How to prepare a New Year's quiz for children?

New Year is a wonderful family holiday, you can celebrate it in different ways. If the presence of children is planned, they need to be occupied with something, to interest them, to organize leisure. New Year's theme quizzes are a great pastime, useful, exciting not only for children, but also for adults.

Features of preparation
Quizzes are intellectual activities, they allow you to develop interaction and communication skills, interest children, train resourcefulness, self-confidence. Keep in mind that the character is a child, therefore, when making a plan, make the event as dynamic as possible. A New Year's quiz for children with answers should be thought out taking into account:
- age of the audience;
- individual abilities of children;
- topics.
Usually, children love and enjoy quizzes, but preparatory work is very important.

Choose only interesting topics - this is the key to success... At any age, fabulous contests are interesting, choose works by age, they must be popular, well-known. Otherwise, you can get into a situation where children quickly lose interest in a particular topic. If you are unsure of which literature to select, consider any list of recommended works for the appropriate age. Folk and author's, foreign and domestic tales and stories provide an abyss of material. Quizzes based on famous cartoons, children's films, both classic and modern, are very popular.
Do not get hung up on the theme of the new year, dilute the script with tasks of a different plan... Prepare well the place, the form of the contests, stock up on pictures with plots, riddles.A good mood will create an appropriate background music. Organize the space safely and comfortably, a good solution is on the floor, on the carpet. Move anything that is fragile or valuable away so you don't get into an unpleasant situation. There should be no equipment nearby that interferes with furniture.

Sample scripts
First of all, the children's quiz is a game, we must not forget about it. It doesn't matter what kind of audience you have in front of you - 5-6, 7-10 or 10-13 years old. They are all the same children. They shouldn't be bored, the loss of interest leads to the failure of the entire event.
Do not think too long contests, in 40 minutes or in an hour the children will get tired and the concentration of attention will decrease. To fill this time, 30 tasks or questions are enough, choose scenarios where tasks change: questions complement any actions.
Quizzes for children 5-6 years old are conventionally divided into the following sections:
- knowledge of fairy tales;
- knowledge of the surrounding world: flora, fauna;
- knowledge of safety rules: fire, traffic rules;
- knowledge of the seasons, their weather conditions.

For children from 7 to 13 years old, the same topics are available, but you can increase the level of complexity and add:
- knowledge of school subjects;
- winter sports events;
- knowledge of literary works from the program.

Fairy tales
There are a lot of contests on a fairy-tale theme, this is the most win-win option.
"Let's remember a fairy tale":
- the first task "Name a hero" - to name the main characters of a literary work, fairy tales "Frost", "Snow Queen", "Nutcracker" are suitable;
- the second task "We remember the hero" - you need to remember the winter fairy tale, where among the heroes there are a prince, a prince, a fox and other heroes;
- competition for the account, where you need to answer the question how many: months helped the stepdaughter to find snowdrops in winter, the merchant had daughters in the fairy tale "The Scarlet Flower";
- the competition "Name a fairy tale by letter ..." where you need to name as many fairy tales as possible for a certain letter, for example, "Щ" - "Nutcracker", "M" - "Morozko", "Moroz Ivanovich";
- competition "Magic food", where children name magic dishes and drinks from different fairy tales: a gingerbread house, jelly banks, living water, it is better to supplement this task with appropriate images.

It is not necessary to focus on the theme of the new year, a funny quiz is a great solution for a children's party. Be sure to complement serious moments with humorous ones. Think of these funny riddles:
- what subject do schoolchildren use instead of an ice-cream - a portfolio;
- why does a snowman have two waists - for hugs;
- what does not happen on PVC windows - frost blows;
- who the Snowman is married to - the Snow Woman;
- why Santa Claus sells gifts at matinees - for poetry;
- what winter holiday a foreigner cannot understand - the old New Year;
- what kind of fish wears a fur coat on the New Year's table - herring;
- who likes people to fall in winter - ice.

Quizzes of this kind allow you not only to play, but also to consolidate useful knowledge.
"Safe New Year"
Here, first of all, it is worth focusing on the behavior of children in extreme situations, developing attentiveness, pronouncing important safety rules.
- "Choose what you need." Offer the children images of various objects, including a fire extinguisher, a container of water, a firefighter's hose and ammunition, candles, firecrackers, any electrical appliances, matches, lighters. Children should arrange them into 2 piles - in one, what can be used to extinguish the fire, and in the second, what causes fires.
- "Finish the verse"... Pick any child safety poems and read them skipping one of the keywords. The task of children is to define the word correctly.
- "New Year's game"... Create a play area with any shape of the holiday tree. Lay out the images of the object type on the sides. There should be matches, firecrackers, sparklers, cotton wool, a garland, ornaments for the Christmas tree. The essence of the game is to place images on the tree, but only those that are not dangerous for it.Images of fire hazardous items are removed separately.
- "Question answer". Held between the captains, questions are asked of the relevant topic: how can the fire be extinguished and how to do it (water, sand, clothing), why is the color of the fire engine scarlet (the colors signal danger), what is the use of a gas mask (will prevent suffocation).
- "Putting out the fire." You will need two spray guns to depict fire extinguishers, toys depicting burning things. Children take turns running up to the toy, splashing on it, returning to the team, the next participant runs. Whoever came first won.

It is worth taking into account the main rules for organizing a New Year's quiz for children:
- always consider age when choosing assignments;
- the interests of children, the level of opportunities are important, it is better to choose easier activities than harder;
- give up multitasking options that require tenacious memory and ingenuity, this is all relevant only for teenagers;
- be sure to prepare awards and encourage children after each stage of the competition;
- sweet little things, small toys, books are suitable for prizes;
- always reward all participants, albeit with small incentive prizes, but all should be noted.

New Year's quiz for children in the video.