Create a script for the old New Year

old New Year is not a public holiday in our country: working people do not receive an additional day off on this day, and some do not celebrate it at all. However, why deny yourself the pleasure of once again getting together with a noisy company of friends or relatives and having fun? After all, you can not just eat deliciously and chat, but arrange a real show or quiz with prizes, jokes, songs and dances!

Features of creation
It is not difficult to create a scenario for the old New Year - you just need to take some idea as a basis and develop it. To do this, you need to take into account several factors:
- persons of what age categories and what gender will be present at the holiday;
- in what format the meeting will take place - only friends, only relatives, or both will be invited;
- what will be the ultimate goal of the entertainment: awarding prizes for successfully completed tasks or just having fun with your loved ones;
- whether children will be present at the festival, and if so, how many, what gender and age; whether they will be ordinary spectators or will take a direct part in the event.

When we see off the old year on December 31, everything is more or less clear: champagne opens to the chimes, hundreds of salute volleys are fired into the air, we listen to the president's speech, wish each other health and happiness and continue the feast. What is the best way to celebrate the old New Year? Let's figure it out.

What to include?
So, we have decided on the composition of the guests, now it is necessary to develop entertainment program. Various elements can be included in it.
As a rule, reading rhymes by the New Year tree is the prerogative of children. But the old New Year is not quite an ordinary holiday, so you won't be able to just go out and read a poem. We'll have to write it!
We offer a choice of 2 options.
Prepared in advance picture cards - it can be cartoon plots, movies or simple scenes from life. The cards are shuffled like playing cards, and each one in turn draws one. The task will be to write a quatrain describing the image on the selected card.
You can also compete in writing haiku on the New Year's theme.

Haiku is a genre of Japanese poetry. Each haiku poem consists of 17 syllables, written in a column of 3 sentences per line. No haiku rhyme is needed.
Examples of beautiful New Year's haiku:
- Gift bag ...
Soon the chimes will strike -
Santa Claus is in a hurry!
- Christmas tree in the house -
Met with smiles ...
Needles aroma ...
- In a waltz whirling -
Eyes sparkle with happiness ...
New Year's ball ...
- Seeing off the year ...
Wonderful time ...
Changes are coming ...

Riddles can also be included in the "Old New Year" scenario. It is best to choose funny texts (but only without vulgarity, especially if there are children among the guests).
Here are some examples.
- It's not easy
You go looking for him.
All in doubt: to take, not to take?
Maybe look further? (present)
- Human growth,
The figure is super simple:
30: 60: 90 (snowman)
- Santa Claus ordered
So that he drove me a car,
Looked into his bag
And I found one ... (sock)

Remember New Year's Blue Light? What prevents you from arranging your own concert? Think about which artists (both ours, Russian and foreign) you would like to parody, make costumes, choose a song (if necessary, learn the words) and get ready to perform!
By the way, this is a good idea for both adults and kids. Kids in general will be delighted with the prospect of portraying their favorite artist and performing on a "real" stage in front of the audience to their thunderous ovation!
Of course, no one canceled the sincere drinking songs, especially relevant after a couple of glasses of strong drinks.

Contests and games
Perhaps one of the best ideas would be to organize the game "Field of Miracles". To do this, you need to create an impromptu drum, putting on the table cards with already familiar sectors - "Prize", "Chance", "Bankrupt" - and the points indicated on them. An ordinary water bottle can be placed in the center of the card circle - it is this bottle that will have to be rotated.

Prepare your prizes. Comforting and, of course, the main one. It is not at all necessary to spend a lot of money on them: in this case, your task is to participate and have fun, not win a million.
If we are already talking about popular TV shows, why not remember "The finest hour" or "The smartest", their essence is the answers to the questions asked at speed. The organizer prepares a list of questions in advance (you can divide them into categories so that the participants have something to choose from), and also thinks over such a moment as giving a sound signal, which means that they are ready to answer a question. For these purposes, you can purchase small squeaky toys so that you can click on them, or holiday cardboard pipes. For each correct answer, you should be awarded a paper star, snowflake or any other figure. According to the results of the competition, the person who collected the most of these badges will receive the main prize.

Scenario ideas
Perhaps everyone knows where this holiday came from - the old New Year: due to the difference between the Julian and Gregorian calendars when switching from one to another in 1918. Did you know that our ancestors - the Slavs - celebrated Vasily's Day at this time? And they celebrated cheerfully, on a grand scale! So why not take the idea from them?
We want to warn you right away: it will be possible to arrange entertainment in the Slavic style only if you have adequate neighbors, because in order to fully immerse yourself in the atmosphere of those years, you will have to use them, albeit a little.

First, think over and make masquerade costumes.
It can be outfits in the Old Church Slavonic style or any others, it all depends on your imagination. Further take baskets, buckets or bags and go out to "generous": sing funny couplets that attract prosperity and good luck to the house. This is where your good neighborly relations will come in handy - otherwise the holiday may not turn out to be fun at all.
Then move the whole noisy company into the courtyard, light a fire (small, purely symbolic) and start jumping over it! According to popular beliefs, this ceremony will cleanse your soul and help attract good luck in the coming year. In general, our ancestors did this on the morning of January 14, but in this case, it is not at all necessary to adhere to strict rules.

Now let's take a look at more highly specialized theme party ideas.
For kids
The best holiday for children is, of course, a theatrical performance with the participation of their favorite characters and the subsequent presentation of at least symbolic gifts.
Option to celebrate the old New Year in kindergarten - fancy dress production, as, for example, a fabulous villain (Baba Yaga, Koschey the Immortal, a dragon - but anyone!) stole the New Year, and now the Old, evil, with blizzards and blizzards will always reign. Of course, good heroes (the same Santa Claus and his assistants) help out the New Year, and order and peace reign on earth.

Suitable for older preschoolers option with superheroes from your favorite cartoons.
If you are planning a party at school, this can be fun. quest with treasure hunt. It is necessary to prepare the props, prizes in advance, to outline the boundaries of the territory for the search for artifacts. Schoolchildren are given a card with hints, and the game begins! The quest should take place under the supervision of teachers and with the obligatory control of compliance with all the rules.

For adults
Adults are the same children, just taller. And they also love to play and have fun. It does not matter in what format the celebration of the old New Year is held - a corporate party or home gatherings - you should thoroughly prepare for it.
You can arrange the same quest, only it is better to complicate the tasks or add funny contests, for example, who will clean the tangerine faster in woolen mittens.

For seniors
Most retirees appreciate a quiet pastime, without unnecessary hustle and bustle. But this does not mean that you need to sit in the corners and be silent while drinking tea with a cookie. Even people of older retirement age love games, although, of course, not so active. To arrange an evening of relaxation with parents and grandparents, purchase an exciting board game.
Best suited for these purposes:
- "Monopoly";
- "Lotto";
- "Friday";
- "Answer in 5 seconds";
- "Equivoki";
- "Firewood. Party";
- "Crocodile. Big party. "
You yourself will not notice when the initially calm game turns into gambling, and you definitely do not want to stop the fun!

For young people
Teenagers, as well as boys and girls of college age, are the very audience that, as they say, is for any kipish, except for hunger strike. Therefore, create for them a humorous entertainment program as easy as shelling pears.
Well, first of all, it can also be treasure hunt quest, however, it is best to make it themed: for example, take as a basis the computer game Mario, popular in the 90s, or the castle of Count Dracula. Quest participants will have to come in appropriate costumes.

Second, teenagers love dancing - so why not go with the whole cheerful company to a pre-reserved nightclub? By the way, some of these establishments often arrange costume parties and timed them to coincide with any holidays - and the old New Year is no exception.

And finally, thirdly, you can get together and ... tell fortunes! Yes, yes, do not be surprised, because it was the night from 13 to 14 January that our ancestors considered the most mystical of the year, and the girls gathered in companies and were engaged in solving the signs of fate.
Fortune-telling can be done both comic and quite serious. For example, go out into the courtyard in the evening and ask the men passing by their names. Who will call what name to whom - so that girl and her betrothed will be called.
Another interesting fortune-telling - using a saucer and a drawing paper... All the letters of the alphabet are written in advance on paper in a circle, the inscription is put on top: "Hello", on the bottom - "Goodbye", on the right - "Yes", on the left - "No". A new white saucer with an arrow drawn on it is placed in the center of the circle. Fortune-telling participants put their fingertips on the edges of the plate, the presenter (selected in advance) begins to ask prepared questions and write down the answers, which the "spirit" will give with the help of the saucer.

It is clear that when a noisy company of girls gathers, it is difficult to maintain a serious look, but during this fortune-telling it is forbidden to laugh and joke.
This is a pretty creepy way to celebrate the old New Year. However, if you really believe in mysticism and want to know the answers to exciting questions, the night of January 13-14 is the best time to ask them.

For an example of a script for the old New Year, see the video.