DIY steampunk craft ideas

Steampunk is becoming more and more popular - and not only among young people. Moreover, it can be applied in almost all areas. This can be reflected in clothing, jewelry, room decoration. This style is good in that you can create any decor item with your own hands, especially since there are many ideas for steampunk crafts.

What can be made from papier-mâché?
The scientific discoveries of the 19th century related to steam energy gave birth to this style. He found wide application in art, which led to the creation of fantastic things, sometimes reminiscent of a time machine created from bizarre mechanisms.

It should be remembered that steampunk is a mixture of antiquity and progress, new and old, an opportunity to bring together seemingly incompatible elements. All this ultimately allows very original things to be “born”.

For aspiring creators, you can choose something that is not too difficult. But if you decide to make a work in the steampunk style with your own hands, then, in addition to the basic tools and materials that will definitely be needed, you will have to acquire no less important items, which include:
- nuts, screws, nails;
- all kinds of gears;
- old locks and keys;
- pieces of metal of different shapes, wire;
- any metal things (even an old iron and scissors will do).

In general, you can not limit your imagination to anything. Sometimes a glance at a completely ordinary object is enough to present the whole future picture as a whole: how the object will look, what place it will take, what materials at hand can be used to create it.

In the process of creating interesting things, you can sometimes use papier-mâché as a base. So, you can sculpt a volumetric ball (suppose it will be a globe), and then decorate it with all sorts of details and even try to designate the main continents. In conclusion, cover certain areas with special paints that imitate any metal surfaces, with their help you can even artificially oxidize the metal or reproduce rust.

The easiest and at the same time fascinating option to try your hand at a new kind of creativity is to take a papier-mâché mask and make the necessary decor. It is necessary to act in a certain way.
- First, we cut out pieces of arbitrary shape from foamiran, pierce (on some) holes, these pieces will imitate iron fragments in the future.

- Next, we glue them onto the mask, place wheels, gears and various parts from a cardboard chipboard on top of this coating. We arrange them arbitrarily.

- Then we use metal fittings, we supplement the space with nuts, rivets.

- When the surface is ready, it should be covered with black paint. Then we take acrylic paints of different colors and apply to different areas, for example: blue, brown, green.

- Then we use gold acrylic to mark the iron plates, some areas can be treated with silver.

These are just the basic steps. But the mask can be perfected endlessly, experimenting and trying out your ideas. The mask can be split into two and decorated in different ways.

Wood crafts master class
Homemade wood products are easy to do. You can think of the most original things. When you understand the principle of making things in a similar style, you just need to turn on your imagination. You can make any panel, using a wooden board as a basis. From gears, cogs and other objects, you can create any object, be it a car, motorcycle, butterfly or bird.

A box will be a good decoration for any room or an original gift. Let's consider how to do it, choosing, for example, a marine theme.
- We take a regular piece of wood. This can be purchased in a specialty store for creativity, as well as other items that you may need.

- We cover with black paint, glue several flat sticks to the right side. On top we put gears of different sizes made of cardboard. We do this over the entire surface.

- We glue octopuses and other details. All of these templates can be purchased at any art store. If you have the time and desire, you can make them yourself from cardboard.

- We cover some areas with textured paste with marble chips. Next, you need a 3D gel. We apply it to the remaining areas.

- Cover with black paint again. Next comes blue acrylic. We paint over the box with them, paying special attention to the protruding elements.

- Sprinkle the surface with dry paint of the same color. Add a bronze sheen using a spray.

- Metal elements (gears, numbers, key, lock) cover with black paint.

- While they are drying, we process the box with wax of different colors, highlighting some of the elements.

- Then we glue the prepared parts on the box. Jewelry can be chosen to your taste.

How to make a piece of jewelry?
DIY decoration is not so difficult to do. For example, you can create a metal pendant. Even without using maximum imagination, you can attach a key, a lock to a chain (copper or silver), attaching a couple of gears to them. If necessary, you can cover with a special paint for the effect of aging or rust. Owls can be made from the same gears by attaching them to each other and gluing eyes from pebbles or beads.

Jewelry can be made not only of metal - leather, black satin and even feathers will do. For example, everyone can make a headband for themselves.You just need to take a strip of leather, sew an elastic band into it, stick feathers on the leather surface, sew metal elements.

It is just as easy to make a bracelet. Satin ribbons are sewn to a wide piece of leather (these will be strings). A massive metal brooch is attached to the central part of the bracelet. It’s very good if you can find such an old thing in your grandmother’s chest.

We create a picture
Everyone creates a steampunk painting based on the general design and their own desires. The principle is still the same. You should pick up metal objects of different types and sizes, prepare a wooden frame with a cardboard base. Next, you can stretch leather on the cardboard, spread a layer of papier-mâché. You can simply paint the cardboard with black paint and attach the products to it.

As in the case of the mask and the box, we place objects on the surface, but not in a chaotic manner, but adhering to the plan. It depends on what we want to portray: a car, a motorcycle, a tree, a butterfly, a bird. Here you will have to show only your imagination. Next, you need to cover the surface using acrylic paints, sprays with a copper or silver effect.

The frame can also be decorated with steampunk elements, or simply made it black, copper or silver.
For information on how to make a steampunk car (panel), see the next video.