Preparing and conducting a New Year's party in kindergarten

New Year - an amazing holiday filled with joyful expectation of a miracle. Adults look forward to happy changes, and children are happy that kind Santa Claus will bring gifts and give a fairy tale. With the onset of December days, a hot season begins in kindergarten.

Children learn rhymes and songs, parents sew carnival costumes, and teachers come up with a festive scenario. In order for the New Year's party to leave only positive emotions, it is worth learning about the peculiarities of preparing and holding New Year's holidays in kindergarten.

Features of preparation
Preparations for the New Year's event should begin one and a half months before the holiday evening. At the preschool educational institution, preparation for the New Year takes place right in the classroom. The teacher tells the children interesting stories about the New Year's holiday and its main characters - Santa Claus and his granddaughter Snegurochka. Children will learn that Santa Claus and Snegurochka will rush to them from Veliky Ustyug in a frisky troika and bring gifts to everyone. But dear guests should be met in a beautiful room, in the middle of which there will be an elegant Christmas tree. Educator invites the children to make Christmas decorations themselves, draw pictures on the relevant topic, make applications.

While the educators talk about the upcoming event, the music worker of the preschool educational institution writes a New Year's script. He thinks over the theme of the holiday, decides which characters will be involved in the production, which games will be included in the festive program. The music worker assigns roles. He is also responsible for staging dance numbers and chooses songs that will sound at the New Year's party.

Almost all children are invited to “please grandfather” and learn a rhyme. As a rule, this is a small quatrain that vividly reflects the fabulous mood of the holiday. Children are not tortured with long rehearsals. Due to their age, it is difficult for them to concentrate on the long-term performance of one task, and the joyful expectation of a miracle is replaced by boring study. That's why educators repeat rhymes with children in their usual activities.

In the festive bustle, be sure parents are involved. Educators report on the theme of the New Year's partyso that moms and dads have time to make or buy a carnival costume.
Parents together with the children make decorations that will be hung on the walls of the group. Sometimes parents are asked to take part in the celebration by playing one role or another.

Scripting topics
The script for the New Year's holiday is written for children of different ages. For example, for crèche and junior group a short game program with the Snow Maiden and Santa Claus is suitable. These guys will be delighted with the fairy-tale characters who have come to congratulate them on their favorite holiday. Game and dance moments are unobtrusively intertwined in the plot.
However, the main burden in this scenario lies with the educators: the children are still too young to take an active part in creating a festive atmosphere.

For kids middle, senior and preparatory group are created scenarios with good and bad characters.
Children 4-6 years old take an active part in the festive scenario: recite poems, sing songs, participate in dance numbers and scenes. For the senior and preparatory groups, reading contests are organized. The winner is the one who reads the poem with beautiful intonation and expressive gestures.

Often the scenario involves search for a hero, without whom the New Year will not come. Sometimes the guys have to spend most of their time looking for the staff of Santa Claus, without which the miracle will never happen.
A magic wand, an invisible hat, a flying carpet, a magic book, and a sword become mandatory attributes of the performance. The entire scenario unfolds near a Christmas tree decorated with colorful lights.

Favorite subjects for older children - "Cinderella", who needs help to go to the New Year's ball, avoiding the intrigues of the evil stepmother. "Nutcracker", who fights with the Mouse King so that he will leave the toy town alone forever. The guys need to help the goodies and earn the full approval of Santa Claus. "Evil Hero" in the person of Kikimora, Leshy or Baba Yaga, in every possible way, prevents the onset of the New Year. In the course of the script, the guys "re-educate" the fairy-tale characters, convincing them that doing good deeds is much more pleasant.

A similar plot applies to the script "Baba Yaga's Tricks". A harmful old woman arranges one trick after another, trying to disrupt the holiday. Either he will take away the staff from Santa Claus, then take the Snow Maiden away, or enchant the faithful grandfather's helpers. And again, a sincere desire to rectify the situation and celebrate the holiday comes to the rescue. As a result, goodness wins, the evil heroes remain with their noses, and Santa Claus wishes everyone a Happy New Year and presents gifts.
The holiday ends with a common round dance around the Christmas tree, without which no New Year's ball is unthinkable.

Carrying out in different groups
The duration of the New Year's party is largely related to the age of the children. Whether for the initial group there is a New Year's performance, for the second or for the first - the scenarios will always be different. And educators have to take into account a number of organizational issues. It is worth considering in more detail the features of the New Year holidays in different groups.

In the nursery
Kids from 1.5 to 2 years old come to the matinee only in the morning. The holiday itself lasts no more than 20 minutes. If the celebration stretches out in time, the kids will get tired, capricious and will not enjoy the New Year's performance. Typically, there are two educators present at this event. One is a disguised Snow Maiden, and the other is the familiar “Marya Ivanovna”.
The presence of a familiar person will calm the baby, and they probably will not recognize the make-up teacher.

There are no bad characters or heavily made-up characters in the nursery scenarios. Even the appearance of Santa Claus is undesirable. He is a kind old man, but a small child sees in front of him a huge grandfather with a large stick and an immense sack. Most children get scared, and instead of positive emotions, you will get a loud roar, strong fright and a persistent aversion to theatrical performances.
A number of kindergartens refuse to invite parents to a holiday for the little ones. At the sight of their mother, the kids begin to ask for pens and forget why they were brought. Without parents, the guys calmly have fun, play, and then happily run towards moms and dads.

Two-three-year-old kids already realize that they are at the New Year's holiday. However, the holiday lasts no longer than 20-25 minutes, and the scenario for this age group should not be overloaded with emotional events. You cannot add scary characters like Baba Yaga, Wolf, Leshy. Santa Claus can still scare the kids too. In order for everyone to have a pleasant impression of the holiday, it is worth making the Snegurochka the main heroine of the holiday and inviting the kind inhabitants of the forest: a squirrel, a bunny, a chanterelle. The roles of fairy-tale characters can be performed even by children from the senior or preparatory group.
The Snow Maiden leads a round dance with the children around the Christmas tree, examines the Christmas tree decorations with them, listens to their poems and sings a song about the Christmas tree with them. She also conducts the simplest games under the Christmas tree.
For example, the Snow Maiden turns on the music, and the guys dance around the Christmas tree. As soon as the musical accompaniment turns off, the children should run up to her or to the inhabitant of the forest.

In the youngest
At 3-4 years old, children become active participants in the New Year's holiday. However, it is better to hold an event for the younger group in the morning, when the children are especially active. The event itself lasts longer - 30-40 minutes. Therefore, the script includes various competitions, songs and poetry readings.
Santa Claus with a huge bag of gifts becomes an obligatory hero of the holiday. The screenwriter adds one or two negative characters, who do their best to dirty Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden.
Parents become obligatory guests and participants of the holiday. Moms and dads can not only sit as spectators, but also take part in contests and games.

In the middle
At 4-5 years old, the program for children's matinees becomes noticeably more complicated. Now the guys not only learn rhymes and songs, but also participate in dance numbers, and some are even involved in scenes.
Much attention is paid to the disclosure of talents, because parents remain the main spectators. The guys know that their dads and mothers will watch them, so they try to make a beautiful and interesting performance.

In senior
At 5-6 years old, the New Year's party takes place within an hour... Often this event is held in the afternoon. The plot is created on the basis of a fairy tale that is familiar to all the guys. Often, music workers write a script based on modern fairy tales or cartoons. Indeed, at this age, the guys strive to imitate their favorite characters.
The roles of the children are distributed in such a way as to show the talents of each child. Someone dances, someone sings, someone tells a rhyme, someone learns a scene. The number of fairy-tale characters is increasing. Only now the roles are fairly divided between educators and children. As contests, active games are organized like "catch-up", shooting "snowballs" or "who will be the first to succeed"... It helps the guys throw out their energy and have a lot of fun.

In preparatory
The New Year's holiday for 6-7-year-old children differs little from the New Year's celebration in the older group. As a plot, the music worker takes a fairy tale, cartoon or a movie that the children love. In addition to the Snow Maiden and Santa Claus, modern characters can also come to them. For example, Captain Jack Sparrow from Pirates of the Caribbean or The Hatter from Alice in Wonderland.
Since the guys are already big, the script can be written as quest... Children will have to demonstrate their ingenuity and ingenuity in order to go through all the stages and find a thing without which the holiday will never take place. To solve the code word, they will have to guess riddles and charades. Fairy-tale characters will refuse to help if they do not read a rhyme, dance or sing a song.
Such a holiday will be remembered for many years and will leave many pleasant memories.

Tips & Tricks
There are several recommendations for educators, thanks to which the children's party will go off with a bang.
- It is necessary to interest the child in the upcoming performance.
- In 1.5-2 months it is worth preparing for the event: learning the material with the children, picking up toys for contests, discussing options for treats for a sweet table with parents.
- Don't forget to honor the duration of the event itself, the pace of performances and alternation of performances, and the ratio of adult to child participation. This will create an organic program without overworking the kids.
- You need to write the script so that it can be changed.
- It is worth considering where the children and parents will sit, how to arrange the music.
- It is necessary to take into account the characteristics of each child (fear of loud sounds, flashes of light or sudden darkness).

Organization of a children's party - a voluminous task, so it is worth involving parents in the case. Mums and dads can make sure that the kid learns a rhyme or makes a craft for the Christmas tree. Only then will it be possible to create a holiday that children and parents will remember for many years.
For an example of a New Year's party in kindergarten, see the following video.