New Year's table setting

Traditionally, the most ambitious and beloved holiday is the New Year. That is why preparation for this celebration begins several months before its immediate onset. Buying gifts, preparing a festive menu and decorations, and planning New Year's table setting is what all housewives do in December. Today in our article we will talk about how to properly set a festive New Year's table, what general principles should be followed and on the basis of which it is recommended to choose a color scheme.

General rules and signs
Festive new year table Is an integral part of the winter holiday. In order for it to become a real decoration of your evening and make a good impression on everyone present, you need to carefully and responsibly approach the serving process.
At the same time, it is not at all necessary to seek help from specialists in this matter - you can set the table for the New Year yourself at home.

However, in order for you and your guests to be satisfied with the final result, you should adhere to a few simple rules and recommendations.
- If you believe in signs and other supernatural phenomena, then experts recommend in the process of setting the table pay special attention to the Eastern calendar... So, depending on which year is coming, your serving will change (this may concern the colors, items that may or, on the contrary, should not be present on the table, etc.).

- In order for the table setting to look truly festive and solemn, it is not recommended to use disposable plastic dishes, cutlery and tablecloths.
If possible, place high-quality items (such as crystal or porcelain) on the table.

- Serving should be done in stages.... So, first of all, you need to arrange the plates, glasses and cutlery, and only then do additional decoration and arrangement of accessories. In addition, the tableware itself should be selected according to the size of your table: avoid placing large plates on a small table and vice versa.
Take care of the comfort of your guests in advance - each person should have a sufficient amount of personal space.

- In the process of serving, adhere to all the traditional rules, however, first of all, focus on the guests. So, for example, if you are going to celebrate the New Year with your family, it is recommended to avoid excessive officialdom. On the other hand, if you are hosting high-profile guests, try to create the most strict and traditional atmosphere.

- In the process of decorating and serving your table make sure that all the elements used are well combined with each other.
If one of the items does not fit into the overall range, then it is better to remove it so as not to spoil the overall impression of your "creation".

- Be sure to use the principle of moderation. Sometimes the hostess, trying to impress her guests, uses extraordinary colors or non-standard decorative compositions in large quantities. This intensity can create a feeling of luridness, which will negatively affect the overall atmosphere of the holiday.
By adhering to the above rules, you can create a festive and magical atmosphere. Your guests will remember such a bright celebration for a long time.

Color combinations
When choosing the color scheme of the New Year's table, you can build on various factors: year according to the Eastern calendar, personal preferences of the hostess of the house, the desire for tradition, etc. Consider a few popular ideas for color combinations for New Year's table setting.
- Gold and silver... These metallic shades can be combined with each other or used separately, while separating them with white. They will add solemnity and festivity to your New Year's table. It should be borne in mind that it is recommended to use such shades with the utmost care and moderation.
So, for example, you should not put gold dishes on the table, while using a tablecloth in gold tones, and at the same time set the decorations in the same color palette. Stick to the traditional rules of aesthetics.

- Green and red... The combination of these colors is traditional for decorating the New Year's table. At the same time, it is recommended to choose shades of green and red of the same intensity - thanks to this, one of the colors will not attract more attention to itself than the other.
In this case, it is appropriate to use live spruce branches for decoration, which are a symbol of everyone's beloved New Year's holiday.

- Gray and white... If you are not a fan of a riot of colors, then it is not necessary to sacrifice your personal preferences for the holiday. You can also decorate the New Year's table using the minimum number of flowers. So, for example, strictly, but at the same time, the combination of gray and white looks stylish.
Use shades of beige and brown for a more homely and cozy atmosphere.

- Turquoise, light blue, blue... Many housewives prefer to decorate their festive table in turquoise, blue or blue shades. Such colors can symbolize new beginnings (which, in fact, is the New Year). A New Year's table in these shades looks fresh and interesting.
In this case, you can use several shades of blue (turquoise, blue) at once to create a certain depth and volume of your serving.

- Black and white. At first glance, the combination of black and white in New Year's table setting may look somewhat aggressive and inappropriate. On the other hand, the choice of such a color scheme allows you to dilute the overall decoration of the table with additional details and accessories in saturated colors and shades.
In addition, this combination is classic and will look like a win-win in almost any case.

Thus, when choosing a color scheme for decorating a New Year's table, you can not be afraid to show your creativity and individuality. In this case, it is advisable to rely not only on your personal desires, but also on the tastes of the guests who will share with you the celebration of the New Year.
Choice of dishes and appliances
The choice of dishes and appliances should be approached as carefully as possible. This rule applies to serving plates, glasses, forks, knives, etc. In this case, the universal principle, as already mentioned above, is the fact that the choice should be given only to the highest quality products.

For two
If you are planning to celebrate the New Year with your significant other, then this should be reflected in the style of your festive table setting. In this case it is recommended to use the most romantic style. The main decoration can be candles... Depending on your individual preferences, you can choose more traditional tableware options (round and oval plates) or, on the contrary, experiment and find unique options (for example, the main course can be served on a heart-shaped plate).
At the same time, do not forget that the devices must correspond to the style of your choice: they can be both classic silver and more original (for example, have a bright color or an unusual shape).

For the company
In the process of setting a table for a large company, the first thing you should pay attention to is available amount of space... Carefully calculate how many guests will be at your event, and also correlate this number with the size of the table itself. Already depending on these characteristics, you can choose the size of the plates. They shouldn't be too small anyway, so you may need to purchase a new table.
In addition, it is very important that the dishes and appliances are identical for each guest so that you do not get the false impression that you want to offend or highlight someone in particular.

Decor and textiles
The most important role in decorating the New Year's table is played by such additional elements such as decor and textiles (napkins, tablecloth, etc.). At the same time, depending on your desires and capabilities, you can purchase such additional jewelry in a specialized store or make it yourself with your own hands at home.
The most simple DIY decor options include paper or cloth napkins (they can be folded in different shapes: for example, in the shape of a Christmas tree), and compositions from ready-made independent elements.
Such stylish accessories will make your festive table truly unique and will make a lasting impression on even the most sophisticated guests.

Traditionally, the New Year's table is decorated with one central composition. This could be:
- small artificial or live spruce;
- transparent container with decor (for example, fruits, Christmas tree decorations, beads, etc.);
- fruit compositions (most often citrus fruits that are topical in the winter season are used);
- Garland;
- candles, etc.

In addition to the central composition, you can make small decorative souvenirs for each guest: for example, these can be small crafts in the shape of a snowman or Santa Claus. It would also be appropriate tie the guest's glass or napkin with a festive ribbon... You can also decorate the chair beautiful textiles.
When choosing a tablecloth, keep in mind the fact that it should not be the central and accent element of your overall serving. On the contrary, it plays the role of a kind of canvas on which you are already building your main "picture".
That is why it is not recommended to select textiles with a pronounced pattern, the most preferable in this case are minimalistic options.

Examples of beautiful table setting
In addition to tableware, decor and textiles, an important role in serving and decorating the New Year's table is played by that foodthat you plan to serve. Your a festive banquet can be decorated with slicing fruits or vegetables, unusual main dishes or original desserts. Let's look at some good examples.

Thus, we can conclude that table setting is a separate art form... Table decoration is especially important on holidays, for example, in the New Year. If you think over the general concept well and choose the right decor elements, you can create a magical atmosphere of a fabulous holiday that your guests will remember throughout the year.

For information on how to arrange a New Year's table, see the next video.