All about Christmas tinsel

Many associate the New Year with a fairy tale and magic. Helps to emphasize the solemn atmosphere tinsel... This is one of the most popular New Year's decorations, it is inexpensive, and it brings great joy.
Christmas tinsel - This is an original piece of jewelry, which is a long silvered or gilded thread. It was invented in the first half of the 18th century. Earlier in European countries, the New Year tree was decorated with a variety of sweets, candles and fruits.
Then they began to make spirals from tin wire for decorating spruce. After some time, analogs of modern tinsel began to be made from more presentable materials such as foil. Initially, such a decorative element was considered expensive. Therefore, ordinary people decorated their homes with handmade tinsel.
Today it is an affordable decorative element that is used in the design of doors, windows and walls. The compositions of iridescent threads symbolize the winter holidays and look amazing, they are made from various materials.
Tinsel differs in colors and sizes, the main requirement is that they must be smart.

There are several types of tinsel.
Fine tinsel is called rain Is the most popular option. It is very light and airy. Even slight fluctuations in the air cause it to wobble. The decoration begins to sparkle, shimmer in different colors. Overflows are one of the main features of rain. The use of a variety of materials, which differ in thickness and structure, allows you to obtain original effects. Iridescent tinsel Is a mesmerizing sight. Someone like bicolor rain, another - monochromatic.
There is thick threads resembling mink fur. There are plenty of interesting options. Tinsel can be combined with other types of jewelry to create whimsical masterpieces. The material for making such a rain is metallized polyester.
The choice is offered jewelry of different sizes and shades - white, green, silvery, golden. Foil elements can have different configurations - in the form of hearts, stars. Many fell in love fluffy tinsel... Volume is given to it due to elongated and thick villi. For the manufacture of fluffy jewelry, foil and metallized polyester are used.
Modern tinsel is soft and rustling, but it also shines brightly. In all respects, this decoration surpasses the original version, which was made from wire.

How and where is it used?
You can apply this shiny decoration in different areas.
- With the help of tinsel, you can make a crown for a girl and other festive accessories. A dress or a New Year's costume is often trimmed with brilliant decor.
- It becomes an integral part of the apartment's New Year's design. You can decorate any room with it. It is hung on walls and windows, creating a bright, uplifting design. You can also decorate a tablecloth on a festive table with rain.
- Tinsel makes it easy to make an elegant Christmas tree. But when using this jewelry, it is important to follow certain rules. For example, snow-white iridescent options look elegant and aristocratic, but bright products in the design are also welcome.

How to choose?
Choosing New Year's decorations, focus on individual preferences and interior features. When choosing a color, look at the color of the tree. If the tree is green, shiny threads are an excellent choice. For a white Christmas tree, it is recommended to purchase matte tinsel. The two-tone variety is also suitable.
Tinsel can be matched to the Christmas tree decorations. When giving preference to one or another option, consider whether the color you like will be in harmony with other decorative elements and interior components. Do not chase fashion if the trends that it dictates are at odds with individual preferences. If red is considered fashionable, this does not mean that the whole house needs to be decorated with tinsel of this color scheme.
The size of the decoration is also important. Observe the following guidelines:
- choose large decorations for a large Christmas tree;
- if the Christmas tree is small, decorate it with thin iridescent threads;
- do not overdo it with the amount of tinsel, it should not hide the toys hanging on the tree.

When buying jewelry, pay attention not only to aesthetic parameters, but also to safety.
- Tinsel should not leave traces of paint on your hands. This happens when manufacturers use poor quality material for the manufacture of jewelry. Particles of paint can provoke an allergic reaction, exacerbation of lung diseases and even intoxication. Glitter should not remain on the hands.
- The presence of an unpleasant odor is a reason to refuse to buy a decorative product. The toxic smell, like paint, can cause allergies and headaches.
- It is desirable that the tinsel has soft villi, they must be strong. Tug lightly to test. If there is nothing left on your hand, buy it, otherwise look for other options.
Tinsel can be thin and thick, multi-colored and monochrome, and which one to choose, everyone decides for himself.
A quality jewelry made of materials safe for health will last for several years. It will delight the owners of the house and their guests with its presentable appearance on New Year's holidays.

Tinsel should be stored along with other New Year's decorations. Select the boxes for her and place the tinsel in there.It will not hurt to sign the container, because after a year it is easy to forget what is in the boxes. It is recommended to divide the rain by color.
Tinsel can be used to separate and seal other jewelry. It is advisable to wrap the rain on postcards or cardboard so that it does not get tangled and not torn. There is no point in washing it, because this is an affordable piece of jewelry, if it deteriorates, it is easy to buy a new one. Tinsel contributes to the creation of a festive mood, pleases with its bright design. It is used not only to decorate the New Year tree, but also to decorate the whole house.
With the help of tinsel, they create exclusive decorative elements. The combination of several types of iridescent threads looks original.

See the video below for tinsel craft ideas.