Variety of New Year's quizzes

With age, the arrival of the New Year ceases to be perceived as something magical. The holiday inevitably becomes commonplace, and you just want to celebrate it with close friends or family.
To celebrate the onset of the New Year turned out to be cheerful and noisy, you need to think carefully about how to entertain the guests. You can achieve such goals through New Year's quizzes.

Quiz for the whole family
Many people prefer to celebrate the New Year exclusively with their families. In such a company, a quiz can be a great way to have fun and have an interesting rest.
As a rule, a family quiz consists of a number of questions that parents and other family members most often come up with, because everyone expects only positive and good impressions from the New Year celebration. For example, an interesting quiz with a series of interesting questions and answers will do. Here is some of them.
- What was the name of a sled designed for children to ride on ice in Soviet times? (Ice cream).
- Who has such interesting names: Youlupukki, Per-Noel, Babbo Natale? (All listed names belong to Santa Clauses in different countries).
- Santa Claus is dressed up in a fur coat, and who else besides him? (Salad "herring under a fur coat").
- In which country did the first Christmas tree decorations made of glass appear? (In Sweden).
- Where did Sanka, Senka and Sonya go in winter? (Into a snowdrift).
- What are plastic windows left without in winter? (No patterns).
- The country in which the decorated Christmas tree first appeared? (Germany).
- There is such a sign: if a holiday is celebrated alone, what needs to be done? (Place an empty device).
- In which country in the world are New Year's celebrations directly related to garbage? (In Italy, it is customary to throw away all the old stuff.)
- In which country is it customary to kiss at midnight? (In America).
- Because of what in Hungary on the New Year's table you will not find a dish made from poultry? (It is believed that happiness can fly away from home, so the bird is not served).
- In which country is it customary to light the way for the New Year? (China - this is where people light lanterns in huge quantities).
- What is the name of modern sleds? (Snowmobile).
- What summer event can take place on a winter holiday night? (Rain).
- What is the correct dress code for the New Year's event? (Costume).
- What city does Snegurochka come from? (Kostroma).
- What is the name of the two-faced party? (Masquerade).
- Who is called the "Divine Father" of the Snow Maiden among the Slavs? (Snowman).
- What bribe is due to Santa Claus for a New Year's present? (Song or rhyme).
- What tradition was canceled long ago by the Soviet government? (The tradition of decorating and decorating the Christmas tree).
- Until the time of Peter the Great, the onset of the New Year in Russia fell on ... (September).
- A winter phenomenon that can easily drop a person, even with a warning. (Ice).
- It is this object that gathers the most people at all holidays. (Table).
- It is necessary to continue the phrase "Every December 31st, my friends and I ..." (We go to the bathhouse).
You will be able to feel the festive atmosphere by turning to an interesting quiz, made in the format of questions and answers.

There is another interesting version of the family quiz in the form of “yes-no” answers. Consider an example of such an exciting game for all family members with whom you gathered at the New Year's table.
- Is it true that Italians before the New Year get rid of old outfits, pieces of furniture in order to drive all negativity out of the house? (Yes).
- Is it true that the well-known tradition of decorating a Christmas tree for the New Year comes from Germany? (Yes).
- Is it true that on New Year's Day Indians are fond of decorating not a Christmas tree, but a mango tree? (Yes).
- Is it true that the inhabitants of Argentina on the New Year throw out whole paper bales collected from unnecessary waste paper, as well as old magazines to say goodbye to all last year's problems and troubles? (Yes).
- Is it true that the whole world celebrates the arrival of the New Year on January 1? (No).
Of course, there are many more questions to be asked on a variety of topics.

Ideas for adults
Such entertainment for adult guests, in whose company you celebrate the arrival of the New Year, can also be very interesting and even useful, because they can gather a lot of different and new information. The quiz does not have to be "free of charge" - it is more interesting to hold such events with prizes. There are many great quizzes for a memorable and vivid feast. Let's take a closer look at some of the successful solutions.

For erudites
A quiz consisting of interesting and exciting questions can be formed for erudites as well. As a rule, such events cause a smile in the adult company sitting at the table and quickly cheer up. Let's take a look at a few topical questions that are appropriate for such an audience.
- What is the status of Santa Claus in Germany? (Saint).
- On which tower of the Kremlin do the chimes strike? (On Spasskaya).
- When did the first day of the New Year become a day off throughout Russia? (In 1898).
- How many rays does a snowflake usually have? (6).
- What should not be done in China during the New Year festivities? (Make a scandal, swear).
- What day is New Year counting in Greenland? (Day of the first snow).
- Where exactly on New Year's Eve do residents break dishes, following the old tradition? (In Sweden).
- On the territory of which country on a winter holiday is it customary to pour water on each other? (In Thailand).
- What day is considered the birthday of Santa Claus? (November 18th).
- Why was February called "lute"? (Due to the wind).
- In Russia, on New Year's Eve, one should strike the chime, and in Japan ... (The bell).
- What is the name of the Slavic winter spirit, which today is one of the favorite snow hobbies of children? (Snowman).
- Which country is the birthplace of Santa Claus? (Lapland).
- What is the name of the chimes that are located in London? (Big Ben).
- In what territories of Russia can people be the first to celebrate the New Year? (Chukotka, Kamchatka).
- In which city of Russia do people celebrate the New Year by the end? (In Kaliningrad).
- What are the names of the plants that survive the wintering period right under the snow? (Winter crops).
By choosing the ideal questions for the quiz in which the scholars participate, you can choose more complex topics. It can be not only New Year's, but literary, historical and other intellectual topics.
The more difficult the questions are, the more interesting the drinking game will be!

Despite the fact that many people love complex and “smart” quizzes, this does not mean that no one likes easy, funny, comic entertainment. This type of quiz is ideal for a fun and noisy company, especially young people.
- What is the name of the old ritual dance that is performed around the spruce? (Round dance).
- What is the name of the female creature, what is responsible for entertaining the Christmas tree with songs? (Blizzard).
- What kind of suspicious gray person is trotting past the tree? (Angry wolf).
- What is the name of ice casting? (Rink).
- What drink is considered to be an integral attribute of the New Year's feast for guests who like to take risks? (Champagne).
- What is the name of the New Year's sculpture, which is made from natural materials? (Snowman).
- What can be called a bright New Year's lighter? (Fireworks).
- Which knot cannot be untied? (Railway).
- What is the shortest month of the year? (May - only 3 letters).
- Where is the end of the world? (Where the shadow originates).
- What kind of comb can you comb your hair? (Petushin).
- What can travel around the globe, all the while remaining in the same corner? (Postage Stamp).
- Which hand is the best for stirring tea? (It is better to stir it with a spoon, not with your hand).
You can think of many more funny questions that, in addition to smiling, also make guests think carefully about the correct answer. A pastime in a company with such a quiz will turn out to be interesting and funny, it will definitely be remembered by the whole company.

There are many more different quizzes that are perfect for a New Year's feast. There are countless topics. You can pick up not only purely winter, but also music, as well as a quiz that will interest pensioners. Thoroughly think over which "questionnaire" is most suitable, preferably long before the start of the celebration, so that the guests are not bored.
Let's consider some interesting questions in the topic "New Year's traditions around the world."
- In which country does the New Year come on the day of the vernal equinox? (In Afghanistan).
- In which country, literally 3 minutes before the arrival of the New Year, do all the lights turn off? These minutes are devoted to New Year's kisses, replacing the usual toast. (In Bulgaria).
- In which country, according to tradition, is it customary to decorate the house with holly twigs, as well as white mistletoe? (In Great Britain).
- In which country can you make fragrant donuts stuffed with raisins just once a year on the New Year's table? (In Holland).
- In which country, for the New Year holidays, residents always complement their outfits with bright decorations of white, purple, pink or red? (In India).
- The inhabitants of which country traditionally celebrate the coming of the New Year, swimming in rivers, lakes, ocean, sailing on a boat? (In Kenya).
- In which country is the wheel considered to be the best New Year's gift given to a fellow villager? (In France).
- Where is it considered a tradition to break dishes at the door panels of neighboring dwellings on New Year's Eve? (In Sweden).
- Where exactly is Santa Claus dressed up as a cattle breeder? (In Mongolia).
- An unripe green nut is a symbol of the New Year in ... (In Sudan).
- Where does the bell ring 108 times on New Year's Eve? (In Japan).

Many questions from this quiz can be taken into the quiz for scholars. In the same vein, it is possible to prepare an equally interesting quiz on the subject of "New Year's Story". Consider a few pertinent questions on this topic.
- When was the holiday, which is the prototype of the modern New Year, first mentioned? (3rd millennium BC).
- In 1700, a decree was issued in Russia stating that the New Year should be celebrated on January 1. Who issued such a decree? (Peter the Great).
- When did the main New Year's heroes - Santa Claus and Snegurochka first appear? (In 1937).
- Father Frost has residences throughout Russia. How many are there? (4).
- When was the Snow Maiden officially born as one of the main winter fairy tale characters? (On the night of April 5th).
- Who is the author of the words and music of the famous children's song "A Christmas tree was born in the forest"? (Raisa Kudasheva and Leonid Bekman).
- What are the similar traits in the characters of celebrating the New Year in the territories of Spain and Cuba? (It is customary to eat 12 grapes).
- When did the shining New Year's garland first appear? (1895).

Fun options for kids
It is necessary to celebrate the New Year well and cheerfully not only for adults, but also for children. For them, this day is filled with special magic, which matured household members have long forgotten about. You need to especially carefully think over suitable and funny quizzes for children of different ages, so that she is not bored or uninteresting. So, for kids and adolescents, different questions and, possibly, different topics are suitable.
Consider the questions of the winter holiday quiz for children of preschool age.
- Who visits the children on New Year's Eve? (Father Frost).
- What's growing on the tree? (Bumps and needles).
- What is the most beautiful and elegant person at the holiday? (Herringbone).
- Which granddaughter is the most famous? (Snow Maiden).
- Grandfather Frost owns a magic wand. What is it called correctly? (Staff).
- What color does Santa Claus love more than anyone else? (Red).
- How is the Christmas tree welcomed? (They lead a round dance).
- Where was the tree born? (In the woods).
- Where can you find rain in winter? (On the tree).
- What is the correct name for the volley that is fired in honor of the New Year's holiday? (Firework).
- Another name for baby champagne? (Lemonade).
- Cold and soft winter pillows. What are the correct names? (Drifts).
- What is customary to give for the New Year? (Present).
- In what does Santa Claus hide and bring gifts for children? (In the bag).
- Who can steal the heat? (Cold).
- What is the name of the artist who paints beautiful patterns on glass? (Freezing).
- What season is called gray? (Winter).
- How many days in December? (31).
For young children, you can also make up questions about fairy tales and fairy tale characters.

Other questions may work for teenagers.
- What is the name of the watch that notifies the country of the arrival of the New Year? (Chimes).
- What is the other name for the Christmas songs that children especially love? (Christmas carols).
- Birds that do not like and do not tolerate winter well are called ... (Migratory).
- What is the name of the celebration with which people see off the winter? (Pancake week).
- Who is the main beauty of the New Year's celebration? (Herringbone).
- Vegetable and snow sculpture. Who is this? (Snowman).
- How many years can a spruce live? (300-400 years old).
- The winter species of a bird that likes to swim in the snow is called ... (Kingfisher).
- What is the correct name for the European winter queen? (The Snow Queen).
- What are white flies called? (Snowflakes).
- How does American Santa Claus sneak into homes? (Through the chimney).
- Where is one of the most famous residences of Santa Claus located? (In Veliky Ustyug).
- Where is the residence of Santa Claus? (In Lapland).
- In what part of the world did it become customary to celebrate the beginning of the New Year with a decorated Christmas tree? (European).
- What is customary to light both on the festive table and on the spruce? (Candles).
- What else is the branch of the Christmas tree called? (Paw).

If you decide to please the guests who were invited to the New Year celebration with interesting quizzes, you it is worthwhile to arm yourself with some useful recommendations in order not to make a single mistake in the preparation of an exciting event.
- Get ready for the company quiz in advance. Be careful when choosing and designing questions. If you constantly postpone the preparation of the "script" of the event, then in the end you may be in a hurry to jot down questions that are not very apt and pertinent.
- When making the best questions, always take into account the age and interests of the guests with whom you have planned to celebrate the New Year. Otherwise, the quiz may not seem the most interesting to them, and in some cases even incomprehensible.
- Take the time to decorate the atmosphere in which you will celebrate the coming of the New Year. If a festive atmosphere reigns around you and your guests, then additional entertainment will seem more pleasant and positive. Try to pay maximum attention to the holiday if you want to please yourself and your friends / relatives.
- Prize-winning quizzes are always more enjoyable and fun. For children, these can be small gifts in the form of toys or stationery. For adults, all sorts of useful little things for the office, kitchen or garage are suitable - there are a lot of options. Gifts can be completely useless - such things make wonderful comic gifts.
- If you sat down to prepare questions for a planned quiz on your own, and nothing comes to your mind, do not worry and get upset. A great variety of interesting quizzes are presented on the Internet with answers. Ready-made options can be slightly adjusted if desired.
- Try not to overwhelm the evening with too many quizzes. Give guests some rest, food, drink and socializing.
Asking them endlessly to “play one more time” may seem like an annoying gesture that many will soon get tired of and want to leave.

In the next video, you will find an interactive New Year's quiz.