All about New Year and Christmas in England

Christmas and New Years in England are the biggest family holidays. They are usually celebrated in the circle of relatives and friends, recalling on this day about traditions that go deep into the past.

history of the holiday
New Years in England is very closely related to the past of the English people. Celebrating the departure of the old year and the beginning of the new year is a tradition that appeared a long time ago. But this day is not the main winter holiday for the British.
In the old days, the Celtic people began celebrating the beginning of the New Year at midnight on October 31, and ended on November 1, when the end of the harvest came. This holiday is called Samhain. It was customary to burn fires at night, because according to legend, life originated from darkness.

It should be noted that The Celts honored the spruce, considered it a symbol of the New Year and a very powerful magic tree. It was customary to stand around her and make any sacrifice to the forest god or spirit, so that he would treat people favorably throughout the year. Any animal was chosen as a victim. Its insides were hung on spruce branches as a token of gratitude, which became the prototype of various modern decorations.
However, when Christianity was adopted, all this was banned. Instead of entrails, colorful balls and garlands were hung on the Christmas trees.
As for Scotland, in this part of the British Isles, the New Year was called Hogmanay. During this period, it was customary to hold noisy parties. Everyone around drank and ate a lot, went to visit each other, and also burned huge bonfires. However, in the 17th century, English Protestants banned the celebration of Christmas in all parts of Great Britain, but the Scottish people were still able to maintain this tradition.Many believe that due to the ban on celebrating Christmas, interesting New Year parties have become quite popular. It wasn't until 1958 that Christmas was again considered a public holiday.

How and when is it celebrated?
Christmas is still considered the main holiday of the winter season in England, and New Year is just a continuation of the celebration. Officially in the UK, New Years and Christmas are celebrated on January 1 and December 25, respectively. Since these are public holidays, most of the shops are closed during this period. If we talk about weekends, then the days are very calm, public transport practically does not run at this time.
As for celebrations, people present gifts to each other, launch fireworks. Many English people have interesting parties.
This time is especially interesting for children, because their weekend starts too. The vacation lasts about 2 weeks, starts on December 22nd and ends on January 3-4.

Urban activities
Trafalgar Square is considered the centerpiece of all New Year's celebrations in England. A large number of people gather here to relax, as well as admire the Christmas tree. It was first installed in 1841 by order of Queen Victoria of England. Since 1947, the tree has been delivered here from Oslo. This is done in gratitude for the British soldiers helping to free Norway from the Nazis.
In addition to the usual celebrations, the New Year's parade begins on the square in London. More than ten thousand Englishmen, as well as people from different countries, take part in this unusual procession. The main participants are acrobats, clowns and dancers, most often they are the ones who open such celebrations.
For the first time, such a procession was organized in 1987. The parade begins from Piccadilly Street and passes through almost all the large squares of the city. Those who cannot participate in the procession can easily watch it on television.

How do they decorate?
Before Christmas, British commoners start decorating their homes. So, they use juniper wreaths with candles to decorate windows. Christmas Eve is called by many as "night of candles". Such a holiday is sure to be met with a Christmas tree, which is decorated with colorful toys, as well as garlands.
The rooms are hung with fresh spruce branches and various vegetation, such as holly, mistletoe and ivy. All decorations are not removed until the New Year.

What's on the table?
Most often, Christmas and New Year's dishes are prepared according to traditional recipes. Despite this, the menu is quite varied. Each house serves a large turkey baked with potatoes and chestnuts. All this is seasoned with white sauce. In addition, the main dish of the table can also be a goose. Many people bake fragrant meat pies and stew cabbage; most often Brussels.

Another important dish on the festive table is a round oat cake with a huge hole in the middle. If it burns or breaks, then this will be considered a bad sign. When it comes to desserts, the British are more likely to make pudding or apple pie. In some regions, delicious almond pie is baked, which is decorated with various sweets or fruits. When it comes to drinks, punch is preferred.

Customs and traditions
Christmas and New Year's holidays are almost always associated with interesting facts and traditions. So, One of these traditions is the chimes on London's Big Ben, because it is he who heralds the beginning of the New Year. The first chime of the chimes is barely audible, because, despite their huge weight, which is 13 tons, the clock is wrapped in a large blanket. Exactly at 12 o'clock, the blanket is removed, and the chimes strike in full force, which gives the start to the New Year.
It is worth noting that it is simply impossible to get on the chime tower at this time. Therefore, townspeople and tourists can only admire the clock from below.Together with the chimes, fireworks also start, which makes such a spectacle simply unforgettable.
People begin to hug and kiss each other, pour champagne into glasses. Even strangers are congratulated on the beginning of the New Year.

There is another interesting New Year's tradition in England. A couple who kiss under a sprig of mistletoe on New Year's Eve under the chimes will not quarrel for the next year, and will not part. Therefore, all couples in love come under Big Ben with a sprig of mistletoe.
All Englishmen are very fond of giving gifts to each other. However, they should never be expensive. Most often these are unusual mugs or fridge magnets, interesting books, key rings and many other cute trinkets. All gifts in the family are given by lot.
Children at this time with special trepidation await the appearance of Santa Claus... To do this, they hang socks prepared for gifts near the fireplace. One of the legends says that once Santa Claus climbed through the chimney, and gold coins fell from his pockets. They did not get into the coal, but into the socks, which were drying by the fireplace. This has become a tradition to hang up socks for gifts.

All the kids write letters to Santa Claus, in which they tell about their most cherished desires. To make them all come true letters must be burned before the holiday begins. This is done so that the smoke from the chimney gets to the kindest old man, and he can fulfill all cherished desires. In addition, it is generally accepted that Santa Claus delivers gifts on reindeer. Therefore, the kids try to leave various goodies for them.
There is another interesting tradition that simply cannot be ignored. On the eve of the New Year, it is necessary to open the back door in the house and release the Old Year. He must carry away all the bad things that happened. In addition, you need to open the front door to let in the New Year.
The tradition of the "first guest" is quite interesting and unusual. When the chimes are beaten off, everyone is waiting for the guest to appear, because he should bring not only good luck, but also wealth to the house.
It is accepted that it was a dark-haired young man with bread, salt and coal. He should throw coal into the fireplace, and only then can he begin to congratulate each other.

It is also important to complete all the work you have started and throw away all old and unnecessary things before the New Year holidays. In some regions, it is customary to burn a barrel of tar. This tradition allows you to get rid of all the bad things that have accumulated over the whole year.
All celebrations in England take place on a grand scale and fun. This is especially true for store owners. At this time, sales take place, which sometimes reach 95 percent. Thus, traders in a peculiar way congratulate the townspeople on New Year's holidays. All this attracts not only local residents, but also tourists.
In some regions of Great Britain it is customary to see off the old year with words like "black rabbits". And in the first minutes of the New Year it is necessary to call a white rabbit and say "white rabbits". It is believed that the rabbit is supposed to bring good luck.

In Scotland, it is customary to sing a song called "Auld Lang Syne" a few minutes before the New Year. Everyone should hold hands at the beginning of the song. After the chorus, you must cross your arms straight in front of you, and then give your left hand to the person on the right side, and your right hand to the person on the left side. This must be done with friends.
Summing up, we can say that Christmas and New Years in England are celebrated in a rather original and unusual way. Therefore, many people from other countries want to get there on the eve of the New Year holidays and see everything with their own eyes.

For how New Years are celebrated in England, see the next video.