We create a script for the New Year at home

When the New Year comes, everyone feels like a child waiting for miracles and magic. And even if age leaves its mark on us, sometimes dropping to the ground, any person is able to make New Year's Eve memorable and bright, create a small miracle for their children, preparing a script for the New Year.

Features of preparation
For many, New Year is still a holiday of food, where mom and dad cook an excessive number of dishes on the eve, later try to feed themselves, children and relatives with all this and watch programs. It is unlikely that today such a scenario is needed by anyone, except for the owners of supermarkets, hastily calculating profits from sales.
Of course, it is not always possible to go somewhere and celebrate the beginning of the year in some other way, but even a home evening with family and close friends can be transformed.

So, digressing from the list of products for salads, it's time to write a script for the New Year at home. Any holiday should be organized in accordance with:
- for whom this event will be held in the first place;
- how many people will be present at the celebration;
- age category of guests;
- what areas will be provided for the implementation of ideas.

Spending the New Year in a family circle where there are children, it is most reasonable to adapt the holiday to them by making a children's New Year's scenario. In addition, during the celebration, it is recommended to conduct joint games that are suitable for both adults and children. Games for funny wishes or board games will help adults to spend time with their children with genuine interest.
Depending on the age, available space, specific games are selected for the company.
So, for older guests, funny games are invented at the table, for the whole family - more active ones that require movement, for children - various games with alternating high and low mobility.

Where to begin?
To become an organizer of the New Year at home is a responsible and honorable mission, because each of the guests wants to celebrate the holiday cheerfully. In addition, the celebration itself will always not go quite according to plan, somewhere improvisation and humor will be required, somewhere the cancellation or adjustment of competitions. It will be easier for the organizer to navigate and adapt it to the wishes of the guests in the plan prepared by himself.
You should start drawing up a plan for a future holiday at least a month in advance. In the event that the company is going to be large enough, it is most reasonable to share the responsibility for entertainment with the most active guests. Making joint efforts to this task, it will not be difficult to determine the main theme and idea of the whole celebration.
The theme of the script for the New Year can be multifaceted and depend on the age of the guests and their desires. Its main goal is to personify the meaning of the holiday, its essence.

When the idea is ready, you can start drawing up the future scenario. The organizers advise you to complete it in two copies:
- brief;
- full.
In a short scenario, it is necessary to lay the "backbone" of the whole holiday, to determine what period of time the guests will sit at the table, on the street, and during what period outdoor games will be held. This chronology of events will help you stick to your basic plan of action, even if you have to improvise.
After quality preparation of the foundations of the holiday, it's time to move on to a detailed and complete plan. Feast, dance, every competition - everything should be described in this guide to realizing the perfect New Year.
It is important to note that contests, master classes should be maximally adapted for different age categories. So, "adult" jokes, obscene language should not touch children's ears, and children's creativity and crafts should not be imposed as a compulsory occupation on the older generation.

Interesting contests and games
In every friendly family and company there are a couple of any activities, but on the New Year's holiday, to which a whole night is devoted, you can diversify them with a selection of the most popular and fun games.
Pleasant surprises and surprises will become the highlight of this day for loved ones and relatives.

"The most elegant Christmas tree"
The most elegant Christmas tree is a fun competition that any child can handle and an adult will gladly take part in. To implement it, the organizer will need:
- Christmas tree patterns made of white cardboard or thick paper in an amount equal to the number of guests or teams;
- colored pencils and markers;
- voluminous New Year stickers;
- decorative clothespins.
At the command of the host, the guests decorate the Christmas tree for 10 minutes, painting and complementing it with "toys". The winner here can be the most creative Christmas tree chosen in the general vote.
When holding a competition for children, you can simplify the task and choose the winner based on the largest number of painted and glued decorations.

"Magic box"
Since New Year's Eve is considered the most magical time, everyone is waiting for gifts. It is possible to beat their receipt with the help of a kind and fun game "Magic Box". For its implementation, the organizer prepares:
- a large box with New Year's decoration;
- present.
A box with gifts is brought out to the guests, after which everyone is invited to guess riddles related to gifts. Example: "In the box that dropped into the river" (ball), "In the box for a nose warmer in the winter cold" (scarf), etc.
If the gifts are general and symbolic, prizes go to those who answer first.

"Take the prize!"
A fun competition for the speed of reaction will be interesting for both children and adults. To implement it you will need:
- stool;
- symbolic universal present.
The organizer reads out the rhyme clearly and loudly:
I will read for you now
This is a little story.
And when I say "three"
Take a present!
We caught a shark somehow,
It was opened, but inside
Small fish counted
And not one, but TWO.
Seven-year-old boy wishes
Be the most daring champion
Look, don't be cunning at the start,
And wait for the command one, two, SIX.
When you want to remember a rhyme,
Don't teach until late at night
Read it to yourself
Once, twice, or better FIVE!
Recently train at the train station
I stood for three hours and waited.
Why didn't you take a gift,
Or do you need to read it again?
Participants must have time to grab the present from the stool after the organizer says the word "three". If the present was captured ahead of time, the guest who took it is eliminated, and the remaining guests continue to check the speed of their reaction.

"Merry Nonsense"
The competition is an interpretation of the famous children's play "nonsense". The moderator takes turns giving out notes with answers and questions to the guests, who read them aloud. Questions may vary depending on the age of the guests.
Examples of questions:
- Do you wander at night?
- Do you eat fish with milk?
- Are you mean and rude?
- Do you like walking backwards?
- Do you like to gossip?
- Do you eat at night? etc.
The funnier the question is, the more fun the game will be.
Examples of responses:
- I love it;
- occasionally, I'm joking like that;
- exceptionally sultry nights;
- only when the wallet is empty;
- exclusively alone;
- if you don't have to pay for it;
- away;
- I have dreamed about it since childhood;
- no, I am shy and modest;
- of course a good idea, etc.
Such a competition is notable for its lightness and simplicity, and therefore is perfect for guests who do not know each other very well.

The theatrical competition will demand artistry and courage from the guests. The guests take out the cards with tasks from the host.
An approximate list of tasks:
- show the moonwalk;
- walk like Leontiev;
- depict a woman walking home after work, etc.

Music program
Music is an important element of the holiday, because sometimes it is music that can fill awkward pauses, give happy moments of easy dance, and liberate guests. It should be selected according to the age of the guests. So, people born in the 90s will like the hits of that time, such groups as Hands Up, Virus2, and the disco of the 80s will be a pleasant surprise for the older generation. Despite the fact that the holiday is most often prepared for children, it is not worth focusing only on their preferences; it is enough to leave a few tracks for a specially organized children's disco.
New Year's compositions also take place, but they should not be turned on all the time, but on the eve of the New Year under the joyful clink of glasses.

When a company is selected that is different and unfamiliar, experts in organizing a holiday advise you to select popular hits that are known to everyone. Cheerful and unpretentious compositions will relax guests, preparing them for joint games.
It is most sensible to prepare music for the holiday in advance by separating a special folder for it. The volume of the soundtrack should be moderate, not interfere with conversations, but at the same time be heard.

Holiday theme ideas
The themes of the New Year delight with their diversity, among them you can find both traditional and modern scenario.
A cool and creative New Year's Eve can be arranged by decorating a house in the style of a Hawaiian party. Flowers, fruit cocktails, shorts and T-shirts will be a good solution for a holiday with friends. In addition to the flower arrangement, for a Hawaiian party, you will need a palm tree that you can decorate with garlands and other accessories. You can make it from scrap materials.Santa Claus and Snow Maiden can also be dressed in light colored clothes.

Celebrating the New Year in a karaoke room is perfect for children and adults, helping to liberate and reveal talents... Meeting the New Year at such a celebration should be accompanied by light and small snacks, which are convenient to have a bite to eat between tracks.
Before the holiday, you should take care of high-quality karaoke equipment, a good microphone and a disc with a large number of songs in different genres, including funny children's hits.

A funny and childishly naive holiday can turn out using the theme "New Year at Hogwarts". Magic paraphernalia, robes, neon sticks, magic contests, dishes cooked in bowler pots - all this will help create a unique atmosphere in the Potter style.
Don't forget about Harry Potter's magic beans with garlic flavor and other surprises, Lupine's chocolate, pumpkin juice and butter beer.

A good mood and careful preparation, the help of family and friends will help transform the home space into a New Year's Eve, making it real, kind and cheerful. A thoughtful holiday will remain in the memory of relatives for a long time, delighting with pleasant memories.

For a scenario for a New Year's party at home, see the next video.