All about decorating a New Year's fireplace

Decorating a New Year's fireplace - not an easy task. Households should think carefully about how they will decorate such an important detail in the interior so that it looks elegant and festive. We will talk about this in the article.

Closer to the New Year holidays, most families decide to decorate their home smartly so that a festive and cozy atmosphere reigns in it. For this, a variety of things are involved: tinsel, Christmas tree decorations, rain and many other components. A properly decorated fireplace can become a bright festive object.

The fireplace in the interior does not have to be real.... Spectacular New Year's compositions can be realized on a homemade false construction. If done carefully and deliberately, you can achieve very attractive results.
Such a decoration will definitely not be left without attention and will delight households with a cute appearance, and if a master with imagination takes up the work, then also built-in music.

Decorating a real fireplace in the New Year's spirit, household members must follow safety precautions. To prevent a fire, people must follow several important rules. Let's get acquainted with them.
- The decor for the fireplace structure must be chosen exclusively from non-flammable materials or materials that are difficult to ignite. These options include glass, plastic, rubber, or metal.
- Decorations made of textiles or paper can very easily and quickly ignite, so you should not decorate a real fireplace with them - it is extremely dangerous.
- It is forbidden to supplement the fireplace with beautiful ribbons, natural branches or cones. If you nevertheless decide to decorate a fireplace structure with similar components, it is very important to observe precautions.
- Decorations must not be placed on the lower level or on the floor near the fireplace.

If you are decorating a homemade fireplace, then it is better to avoid decor here, which can lead to ignition construction, especially if it is made of paper or cardboard.
If the decorations are candles, you do not need to light them, or use imitation with diode lamps.

How to make a decorative false fireplace?
If you don't have a real fireplace at home, you may well make its analogue with your own hands. A homemade version can be made from different materials. Many masters do similar false fireplaces made of polystyrene foam, ceiling plinths and even cardboard boxes.

Let's consider in stages how you can make a similar imitation of a fireplace at home with your own hands.
- The original design will come out of cardboard boxes. Ideally, they should be the same size. Arrange these components so that they sit on top of each other and mimic the classic fireplace shape. Glue all the boxes using duct tape.
- The base of the homemade construction is ready. Now you need to decorate it. You can use neat bricks for this.
- A good imitation of bricks will turn out if you glue sheets of red colored paper to the base. One A4 sheet will need to be divided into 3 equal halves, and then glued to the base.
If you wish, you can supplement the structure with an improvised pipe, glue it over with imitation bricks made of thin rectangular pieces of polystyrene - there are a lot of options.

Households can show imagination and complete the design of a homemade structure as they please.
Where to place?
A homemade fireplace should turn out to be beautiful and original, but all its charm runs the risk of fading if it is located in an inappropriate place in the house. Households should take this feature very seriously.
The best room to place your New Year's fireplace is the living room. It is extremely rare that such structures are placed in the middle of the room. Their best place by one of the free walls or in the corner of the room, if you've built a corner fireplace. In such places, the object will look organic and attractive, without making the atmosphere ridiculous and disharmonious.

Decor for the new year
Let's take a closer look at what elements can be used to decorate a real fireplace for the New Year holidays.
- The most popular option is artificial coniferous garland with shining lights.
It is best to place such decorations on a special shelf provided in the design of the fireplace. In this place, the owners can safely place almost any decoration.

- You can put on the shelf of the fireplace pine twigs that have been carefully tied beforehand... Instead of pine, fir or spruce branches, various flowers are suitable.
Such decor will not only unobtrusively decorate the interior, but also add additional pleasant aromas to the atmosphere.

- Perfect solution - hang party socks and stockings in a safe area. It will be possible to hide various small gifts and surprises in them.

- The mantelpiece can be neatly cover with a cloth and place a shining garland in this place, arrange elegant candles without candlesticks.

- Interesting decor of the fireplace shelf - glass balls, filled with fake snow, Christmas figurines and other festive-themed cute little things.

- Many people decorate the fireplace compositionsmade up of oranges, tangerines, pomegranates or apples, placed on a mantelpiece.
It is much more difficult to decorate a fireplace structure that does not have a shelf.In this case, you can add the top and side frames of the object to decorate with a garland, decorative snowflakes, beads or toys.

A homemade fireplace can also be decorated very brightly and attractively. For this, such interesting tricks are suitable.
- Can be supplemented homemade design with garlands and balls, and as an addition place several firewoods in its inner part... The composition will turn out gorgeous.

- Paste over a homemade fireplace filmimitating brickwork. For decoration, put candles that you will not light in the future. This design can be supplemented with socks and garlands.

- Homemade fireplaces look interesting and cozy, imitating not a brick, but a stone structure. You can build an imitation of firewood and fire in their inner part. On the upper part of such an object, it is worth skipping tinsel. Imitate a branch of a Christmas tree and fix Christmas tree decorations of bright colors in the same place.

To decorate a homemade fireplace, it is quite possible to use those things that are not allowed to be used to decorate real structures. These can be paper details such as letters, flags, ribbons, and many others.
Here, households can let their fantasy go free and dispose of decorating a cozy hearth (albeit not a real one) at their own discretion.

If there is no real fireplace at home, and there is no desire, no time, no materials to make an imitation of it with your own hands, you can get by with another interesting solution - buy bright photo curtains with a realistic image of a fireplace... With such a decoration, the room will immediately sparkle with completely different colors and will become much more comfortable, warm and hospitable.

How to decorate after the holidays?
When the holidays are over, some of the decor can be removed if desired. It is worth leaving the less colorful decorations. There will be no sense in a huge amount of tinsel either. Leave candles, twigs. Leaving Christmas balls will not spoil the picture. Such less flashy decorations will be enough.
Most people remove their socks and stockings from the fireplace after the holidays are over. They shoot the letters composed in the form of congratulations.
But each person decides for himself how he wants to see the fireplace after the New Year's celebrations, so everything depends only on the owners.

Beautiful examples in the interior
Both real and homemade fireplaces can greatly influence the interior and its appearance. Often this very object turns out to be a kind of bright accent that attracts maximum attention. That is why it is necessary to decorate such bases thoughtfully and tastefully, otherwise the interior ensemble may not turn out to be cozy enough.

As an example, let's take a look at several successful examples of fireplace designs in a home interior.
- In a pompous interior, designed in a pretentious style, it is worth resorting to more lush and luxurious decorations for the fireplace. If the structure has a protective screen or is even a professionally made electrical unit, you can spread a huge volumetric tinsel imitating a spruce branch on its top shelf. Many large colorful balls, artificial cones, angel figurines and other additions can be attached to it.

- A beautiful homemade structure that imitates a light brick fireplace should be equipped with an upper shelf painted in a mahogany shade. Several small candles can be placed along its surface (electric options are also suitable). The interior space of such a fireplace will shine with coziness if you place several different-sized white candles there and light them.
Of course, such manipulations can only be carried out when the structure is made of non-flammable materials.

- A cute and welcoming element of the interior will be a small fireplace, the upper shelf of which will be decorated with green tinsel and red balls. Under these decorations, you can hang several scarlet New Year's socks for gifts. The composition will look even more attractive if you hang a New Year's wreath over it. Round off this cute and cozy décor with a rocking chair in front of the hearth.

- You can arrange a whole New Year's corner in a bay window. If there is a fireplace here, the place is perfect. Place here, opposite the windows, a tall chic Christmas tree, luxuriously decorate it with golden and red balls. Cover the fireplace with fir branches, place snow-white candles on it. Hang a lush wreath made of spruce branches, large gold-colored Christmas tree decorations and red ribbons right above the fireplace structure. The ensemble will turn out to be truly amazingly luxurious!

- There is no need to motley decorate the fireplace structure with a huge number of decorations, especially if there is an already elegant and festive tree nearby. It is enough to hang a pair of traditional red socks at the top of the building, place a pair of Christmas decorative candles decorated with a small Christmas tree branch on the surface of the shelf. The composition will be completed with a spruce wreath with red bows, fixed high above the fireplace. The ensemble will turn out to be unobtrusive, but very cozy, sweet and peaceful.

For information on how to decorate a fireplace for the New Year, see the next video.