Arcos knives: range and recommendations for use

Arcos is a popular Spanish company that manufactures cutlery and kitchen appliances and tools. The quality of Arcos products is recognized all over the world, the company has an excellent reputation and has managed to win the love of consumers.
Knives occupy a special place in the company's product line. These items of kitchen utensils were one of the first items that the company began to produce from the very moment of its foundation, namely, from 1745.

Despite the fact that the history of the Spanish company Arcos is several hundred years old, the company manages to follow new trends in the market of culinary tools, often being their founder. So, for example, today the assortment of a company from Spain is represented by a huge number of goods, an impressive part of which are knives.
The production of kitchen utensils is adjusted to the most modern standards and requirements. Thus, the organization's capacity allows the production of 70,000 knives per day. Workshops at factories and factories Arcos are robotic, they are equipped with all the necessary technical devices.
Cutting metal, which is later used to make knife points, is carried out by electro-erosion. The quality of manufacture of each individual knife is controlled by lasers specially designed for this purpose. Also, the production has modern measuring equipment., thanks to which the control over the accuracy of the cutting edge is carried out.

In addition to technical support of production, which corresponds to the latest scientific research, Arcos provides an aesthetically pleasing appearance of its products. This task is carried out thanks to the efforts of the company's designers, who carefully develop the appearance of each new model.
It should be noted that the important fact that the metal part of Arcos knives is made of steel of the highest standard., namely - from the French molybdenum-vanadium material. Despite the fact that the company gives the main priority to the manufacture of high-quality premium products, in the assortment of the company you can also find items at fairly affordable prices that will be available to a wide range of consumers.

Generally speaking, the manufacturing process of Arcos devices is complex and consists of several stages:
- cutting by means of specialized stamps;
- marking;
- hardening;
- tempering.
It is thanks to this attentive and comprehensive approach that only high-quality products that have high strength and durability reach the end user.

Top Models
Arcos is a large-scale organization with a large production capacity. That is why it produces a fairly wide range of products. Kitchen knives are no exception, which are represented by a large number of different series and sets designed for a variety of purposes. So, in the assortment of the company you can find forged chef knives, and tools for slicing cheese, and gift sets on a stand. In our material, we will take a closer look at several of the most popular series of knives from the Arcos company.

Already from the name it can be understood that the series is not homogeneous, but includes several types of tools, namely, Japanese and European chef knives. In addition, the line includes some basic tools: bread, vegetable and sirloin tools.
The design of the series is quite simple and minimalistic. The handle, which has special bends for the fingers, is especially convenient. It is made in restrained colors, combining black and green shades.

Color Prof
This line is expanded and includes a large number of individual instruments. Among the models you can find devices that are designed for cutting fish, cake, vegetables and other products.
It is important to note that this series is suitable not only for domestic use, but also useful in a professional kitchen.

This series is considered almost classic. Moreover, this applies not only to the functional features of the knives, but also to their appearance. All models in this line have a laconic design - their handle is made in black.
In the kit you will find both standard knives that will be useful to everyone, as well as more rare and exotic items - for example, a cheese knife.

The Nova series is quite unusual as it is represented by small knives. You can find models that come in handy for slicing vegetables and bread. There are several variations of model kits: some of them are complete complete sets, while others include only a few knives.

A distinctive feature of the lineup is its external design. The handles of the knives belonging to this line are made of materials of a wide variety of colors. The functionality of the series is also not inferior and is at the highest level.

Subtleties of operation
Despite the fact that, by themselves, Arcos knives are residual quality products that can withstand heavy loads, and remain suitable for work for a long time, it is worth following some simple rules during their operation.If you follow the instructions and follow the recommendations of experts, then the items of kitchen utensils will serve you for a long time.
First of all, it should be remembered that immediately after you have used the cooking tool, it must be washed. Do not leave food residues or even traces of food on the surface of the instrument.

Such prolonged contact of food waste and the metal from which the cutting part of the knife is made is harmful to the blade and can cause many negative consequences.
The procedure for washing a knife must be carried out quite thoroughly, but at the same time, it is very delicate. Do not use too aggressive detergents and cleaning agents. Better in this sense to give preference to softer options.
If you notice that the dirt on the knife is quite intense, then in no case use bleach, chlorine-containing products, or abrasives - all of them can cause irreparable damage to the knife and its structure will be broken. Due to inaccurate cleaning of the knife, it can lose all its cutting properties.
Whenever possible, wash the knives by hand and do not use the dishwasher. If, nevertheless, it turns out that you cannot do without the help of household appliances, then make sure that the knives inside the dishwasher are located with the blades up. In addition, the knives should be placed in a separate container when washing in the dishwasher.
Do not soak the knives and make sure that they are not in an aqueous environment for a long time. Prolonged contact with water can have a detrimental effect on the metal from which the blade is made. After you have washed the knife, dry it thoroughly with a soft cloth.

Care advice
Keep in mind that knives are kitchen tools that need to be sharpened periodically. Remember that using a blunt knife is contraindicated. This is not only dangerous for you, but can also harm the device itself.
Arcos knife manufacturers do not recommend the use of conventional sharpening stones for sharpening knives. Preference should be given to devices that are made of special honed steel. In addition, in the sharpening process, you should follow a few simple rules:
- keep your hands and fingers safe;
- set the knife blade at a sharpening angle of 20 degrees in relation to the sharpening surface;
- sharpen the knife on both sides, with the same intensity and the same number of passes.

Thus, observing all the described rules, you will be able to maintain the integrity and performance of the knife as long as possible.
Numerous reviews indicate that Arcos knives are very popular among consumers. Users believe that one of the main advantages is that the high quality of steel is clearly noticeable upon purchase. Many people note the pleasant appearance and design of knives that fulfill not only their functional requirements, but are also a real decoration of any kitchen.
A wide assortment and variety is another positive characteristic of knives that almost all users talk about. You can find Arcos kitchen appliances that are suitable for both housewives and experienced chefs.

Most often, buyers' complaints are caused by the price of kitchen tools. However, the high cost is offset by the strength and durability.
A detailed presentation of Arcos kitchen knives in the video below.