When and how is New Year celebrated in America?

New Years celebration, which takes place annually from December 31st to January 1st, the American people originally adopted from their European neighbors. The popularity of the New Year holiday is not so great compared to Christmas, which Catholics have on December 25, but all the same, Americans always celebrate the change of the old year with a new one noisily and cheerfully. It is customary to celebrate the New Year in large companies, at street carnivals, in clubs, at friendly parties. Unlike Russians, Christmas is considered a family holiday for Americans, while New Year is a public holiday.

history of the holiday
The New Year has been celebrated in America since the 17th century, having adopted the tradition from immigrants from Holland - it was they who first celebrated this holiday in New York. Now in the United States, New Year is considered an official public holiday, which takes place on the night of December 31 to January 1, that is, it comes a week after Catholic Christmas.
A baby in a diaper is considered the symbol of the New Year for Americans. It is understood that this baby will grow throughout the year and by the end of December will become a gray-haired old man who will give way to a new baby, and with the arrival of the new year, the cycle of life will begin again. For the American citizen, the arrival of the new year means the opportunity to start a new life. At this time, people plan for themselves various goals and tasks that they would like to fulfill in the coming year in order to improve their lives.

The epicenter of festive events on New Year's Eve is Times Square in New York. It is there that the main Christmas tree of the country is installed and television broadcasts about all the festive events taking place there. An interesting feature of New Year's celebrations in America is the descent of the Ball of Time. At night, December 31, a minute before the start of the new year, it is lowered down the flagpole, and at exactly 00.00 hours it reaches its lowest mark, which marks the beginning of the holiday. This tradition was started back in 1907 and since then has continued in the United States every year, delighting Americans and foreign tourists with its entertainment. Each year, the design of the "Ball of Time" was improved, and it became more and more attractive, increasing in size.

Looking at New York, other US states also adopted this tradition and began to launch the Ball of Time in their cities. Sometimes, instead of a bright ball, they use a large acorn, a fruit, an animal figurine, a slice of cheese, a tennis ball, and so on. Today this tradition has spread throughout America and gives people a New Year's good mood and hopes for a brighter future.

Celebrating the New Year is not complete without Santa Claus, only in America he is called Santa Claus. But since Christmas comes on December 25, then already on these dates, right up to January 1, Santa Clauses walk the streets of cities and wish people a Merry Christmas and the upcoming New Year. The holiday of Christmas is considered more important for Americans - it is celebrated by all Americans, even those far from religious beliefs, with their families, for each person this is a very important and special date. But when the time of the New Year comes, Americans also joyfully celebrate this event, taking to the streets of the city, joining the cheering crowd.
Christmas holidays in America begin on Christmas Eve, that is, December 24, on the eve of Christmas... Then, on January 1, the United States celebrates the New Year, and already on January 3, the whole country begins to live in a normal work schedule. On average, the holidays last just over one week.
It is customary for Americans to celebrate Christmas quietly, solemnly and within the family circle. For everyone, this is a calm and bright home holiday, when loved ones get together and communicate with each other with pleasure.

New Year is not as important for Americans as Christmas, it is not celebrated on such a grand scale, just a tribute to the tradition of changing the old year to the new.
This festive event can well be celebrated in a club, in a casino, at a noisy party. Different from Christmas, December 31st is not a day off for everyone, and in some states people continue to work as usual - theaters, restaurants, shops are open, which allow them to spend this time outside the walls of the house. New Year's Eve is most loved by American youth, while older people prefer Christmas and rarely participate in New Year's street festivities. In some especially religious states, this holiday may not be celebrated at all, considering it an ordinary day.
And yet, for most Americans, New Year is it's a fun time for celebrations. 2 hours before midnight, a festive show begins in Times Square - music pop stars perform here, a grandiose laser show is organized, fireworks are thundering everywhere, tinsel and confetti pouring from a cornucopia.
Modern Americans love New Year's carnivals and noisy processions around the city, on this night young people do not sit at home - everyone goes out with pleasure and shares the general joy with each other.

Preparation period
A week before the New Year begins, you can meet Santa Claus on the streets and take pictures with him. This fairy-tale character creates a feeling of a holiday, but everyone receives the main gifts at Christmas, and on New Year's, people exchange small pleasant souvenirs. Santa Claus brings gifts and leaves them on the fireplace or windowsill.Most often, he puts gifts in a special red stocking or sock.
The period of the Christmas holidays, as the time from Christmas to New Year is called, is the most magical time of the year for America. The atmosphere of a fairy tale and a holiday is felt everywhere - houses and streets are very generously decorated with Christmas and New Year's paraphernalia. A sea of lights, glowing figures of elves, deer, gnomes can be seen in large numbers and at every step. Americans love to decorate their homes and streets. On every door of the house you can see a Christmas wreath entwined with ribbons, garlands of flowers, lights. Everyone wishes each other a Merry Christmas and New Year - such inscriptions are dazzling everywhere.

New Year's American traditions
On New Year's Eve, Americans listen the traditional address of the president to the nation with congratulations. Usually he sums up the results of the outgoing year and tells people about what plans they have to implement in the new year. On television and radio broadcasting these days, a Christmas selection of songs sounds, films with a festive Christmas theme are broadcast. On New Year's Eve, up to a million people gather in Times Square, who go to personally see the descent of the "Ball of Time", the process itself is broadcast on TV channels in America and even beyond its borders.
Traditionally, Americans sing an old Scottish song called "The Good Old Time" that evening. It talks about the good old days, about friendship and kindness. People are a little sad, saying goodbye to the passing time, and rejoice at the arrival of the New Year.

Celebrating the New Year in America has its own characteristics.
Festive table
Before the New Years celebrations begin, Americans organize a light dinner, but this evening they do not cook as much food as they did at Christmas... This evening on the table there are easy-to-prepare snacks, various sweets, fresh fruits. For dessert, the hostesses traditionally prepare rice pudding or sweet cake. On New Year's Eve, the traditional American alcoholic drinks are sparkling wine, champagne, brandy, or punch. As an appetizer, they put nuts, canapes, sliced cheese or ham on the table.

Preparations for celebrating Christmas in America begins in early December. One after another, large buildings, parks and squares dress up in festive decorations, garlands of street and square lights are decorated. Decorated windows of shops, cafes and restaurants contribute to the creation of a festive mood. On the central streets of cities, fluffy green spruces are installed, which are also generously decorated with Christmas balls and garlands.
Long before Christmas and New Year's Eve, Americans are decorating their homes. The facades of buildings come to life under garlands of lights, a Christmas tree lights up in the living room, a colorful Christmas wreath appears on the doors. People buy gifts and souvenirs for each other in advance, sew carnival costumes, come up with entertainment for children.
In the courtyard of the house, you can often see figures of Santa Claus, deer, snowmen and other fairy-tale characters.

Rites and customs
Americans have their own traditions that they follow.
- In the United States, it is not customary to give expensive gifts for the New Year. - at this time, people exchange small themed souvenirs with each other and congratulate them with postcards. One of the components of the New Year's holiday is preparation for it, therefore, traditionally at the end of November, the assortment of shops begins to dazzle with all kinds of gifts and souvenirs with a Christmas and New Year theme.
- Souvenirs Americans give each other generously - to relatives, friends, work colleagues, neighbors, acquaintances and even just strangers, with whom they found themselves on the street under the chime of the clock on New Year's Eve.
- Charity is quite common in America. During the Christmas holidays, many patrons help people in need, as well as donate financial aid and gifts to hospitals, orphanages.
- In the United States, there is a tradition of New Year's festive processions and carnivals, the most popular of which are the Pantomime Parade and the Rose Parade. These are very colorful and spectacular events that are broadcast on TV channels and are held on January 1. Costume groups take part in the parades, car platforms decorated with flowers and ribbons drive through the streets, music and congratulations are heard everywhere, you can see marching bands, an equestrian parade, performances by artists, acrobats, clowns, and so on.
- Traditionally, the day ends with a football match, which all Americans look forward to and attend in person or watch on television.
- Another New Year tradition in America is kissing the first comer, but this can be done only at the moment when the clock struck midnight on New Year's Eve. Under the thunder of fireworks, such a kiss, according to the old belief, will surely bring good luck to those who kiss and make the coming year happy.

All about the weekend
New Year in America is celebrated on January 1, so On January 1 and 2, people have a rest, and from January 3 they go to work.... On these days, public and private institutions, enterprises do not work, and transport operates in a special festive mode. As for December 31, in some states he is a worker, but in Michigan, Wisconsin and Kentucky there are holidays on the same day. In total, non-working days in the United States last no more than 10 days, starting on December 24 - Christmas Eve.

During the New Year holidays, shops in America are pleased with their customers, since these days are traditionally the most active shopping days. At this time, all retail outlets offer big discounts on their goods; in cities, on the streets and squares, Christmas and New Year fairs are organized, bazaars where you can buy any product, including farm products. Most often at this time, Americans buy souvenirs and sweets - gingerbread, honey candies, glazed nuts, and so on.
For how New Year is celebrated in America, see the video.