cotton swabs - they make interesting and cute snowflakes, although some masters find working with this material not so simple and quick, because it is not very convenient to interact with a large number of small details;
- counting sticks - small children most often make crafts from counting sticks;
- styrofoam - futuristic and beautiful snowflakes can be made from styrofoam, often combined with foam rubber;
- felt is a pliable, pleasant to the touch and kind of material from which you can make a snowflake of various shapes;
- cardboard - just like paper, you can make both simple flat and voluminous snowflakes, it holds its shape better, it is easy to work with it.
Each master himself chooses what kind of snowflake he wants to make, and what material to use at the same time. If you don't want to waste a lot of time, it is better to give preference to flat paper parts.
If you have extra time, and you have planned to make an original and realistic composition, it makes sense to choose a voluminous version.

Schemes and templates
Before you start cutting out snowflakes from paper, you need to draw up a detailed diagram of the future product. Only an experienced craftsman who has “got his hand” in making such things can easily do without it. Let's consider in detail how to make a template for a future snowflake using the example of a "pattern" from paper.
- Take an A4 sheet.
- Fold it as shown.
- Crop and get a reshaped shape.
- Expand the workpiece, fold along the dotted lines.
- As a result, you will get a new shape. Fold it over and over again along the dotted line.
- Cut the piece and it will be ready for further creative work.
If you prepare a good template in advance, the master can make not only a miniature and modest, but also a large, elegant craft, which will become a chic decoration of any interior.
The main thing is to take your time.

Step-by-step master classes
Consider a few examples of how to make original and beautiful snowflakes to decorate your home for the New Year.
From paper strips
A cute snowflake can be made from neat paper strips. The following materials will be needed:
- thick paper of any shade you like;
- sharp scissors;
- glue.
Let's consider the manufacturing procedure step by step.
- Cut 12 strips of paper. The width should be 1 cm and the length should be 20 cm.
- Fold 2 strips crosswise, glue in the center.
- Add a couple more stripes vertically. Bind and glue.
- Join the corner strips together. You will have half the snowflake ready. Make the second half in a similar way.
- Finally, glue the 2 halves together. Expand each 45 degrees. Fix the loose stripes with the corresponding corners of the petals.

From pasta
To make such a snowflake, you need to prepare:
- pasta of various shapes;
- glue;
- acrylic paints;
- brush;
- decorations (sequins, sparkles, imitation of snow).
Now let's highlight the procedure for making this unusual snowflake.
- For convenience, it is recommended to stack all pasta in a large, flat plate.
- Place paper on the table to avoid staining anything with the glue solution.
- Before starting work, think carefully about the shape of the future craft. Choose more durable options that won't fall apart.
- Once you have worked out the shape of the product, you can glue it. Better to use Moment glue.
- First glue the inner circle of the snowflake. Allow the glue to dry in this small part to strengthen the structure.
- Next, glue the next round part.
- After finishing gluing, leave the pasta snowflake for a day.
- Then you can paint the craft. Use white acrylic paint. Gouache won't work.
- Decorate the pasta snowflake with any decor you like, for example, a scattering of sparkles.

From plasticine
An original snowflake can be made from plasticine. Let's highlight the main stages.
- Choose the right shade of plasticine. Remember it in the palms of your hands. Divide into 6 servings. Make small sausages out of them.
- Fasten the blanks together in pairs. Form tourniquets.
- Construct a hexagonal snowflake from 3 bundles.
- Remember a little more plasticine of a darker shade.
- Make an elongated and thin thread.
- Cut the clay into small pieces.
- Build 7 spiral components and some thin tendrils.
- Place one spiral piece in the center of the snowflake, and fix the 6 others between the rays.
- Fasten a thin "mustache" of 3 pieces, attach a craft to each of the ends.
- Then the craft must be sent to the refrigerator shelf so that it freezes there.
The snowflake will look interesting and non-standard.

Decor ideas
Any snowflake - both simple and intricate - can be easily decorated with a variety of decorations. Due to such additions, crafts become more original, attract more attention. Consider what such products are often decorated with:
- applications - snowflakes with various applications will definitely attract a lot of attention;
- color combinations - snowflakes look bright (for example, paper ones), which combine 2 contrasting colors, it can be an elegant thing in the form of an accordion;
- inserts in the center - you can get an original snowflake if you design its central part in a non-trivial way: sketch the face of a Snow Maiden or Santa Claus in it;
- sparkles - a scattering of sparkles on the surface of homemade snowflakes can give them a unique look, from the side they will seem soft and fluffy.
There are many ways to decorate cute homemade snowflakes. Each master himself chooses an interesting solution that he likes more than others.
As a result, very effective and expressive decorations can be obtained, which are difficult not to pay attention to.

Beautiful examples
Crafts that are the result of paper cut or art such as plasticine can be very unusual in appearance. With such decorations, the home becomes fabulously beautiful, hospitable and filled with New Year's mood. Let's look at some good examples.
- Funny and fluffy specimens can be made from thick threads of different colors. To make the crafts even more cute and attractive, you can depict funny faces with eyes and lips in their central part. All the components for decorating such crafts can be found in stores where everything for creativity is sold.

- Fancy snowflakes are made from pine cones. In the center of such products, you can glue small snowflakes obtained by sculpting from dough or plasticine. As a result, the product will turn out to be both elegant and non-trivial.

- Who said that pasta snowflakes always look childishly ridiculous? If you approach the manufacture of such a product wisely, it will turn out to be elegant and stylish. For example, the finished structure can be additionally painted with silver paint and used in one snowflake with details from different types of pasta.

- Many craftswomen prefer to make beautiful decorations using dough. If you work with it correctly, the result is aesthetic and practical jewelry. These can be miniature homemade snowflakes with a cut out center.
They can be painted with shiny blue or bluish paint, and fastened with a loop at the top.

- You can fasten together counting sticks or cardboard strips for the base for gluing additional decor. As the latter, an unexpected material is suitable - small buttons. You can take specimens of different shades of blue and glue them on all surfaces of the frame base. The center can be designed with a round or any other (for example, square or rectangular) part.

How and what to make a snowflake, see the next video.