Funny New Year's contests for entertaining a small company

To make the New Year's celebration fun even for a small company, you need to include funny contests in the planned party. Since a professional toastmaster is expensive, you can prepare the entertainment part of the event yourself.

Preparation for competitions
The preparatory part is very important, because half of the success depends on it. First of all, you need to collect all the necessary props, which will be useful for contests. It is recommended to arrange things in advance in different packages, in each of which put a piece of paper with the name of the competition. This is necessary in order not to waste time in the process of searching for the desired item among the general mass.

If there is time, it is better for the organizer of the competitions to rehearse them.
You can come up with some original jokes. And it will also be useful to think about which competition to invite this or that guest to participate in. For those who are shy, it is better to leave some contests aimed at erudition, for example, remember the name of New Year's comedies or something like that. Those who are bolder should be rationally attracted to participate in competitions where you have to joke, sing and dance.

You can buy small souvenirs as prizes: symbol of the year, chocolates, sparklers, firecrackers, calendars, garlands and much more. It all depends on the allocated budget and imagination.

Top entertainment
There are many fun contests out there that will be relevant to almost all age groups. They can be held both at home and in a restaurant. The most fun and popular contests include Masquerade, Parodist, Forest Deer, New Year News, and Artist.

This is a traditional competition held during the New Years celebrations. It will require the following props:
- a large package - you can take a "T-shirt" from a hypermarket;
- various clothes;
- funny music compositions playing 60 seconds.

Participants of the competition stand in a circle. In the center is the presenter in his hands with a large bag, in which the prepared clothes are folded. Moreover, the more varied the wardrobe, the more interesting it is.
Both outerwear and underwear can be folded into the bag.
As soon as the music turns on, the presenter closes his eyes and begins to slowly rotate around his axis. Other participants of the competition dance at this time without leaving the circle. As soon as the music stops, the contestants freeze. The presenter opens his eyes. The participant, to whom the presenter at this moment turned out to be face, must close his eyes, get one thing out of the bag and put it on. After that, the same actions are repeated. The competition will end as soon as there are no items left in the package. The longer the competition goes on, the more fun the participants' appearance becomes. Those at the table are watching what is happening.

This is a simple, budget friendly competition. All you need to do it are balloons, paper, a needle and a pen. You should prepare for the competition in advance, namely: write Happy New Year and Christmas greetings on pieces of paper. And also indicate the name and surname of a famous person whom the participant should portray when reading the congratulation. The papers must be put into balloons, which should be inflated immediately before the start of the event.

The essence of the competition is as follows - the host offers a needle to one of the guests. With its help, a person pierces the ball and takes out the inserted piece of paper. Having read the name of a famous person, a person should parody her and at the same time read a congratulation. The competition is suitable for both large and small companies.

"Forest deer"
A fun competition with such an ironic name. All those gathered at the table can participate in it at the same time. Guests need to split into pairs, each of which will contain "Santa" and "Deer". If the budget of the holiday allows, then each of the participants can be given headbands with horns and Santa Claus hats. These accessories must be purchased in advance from the store.

Improvised reindeer need to be blindfolded and a harness (this will require impenetrable scarves and long laces). To avoid injury, the harness, that is, the lace, must be tied at the belt. The team is driven by "Santa". In the hall, it is necessary to build a track of pins (as an option, you can use bottles or some other identical items). To cheerful music, all participants go out onto the track and try to pass it without knocking down the pins. The pair that gets to the finish line faster than the others wins.

"New Year's News"
There is one more table competition, which can be a participant of each member of the company. The original name is "New Year's News". This competition will also require a minimum set of requisites:
- paper;
- a pen;
- minor prizes (optional).
Previously, it is necessary to write sets of words on pieces of paper (three words on each piece of paper). For example, "sun", "sausage" and "Paris".

The papers need to be rolled up and put in a bag or in a hat. The jar with the notes runs in a circle. Each of the guests pulls out one piece of paper, reads the words and comes up with funny news from the next year (comic, of course). So, from the above set, you can compose the following news: "In the summer of 20, when the sun is shining, the production of the most delicious sausage will begin in Paris." There can be a lot of options.

Another fun and creative competition. Here, too, you need to prepare in advance. You should stock up on a few sheets of Whatman paper and markers. On whatman paper, you need to cut two holes for the hands.
The essence of the competition is as follows - the presenters stretch whatman paper in front of the assembled guests. A participant comes out, takes a marker, and puts his hands in the holes of the stretched Whatman paper. He is offered to draw some symbol of the New Year. It can be a snowman, tree, Santa Claus or something else. He's drawing. The essence of the competition is that the person himself cannot see the drawing. His work is contemplated by the guests sitting at the festive table.

Recommendations for
It is necessary to prepare in advance for the organization of holiday competitions. Since the point of competition is only to create a festive mood for everyone, there are some important points to keep in mind.
- If there is a person in the company, for example, with the surname Kozlov, you should not write the word "goat" on pieces of paper for the respective contests. You don't want the guest to feel uncomfortable.
- When organizing contests, you need to give guests a rest - to eat, dance, smoke.
- There is no need to do monotonous contests - otherwise they will make the evening boring and boring.
- If one of the guests does not want to take part, you should not "pull" him out of the table by force. It should be remembered that a person does not want to participate for personal reasons. It is not recommended to violate someone else's space.

If you take into account everything you need and prepare a few days before the proposed holiday, the contests will be fun and create a festive mood for the whole company.
See the video for options for New Year's contests for entertaining at home at the table.