How to make a New Year's wreath on the door with your own hands?

A tree and a Christmas wreath are rightfully the symbol of the New Year. Christmas or New Year's wreaths are made from a wide variety of materials, from natural to glass and metal decorations. These can be cones, branches, Christmas tree decorations - balls, beads, garlands, bells and pendants.
At New Year's markets, you can find many options, but it is much more interesting to make such a decoration with your own hands. In this case, the element of the New Year's decor will become not only an ornament, but also a great gift to family and friends, which will warm with the warmth of the soul and love.
The tradition of Christmas wreaths was born thanks to a Lutheran theologian from Hamburg who came up with a way to teach children how much time is left before Christmas.
This happened in 1839, when, putting the cart wheel on the table, decorating it with fir branches, he put 19 red candles and 4 white ones inside. The red ones meant weekdays and the white ones meant Sundays.

What materials will be required?
To make a New Year's decor with your own hands, you need a base - a circle that will keep its shape. It can be a thick wire, a circle made of thick cardboard, harvested in the fall and fastened in a circle branches - dried in this form, they keep their shape perfectly. Thermal insulation for pipes from the Izodom series copes well with this role. These hollow soft tubes of various thicknesses hold their shape well, are lightweight and resistant to natural influences. The work will need tools and material for the wreath itself.
- Thermal gun, glue sticks, scissors.
- Coniferous branches, cedar, pine and spruce cones.
- Satin ribbons, tinsel, Christmas beads and balls (the smaller they are, the more beautiful they will look in the composition).
- Decorative rowan berries and twigs, beautiful and aromatic spices - cinnamon sticks, star anise fruits. Anything you want to use as decoration.

How to do it yourself?
For a wreath of cones, you need to prepare the cones themselves.... Having discarded the defective ones: with broken off scales, rotten, crumpled and simply ugly, the cones are washed in warm water, then boiled, dried well. Dried buds are dyed or bleached. For lightening, many advise using whiteness, but practice has shown that the tool is almost powerless and capable of lightening in 1-2 tones.
If you want to make the buds light yellow, you need to use bleach for wood - it is called "Frost", although there are others. You can also make the buds snow-white by dipping them in white paint. During the time while the cones dry, you need to prepare the base - a circle.
The easiest way is to cut 2-3 circles of the desired diameter from cardboard, fasten them together with a glue gun, and glue the burlap on top.

- You should not immediately start attaching the decor to the base. First you need to lay out and see how it will look from the outside: add something or change places. Making a holiday accessory with your own hands means the opportunity for many options. Having decided on the design, you can start fixing the decor.
- First, you need to glue coniferous branches, preferably spruce or fir, with short needles, then the cones will solo in the composition... Do not stick it on often, they are needed, just as an accent. A wreath in which all branches have the same direction looks elegant and stylish.
- After that, they begin to fill the voids with cones, trying to do it evenly.... If cones of several varieties are available or dyed in different colors, they are placed symmetrically relative to the center.
- Then bright accents are added - Christmas balls, fastened together or separately, beads, decorative rowan branches, berries. The work will be decorated with a satin ribbon bow, a pendant with bells, snowflakes. The composition can be intertwined with a silver or gold cord, add cinnamon sprigs.

It is important to remember the main idea - the bumps. They should not get lost under a layer of jewelry - overloaded decor looks heavy and sloppy. A tinsel wreath is made much easier - the base is wrapped in tinsel, the turns are straightened around the ring evenly. The choice of tinsel depends only on preferences, the main thing is not to forget about an important principle. The longer the pile of the tinsel, the larger the base diameter should be. Having prepared a tinsel wreath, it's time to start decorating it.
- Wreath neatly intertwined with satin ribbon a contrasting color, a decorative bow is made at the bottom, to which a pendant with bells or a bunch of Christmas balls is attached.
- Full diameter distribute the prepared decor - cones, balls, cinnamon twigs, star anise stars.
- On tinsel of a dark color: green, blue, purple, gold and silver colors look appropriate. On a light background, red, blue, green paints look more effective. All this is attached with a glue gun, thin knitting wire, threads.

A wreath of balls always looks unusual, catchy and mesmerizing, but the balls should be in the same color scheme, but the sizes may be different. Making such a wreath is not difficult at all from a wire hanger purchased from a fixed price list.
- Separate the hanger with pliers and form a circle.
- String balls on wire trying to distribute them evenly around the circumference. A glue gun or tape will come in handy as assistants to secure the balls. The entire diameter must be filled tightly so that the balls do not bunch together.
- Having filled the circle, connect the ends of the hanger, wrap the hook with a suitable color tape... The hook must be slightly bent towards the back so that the wreath hangs freely, without bristling to the side. The Christmas wreath of Christmas balls is ready.

A wreath of spruce branches has a unique aroma and beauty of a living forest. To attach the branches to the base, you need a flexible dark-colored wire. The branches are carefully fastened to the base, screwing them with wire and laying in one direction, florists do it clockwise. Having formed a lush and even wreath, they begin to decorate. There are no limits for imagination - you can use ribbons, spices, dried oranges, etc.

The decor is formed evenly over the entire diameter or compositionally.

There are several ways to properly hang a wreath on the front door of your house. Attach an adhesive hook to the door. A light wreath can be "planted" on double tape. Hang on a satin ribbon, secured to the top of the door leaf.
Ready ideas
A wreath made in mono compositions or sustained in one color scheme looks beautiful. It can range in color from silver and blue to dark blue and purple. The wreath can be made in the form of a star or a candlestick. There are unusual ideas when a large coniferous wreath lies on the floor and serves as the basis for a New Year's composition.

For information on how to make a simple New Year's wreath on the door, see the video.