All about scenarios for children for the New Year

For each of us, the New Year is a time when all people are waiting for surprises and wonderful celebration. Both big and small become wizards and sorceresses: they prepare gifts, decorate the house and a green guest from the forest. How to make these days unforgettable? A holiday with the family is a great solution: adults and children can play together, show their talents, enjoy communication and preparation.

Features of preparation
With the advent of children, the daily routine of the family changes. Weekdays and weekends are built taking into account the schedule of the day of the baby and those that are older. This also applies to celebrating the New Year, which is now being held at home.
For young parents, such innovations often cause a feeling of discomfort - after all, they will have to stay at home and miss the bright impressions, the opportunity to chat with friends.
In order to spend these days with your family, we propose to organize a magical performance by yourself, using your imagination, a little time and work.

Preparing a children's party will delight the kids and help adults switch from everyday activities. Parents know their children better than anyone else. If the arrival of guests is planned, this should also be taken into account.
For example, it is not recommended to invite a large number of visitors to a family where the child is very small - such an event will not bring joy to the baby. Let only your closest relatives or friends be invited.

A few tips.
- Better to plan and script the identity in advance. A plan is drawn up in the family circle, and advice from younger ones is accepted on an equal basis with older ones.
- Write a list of guests, including both adults and children.
- Discuss home decoration, festive menu, taking into account the preferences of the guests. Find out from the parents in advance what foods are prohibited and what the child who comes to visit is dreaming about. And of course, pick and pack your gifts.
- Be sure to take time for children's games, choose them so that children of different ages are interested. Adults must take part in this process. Holiday contests, quizzes and even the usual hide and seek will cheer you up and erase the boundaries between ages.
- Help the preschooler choose an outfit, discuss clothing options with the younger students. For the masquerade, if scheduled, the costumes are prepared in advance and kept secret from the rest of the participants.
- Free up space around the spruce, a round dance is one of the New Year's traditions. Why not have fun dancing around the forest beauty!

When planning to organize a New Year's holiday, it is necessary to decide whether Santa Claus and Snegurochka will be invited to it. It is important to remember that animators for young children should not be as noisy and groovy as for older audiences. A stranger in a bright suit with a white beard can cause shyness in the baby and even scare. How long the communication with the fabulous guest will be depends on the baby's reaction, his willingness to make contact and interest in what is happening.
When preparing, one should take into account both the age of the participants and the time allotted for the action itself. The smallest are encouraged to play a small but most important role. If you plan to invite Santa Claus, then, of course, he will give gifts. Dad, grandfather, a family friend in a sheepskin coat and with a beard will not create the atmosphere of a fairy tale - even kids will easily recognize a familiar face. Mystery and gives a unique charm to the main day of the year.
You can do without the snow grandfather, for example, say that Santa Claus came in and left a bag with gifts. To do this, you need to sew a large bag of fabric of a suitable color, decorate and put gifts in it.

A well-thought-out plan and a pre-prepared scenario for children for the New Year will help to successfully organize and conduct the event. In the vastness of the Web, there are options for different ages. Interesting to come up with your own suggested. Roles and cues are handed out, taking into account the age and abilities of each. Let everyone present prepare and be involved.
Choose unexpected ideas for the event so that it doesn't look like a matinee in kindergarten or a Christmas tree in a puppet theater. It is better for the kid to make a chamber evening without fireworks and unnecessary noise. Young children quickly get tired of a large number of impressions; you can try to combine active and calm activities.

Interesting ideas
The best option is to prepare a flexible program in which all the main points of the upcoming celebration are spelled out, and several additional fragments to them. The main action sometimes ends quickly, then a pre-prepared list of contests and games will come to the rescue.
Usually, the scenario consists of a plot, played by 2 leading characters, and several modules, including tournaments, competitions and contests. For the little ones, it is better to limit themselves to a small show with a round dance around the fir tree and presenting gifts, which will smoothly turn into their usual games. For schoolchildren of 8-12 years old, a more active and complex event will be required - a masquerade, a quest, theatrical scenes, or even a small performance.

If children of different ages take part in the action, it is recommended to select assignments and tasks according to age. For kids, it will be reading a rhyme, guessing riddles, imitation of the movements of fairy-tale characters to the music, for example, how a grandfather pulls a turnip or a bunny jumps through the forest.Older children are given tasks on logic, questions on intelligence and outlook, you can offer to independently stage a well-known fairy tale in the format of an action movie, comedy, melodrama.
It is important to involve everyone so that a cheerful mood fills the whole company.

For the holiday, which will be arranged at home, they are preparing more thoroughly. They decorate the rooms, decorate the place where the event is planned. For a short concert or performance, they make an impromptu scene, and for a masquerade they create a mysterious atmosphere. Guests are warned in advance and special invitations can be made.
For the costume ball, each participant prepares a costume, a funny story from the life of his character or a number. For a concert, they offer to perform their favorite song or a scene from a film, and the audience needs to guess the artist or film.

Or you can split into teams and arrange a competition to see who cuts snowflakes better, puts on a snowman suit faster, tells the most unusual story. For winning the contests, they are presented with a sweet prize - marmalade, cookies.
Invite the children to complete the quest in search of the bag of gifts that Santa Claus left for them. Having solved the first task, the guys find the next one and so on up to 6 levels. These can be verbal riddles or pictures and even photographs in which the place of the next task is encrypted.
A festive table for children is also part of the celebration. We need to decorate it and make it unusual and memorable.

Going out for a walk with the company of preschoolers and younger students is an adventure, especially if you are going with the whole family. Walking in the fresh air strengthens your health, and New Year's entertainment in the yard or in a country cottage is an active and fun pastime.
Modern children spend too much time in the virtual world, and sometimes there is no time for live communication. How do you like the idea of celebrating a holiday without television and the Internet, far from the bustle of the city? Dress up a Christmas tree in the area, decorate a porch, build a fire or arrange fireworks. It is important not to forget anything when leaving home for the holidays.
Here, in the open air, you can have a fun disco around the Christmas tree, in which everyone dances. Or you can split into two teams and arrange a competition to see who blinds the best snowman or builds a fortress, sings a song, wins a snowball fight.

It is a good idea to role-play, but you should assign roles in advance and negotiate the rules. Imagine yourself as astronauts on an unfamiliar planet. Night sky, LED garlands, white snow will create a suitable decoration. Or let space aliens fly to conquer planet Earth on the day when earthlings completely lose their vigilance and stay to celebrate the New Year. You don't have to go anywhere, but, for example, go to the skating rink, ride down the hill. Joint walks in the park or in the yard are diversified with games, introducing an element of competition. Funny contests or forfeits will come in handy here.
After fun in the cold, it will be nice to return to home comfort, warm up and gather at the table. Then the whole family can play in the "Field of Miracles", relax and chat. Anyone can take part, and the host will distribute questions, prizes and chocolate coins. Then put the kids to bed and wait for the chimes at the table with friends and family.

In other places
You can also hold a children's Christmas tree where many children often gather:
- in the center for extracurricular activities;
- at school (general education, music);
- in kindergarten;
- in library;
- in the gym.

Participants are selected to help the organizers lead the show. They are assigned a role, given words and rehearsals. With the rest of the guys they learn a funny song or offer to break up into teams: come up with a name, a motto, draw posters for a support group.
It's a great idea to have a travel game or quiz about the traditions of the holiday.For example, how the New Year is celebrated in the countries of the world: France, Spain, Denmark, Poland and others.

An offer to prepare a theatrical performance for children may appeal to friends and colleagues. It can be shown in a hospital or an orphanage.
A script for a theatrical performance is easy to find on the Internet. The performance "Silver Arrow" - about the adventures of fairy-tale heroes in modern realities will cheer you up and charge you with a positive. The game program for preschoolers and junior schoolchildren "New Year's Fun" will not let you get bored. Among the many existing options, they select and create the one suitable for a particular event.

Coming up with a program
The plot of the scenario can be different, it remains to fill it with a game program. Even if the planned event takes a short period of time, filling it with contests and small games will be a great solution.
- "Who has a better tree." Christmas trees are cut out of white paper and distributed to each guest. Distribute blanks, pencils and markers, glue and glitter. Offer to decorate the tree. The best Christmas tree is awarded the first prize.
- "Owl on the hunt." They choose the driver, he becomes an "owl". The rest depict different animals of their own choice. After the word "Day!" all participants move and have fun. The presenter says: "Night!", And everyone freezes. The "Owl" flies out to hunt, carefully observing each one. The one who moves, laughs, loses - he becomes the driver.
- "Bring the snowball." Two representatives from different teams must race to one place. Everyone has a spoon with a snowball in their hands (this game is great for the street). The one who turned out to be faster and did not drop the snowball won.
- "Shooting with snowballs". Prepare the target. On the street, there are real snowballs, but indoors, the shells are crumpled out of paper and thrown, trying to hit the basket. Whoever has more hits on the target, he gets the title of "Most Aimed".
- "Blind the Snowman". From plasticine, two people must mold a snowman. Each uses only one hand, the other is tied behind the back: one has the right, and the other has the left. The whole process is given about 5 minutes, it depends on the age of the participants. Several pairs compete. Whoever coped faster and better won.
- "New Year's auction". It is proposed to name items related to the winter holiday in turn: snow, spruce, Snow Maiden, gifts, and so on. Whoever could not think of the next subject ends up playing.
- "Congratulations". They offer to come up with congratulations for each other. The text must begin with the letter given by the presenter. For example: on "P" - "Joy, success, health and happiness to you and your family next year."

An entertaining quiz on the theme of the coming celebration will make you laugh and let you learn a lot of interesting facts. A sample list of questions and answers:
- Youlupukki, Per-Noel, Babbo Natale are ... (Santa Claus).
- That in winter it is never the same? (Snowflakes).
- In which country was the spruce first dressed? (In Germany).
- What if a person meets New Year's Eve alone? (They put an empty device).
- What does Santa Claus ride? (Sleigh pulled by three horses).
- Homeland of the Snow Maiden? (Kostroma).
- What is the favorite dish of the Snow Maiden and Santa Claus? (Ice cream).
- When did the New Year begin before Peter I? (September 1).
- What is the Russian traditional dance near the fir? (Round dance).
- What gymnastic trick is the Earth performing by the beginning of the coming year? (Turnover).
- Why was it customary in Russia to tie the legs of the New Year's table with a rope when they sat down at it? (They did it so that next year the family was friendly and not separated).

For information on what games to play with children for the New Year, see the next video.