Organization of New Years celebrations in schools

New Year is perhaps the most beloved and most massive holiday in our country. According to the established tradition, children love him most of all - for them he is associated with a fairy tale, and not at all with organizational issues, as it might be for adults. The school, as a place where a large number of children gather and an institution that takes on the responsibility of organizing the leisure of its wards, has no right to ignore the New Year's celebrations.

The New Year at school should be spent at least because a good school is not limited to lessons alone - she is obliged to give the child a certain socialization, to provide him with a stage for the informal disclosure of his talents and abilities, and simply to cheer up on the occasion of the holiday. Nevertheless, for many children of school age, the holiday in the bowels of the "alma mater" does not cause violent delight. It is important to understand that this attitude is most often caused by the mediocre organization of the event.
A significant part of the organizers forgets that the concept of school age is extensible. Some schools do a common activity for all their students and they miss the mark. You need to understand that at every age the child perceives the festival in its own way: it is enough for the pupils of the lower grades to show a vivid theatrical performance and distribute sweets, while older children no longer believe in a fairy tale, they will be bored.
For this reason, it is most reasonable to organize separate events, dividing visitors into several age groups, united by common interests.

Hall preparation
Often, the school sees its primary task as actually teaching students, overshadowing the celebration. You can still do the same with the first and last calls, but here You cannot treat the New Year like that - this is the main holiday, which, moreover, traditionally has a peculiar atmosphere. In no case should you let the children understand that the New Year is everywhere, except for school, and inside it there is only a pitiful imitation of it.
When decorating a hall for an event, in most cases, the organizers stop at primitive and banal solutions: at best, some Christmas tree is complemented by a couple of garlands, as well as several "rain" ribbons on the walls and simple snowflakes in the amount of several pieces.
It is important to understand here that if you cannot afford truly unusual and interesting decorations, then the emphasis should be made at least on the fact that there are really many of them.

Children themselves can and should take part in decorating the festive hall. They have labor lessons, which in some modern schools take on the outlines of a farce, when throughout all the years of study, children are engaged in useless applications. The school should provide useful knowledge, and decorating the room for your own holiday is, of course, a benefit. Labor teachers should show their wards how to cut the same snowflakes - even if they are not ideally beautiful, they will be able to decorate all the walls and even put them under the Christmas tree!
If any of the students offers their own vision of how to decorate the hall, a good idea should not be framed, but, on the contrary, should be encouraged. You can even introduce a special creativity competition for the New Year - those students who come up with and independently create the most interesting New Year's decorations on the wall or on the Christmas tree will be given sweet prizes. At the same time, it must be remembered that non-participation or loss in the competition should not create a feeling of inferiority in the child - everyone should have the right to participate, the very attempt to do something useful and beautiful should already be approved.

Program for high school students
It is much more difficult for older students to organize a good New Year's event than for toddlers - high school students are, in principle, more demanding, they can no longer be surprised by the atmosphere of a fairy tale. On the contrary, they may find the program too "childish" disgusting because of their unwillingness to seem small. At the same time, they are already more ready to take a direct part in the writing of the script.
Teenagers do not want fairy tales, but they want it to be fun - which means that performances are permissible, but they must be put in a modern way. As a result, even an old and completely ordinary fairy tale in a new version can appeal to the audience.

Teenagers tend to compete with each other, because some kind of competitive program for the evening is required. At the same time, the emphasis should be placed on the team quest, where the team is recruited in a random way, because it is in adolescence that children first begin to understand that teamwork is very important. It's good if the chosen competition is funny, but the framework of the rules must be set so that the winner does not get a reason to be overly proud of himself, and the loser does not feel resentment against the background of defeat.
It is necessary to compete in impractical things, it is undesirable to measure children by strength, intelligence, and so on. KVN is perhaps the most competitive option for such gatherings.

New Year's ball
On the occasion of the holiday, teenagers definitely need a "party", and the carnival is a surprisingly successful combination of a fabulous atmosphere and a classic disco. The big plus of the ball is that children of their age are unlikely to get to a similar event anywhere else besides school. Here they will have the opportunity to show themselves in the best costumes, look at others, communicate in an informal setting and dance.
Again, the event can be further transformed into a masquerade to increase the attractiveness of the event. Today it is not difficult to buy dozens of different interesting masks and get used to someone's role, and teenagers will definitely like the likelihood of not recognizing their own friends.
Labor teachers can work with students on the eve of the holiday to teach them how to make masks or other elements of the costume on their own.

"Field of Dreams"
In recent years, the former popularity of this well-known television game has somewhat dropped, but they stopped watching it on TV, and in fact, even proud high school students will not refuse to participate in it, and even for sweet prizes. Of course, a complete analogy with the TV version will not work, since there is hardly a full-fledged drum at school, but you can replace it with a drum from the "Twister" or pull pieces of paper with a written number of points.
Such a solution looks uncommon and allows to involve a large number of participants - both players and spectators who are rooting for “their own”.

Organization of a holiday for elementary grades
Organizing a holiday for primary school children is both easier and more difficult. It is easier to convince them of what is not, it is easier to make an indelible impression on them with a fairy tale, but for preschoolers and primary schoolchildren they will have to try on the decorations - they simply will not recognize the New Year without bright colors and a miracle.
In addition, children's events involve only limited participation of the audience - they themselves, in the role of actors, are unlikely to be able to perform in such a way as to interest peers.

Holding a matinee for children of preschool and primary school age is mandatory - if Santa Claus and Snegurochka were not at the event, then the New Year will pass unnoticed and only cause disappointment. Such a holiday inevitably requires the participation of adult actors. The children themselves can participate in it only as spectators who are briefly invited to the stage. - not a single student of the 1st grade will agree to participate in the holiday only as an actor, without the opportunity to contemplate the majority of the program from the outside.

Christmas tree
If for high school students the Christmas tree is rather a symbol and theoretically it can even be artificial, then the kids perceive it no less solemnly than Santa Claus himself! The festive tree should be impressive in its size - fortunately, in the case of short babies, the task does not look difficult at all.
When decorating a tree, the organizers are simply obliged to focus on making the toys and decorations as bright and colorful as possible - for children from elementary grades, holidays are always associated with "carnival" decor colors.

After a certain solemn part, the kids definitely need active games - they cannot sit still for a long time and will be delighted with the opportunity to frolic. Santa Claus is not supposed to do this because of his age, but the Snow Maiden at the end may well offer a small game program with outdoor games.
In games for the little ones, as a rule, there are no winners and losers, which means that there should be no prizes - instead, after the game, you can distribute sweets to all participants.