All about the design of the New Year's table

New Year is a magical holiday that every family celebrates. At the same time, any hostess strives to turn the New Year into an unforgettable celebration, saturated with vivid sensations and emotions, and therefore prepare for it in advance. At the same time, special attention is paid to the setting of the festive table (and this remains relevant, regardless of whether you are celebrating the New Year with your family or waiting for the arrival of guests). Today in our article we will talk about what options for setting the New Year's table exist.

Determining the color scheme
When choosing the color scheme of the New Year's table, you can take into account the eastern horoscope or build on your own wishes and preferences. Let's consider several popular options.
- One of the topical ways to decorate a table is use of white, silver and golden hues... In this case, the tablecloth itself should be white - in this case, all other color accents and shades will stand out against its background, it will play the role of a kind of "canvas". In combination with a white tablecloth, you can use silver or gold dishes, as well as cutlery. If you choose this color scheme, then it can be successfully supplemented with plain napkins without additional drawings.
As the main decoration of the table, you can use a small Christmas tree, which can be placed in a stylishly designed container in the middle of the table (for example, in a bucket).

- To decorate the New Year's table, many housewives choose red color scheme, as it looks quite solemn and festive.However, in this case, you should be as careful and accurate as possible - too many elements of an intense red hue can play a cruel joke. So, in bright colors, you can choose such serving elements as a tablecloth and napkins, while dishes and cutlery are recommended to be chosen in traditional restrained colors (for example, white plates and silver cutlery).
In addition, the table itself can be painted with additional red elements: for example, Christmas balls, ribbons and sweets.

- No less popular is blue-white-blue palette, which reminds everyone present that New Year is a winter holiday. When choosing this range, you can use snowflakes, snowmen, as well as white-painted Christmas tree branches as decoration. Thanks to this choice of serving, you can create a cozy winter mood for your guests. A variety of handmade napkins with embroidery, which combine the appropriate shades, are perfect as functional accessories in this situation. At the same time, appliances and dishes should be in white and silver shades, since these colors go well with blue and light blue.
You can use several shades of blues and blues to add depth and volume to your serving.

- If you want to create the most comfortable and cozy home atmosphere, then you should give preference warm shades such as brown. At the same time, there should be a large number of items made from natural materials (mainly from wood) on the table. So, for example, a vase with fir cones can become the main central decoration of the table. Housewives who choose this color setting often choose unusual cutlery.
You can choose natural wood products as panthers. Such serving will not leave indifferent any guest.

- Mistresses who are not attracted by luxury and pretentiousness prefer gray and white shades. A gray tablecloth with white dishes on it looks very elegant and minimalistic. You can also use gray napkins, silver cutlery, and glasses. Candles are often chosen as decorations when choosing this color scheme. You can also put Christmas tree branches or a vase with New Year's toys on the table as bright color accents. Thus, you will preserve the conviviality and solemnity of the atmosphere.

This list is not final. In the case of serving and decorating the New Year's table, do not be afraid to show your creativity and creativity. Experiment, combine unusual shades and create designer jewelry.
Thanks to the efforts, you can create the most unique and exclusive festive table that will make an indelible impression on everyone present at the holiday.

Serving features
When setting the New Year's table there are several key principles and characteristics to consider.
- The first thing you should do is choose and spread the tablecloth. This serving element will become the background of all your decoration, so its choice should be approached carefully and responsibly. So, give preference to tablecloths made from natural fabrics. In addition, keep in mind that in the bustle of the New Year, there is a high probability that the tablecloth will get dirty, therefore, it should be easy to clean and wash.
In this regard, disposable tablecloths are relevant, but they often look cheap and undignified, and generally spoil the overall look of the festive table.

- An original serving option can be created even if you are not expecting a large number of guests to arrive, but are celebrating the New Year together. (for example, with your spouse). Serving for two should be as romantic as possible.

- When choosing plates and cutlery, pay attention to the size of your table. So, a small table will not allow accommodating a large number of people, as well as large-sized dishes. On the other hand, on a large table, small plates will look somewhat comical and even somewhat awkward.

- An important role in the overall design of the table is played by the design of napkins.... So, for example, they can be folded into an unusual shape (the shape of a Christmas tree will be relevant for the New Year), they can also be placed on top of a plate, put on a ring, etc.
Remember that the design of the napkins sets the overall mood for the rest of the table setting.

- Before placing additional decorations, design elements and accessories on the table, you need to arrange a basic set of products (plates, cutlery and glasses). After that, you can estimate the amount of remaining free space and, taking into account this characteristic, choose decorative details for decoration.

Variety of decor elements
It is quite simple to decorate beautifully with your own hands and at home a festive table for the New Year. In order for the composition you have created to be as original as possible and attract the attention of guests at home, different decorations should be used: moreover, they can be made independently (for example, from products) or purchased in a store. Today in our article we will look at ideas on how to properly decorate the New Year's table.

Filled vases
The most popular decorative element of the festive table among housewives is a variety of filled vases. They are simple enough to create, but they look impressive. It is recommended to give preference to transparent vases, as thanks to glass, guests will be able to see everything that is inside the container.
So, for example, Christmas decorations (most often balls), cones, branches of coniferous trees, fruits, candies, etc. can be used as filler.

Citrus fruit
It is impossible to imagine the modern New Year without an abundance of citrus fruits on the table. That's why tangerines, oranges and lemons can become not only a pleasant delicacy and dessert, but also a real decoration of your festive table. In addition to the fact that citrus fruits will look appropriate during the feast, they will also emit a pleasant aroma.
Tangerines and oranges can be placed in a transparent vase, create an unusual composition from them (for example, a tree) or individually laid out in front of each guest - the choice is yours.

Candles and garlands
Candles and garlands represent traditional christmas decorations - with their help, you can create the desired cozy and homely atmosphere. An unrivaled aesthetically pleasing arrangement can be created from candles placed in the center of the table. In this case, you can use both thin and long candles in candlesticks, and larger candles, which are initially sold in special containers.
At the same time, it is very important to choose such candles, which will not emit too harsh aroma, as it can spoil the experience of the dishes you cook. Accordingly, it is better to choose non-flavored products. As for the garlands, they can decorate the central composition (for example, surround a vase with filling with a garland, or even put a bright accessory inside the vase). Alternatively, you can arrange colorful garlands all over the table.

Coniferous branches
From coniferous spruce branches, you can create an excellent central composition for a festive table, which will be especially appropriate on this winter holiday. So, for example, they can be put in a vase, while forming a kind of bouquet from the branches. Also (at your request) you can create an unusual composition or craft.

Christmas balls
Surprisingly, Christmas balls can decorate not only a coniferous tree, but also a New Year's table. So, for example, in the center of the table, you can create a miniature of a Christmas tree (for this you can use coniferous branches or a small artificial tree), which you can decorate with small, but effective in appearance, Christmas balls.

Conifer cones perfect for decorating a festive table. They will perfectly fit into almost any color scheme you choose, give naturalness and naturalness to the overall decoration.
In this case, it is worthwhile to clean the cones in advance (if you collected them yourself in natural conditions) and make sure that they are completely free of dirt and dust, as well as insects. Remember that not only the aesthetic side is important, but also safety.

Cinnamon sticks
Cinnamon sticks go well with citrus fruits or apples. They can be folded together with fruits in a large glass vase - such a composition can become the central decoration of the table.
Cinnamon also gives off a festive scent (however, make sure no one is allergic to the spice beforehand).

Christmas wreath
Christmas wreath - classic decoration for the winter holiday. Moreover, it can not only be hung on the door, but also used for other purposes. So, for example, it can be laid out in the center of the table, and inside - put candles or lay out a garland.

Self-made bird nests can become a decoration of the New Year's table. What decor to use in this case depends on the general decoration of the table.

Sweets can serve not only as a dessert, but also a decorative function. If you fill a transparent vase with multi-colored small-sized candies and put it in the center of the table, then you will surely make a splash among the children present at the holiday. In addition, an unusual garland can be made from a treat.

Miniature Christmas trees
Small artificial Christmas trees can be placed around each guest. If you have a larger tree, then it can be the centerpiece of the table.

Bows - these are versatile Christmas decorations. They can be used to decorate glasses (for example, by tying a leg) or napkins (in this case, bows can be used as a fixer).
At the same time, keep in mind that these elements must fully correspond to the color palette you have chosen for the decoration of the festive table.

Small snowmen can be made yourself (for example, from cotton wool or foam) or purchased ready-made in the store. Wherein it is recommended to place them near each guest. Thus, you will create an individual decoration for each person present.
To give originality, you can use various elements (for example, for some snowmen you can create a hat or a scarf, for others you can attach a hair or a handbag, etc.).

As a table decoration, you can use such winter berries as juniper, viburnum, hawthorn, cranberries, sea buckthorn, etc.

Felt and paper decorations
Felt and paper items are usually quite bulky in size. So you have to calculate everything in advance so that they do not obstruct the table and do not overlap the dishes you have prepared... At the same time (provided they are used correctly and correctly), they can become a real hit and accent of your decoration.

Gingerbread decorations
Gingerbread is a classic symbol of the New Year. In many homes, making a gingerbread house is a real holiday tradition. To decorate the table, you can bake gingerbread sweets yourself or purchase them in the store.
At the same time, depending on your individual wishes, as well as the size of the table, you can choose large decorations that will play the role of a central composition, or smaller elements that will become a present for each guest.

Thus, the variety of decor options for the New Year's table will amaze the imagination of even the most sophisticated hostess. At the same time, when choosing specific elements, you should not focus solely on trends. - take into account your individual tastes, and also think in advance about the atmosphere that you want to create on a holiday.

In order for the final serving to make a positive impression on you and all the guests present, it is recommended to adhere to a few simple recommendations and expert advice.
- So, first of all, it is important to make sure that all the elements of your table setting match each other and go well with each other. Only in this way can you create a complete composition.
- Use a tablecloth, cutlery and plates only high quality. All elements should be made (if possible) from natural raw materials.
- Don't decorate your holiday table too intensely.... The fact is that an excess of decorative elements can make a negative impression on your guests and, in general, ruin the entire composition of the festive table.

Thus, as we were able to see that decorating the festive table for the New Year is a rather difficult and responsible task, which many housewives approach in advance. Depending on your individual desires and preferences, you can use traditional and classic decorating schemes, or show your creativity and create custom designs. One way or another, but with the right approach, your guests will not remain indifferent.
For information on how to arrange a New Year's table, see the next video.