Knives for cleaning fish: types, overview of manufacturers, selection and use

It has been proven many times that fish is healthy and must be included in the diet of a person of any age. To avoid getting bored with such meals, the fish should be varied. Not all types of fish are equally popular. Increasingly, the choice is given in favor of those, the cleaning of which will be easier. To avoid such a problem, you just need the right equipment and a couple of good tips.

First you need to figure out what exactly scares ordinary people in the process of preparing and cleaning fish:
- firstly, not everyone knows how to properly clean the fish, while spending a minimum of time and effort on it;
- secondly, not all people like the consequences in the form of dirty splashes, flying scales and smell.

To make the task easier, you need to stock up on a good knife. Of course, it all depends on skill and experience, but such a knife should be:
- rigid (so as not to spring when moving);
- Moderately long and wide (for ease of use);
- with a comfortable handle (smooth but non-slip);
- corrosion resistant (preferably made of high quality stainless steel);
- with the correct sharpening.

The sharpening should not be too sharp so as not to damage the skin. If appearance is not important in the final dish, the scales can be removed from the skin. In most cases, the blade will be serrated or wavy. The denticles can be the same or alternate with different sizes.
Do not confuse knives for cleaning scales and cutting carcasses (sirloin). The latter are usually longer, thinner and narrower. There are universal models, one side of which is sharpened, and the other is blunt or serrated. But they are less convenient for continuous use. Such knives are also called tourist knives.

Usually, in a set of knives or among accumulated houses, you can choose a suitable option, which can serve for temporary use. In addition, all devices that perform this function (even those that do not look like a knife in their usual form) are often called knives for cleaning scales. Such devices consist of a handle and a working part of different shapes.
If you don't have special tools at hand, you can use the blunt side of any available knife, spoon, fork, or even a grater.

All knives for cleaning fish can be conditionally divided into manual and electric. The following options are considered manual.
- Ordinary knives in the form that is most familiar to us, when the blade and handle are in the same plane. Grooves can often be seen on utility knives to prevent splashing. Some models have a hook for ripping open the abdomen. To remove scales, blades with so-called serrated sharpening are also suitable.
- Scraper knives. The essence of their work is in the presence of jagged planes, with the help of which you can gently grip and scrape off scales. Such scrapers can be straight or curved. The prongs can be located around the perimeter, on one edge, or in several rows, depending on the model.
- Knives with containers. Their appearance resembles vegetable peelers with a metal blade and a container with a lid in the upper part (where the scales are collected).

Electric knife models for cleaning scales are more practical. Specifications may vary slightly depending on the model and manufacturer. The advantages of such a device:
- durable, reliable working (moving) part;
- waterproof case with anti-slip coating;
- high power with low noise level;
- the presence of a visor or container limiting the spread of splashes and debris;
- light weight;
- additional batteries for work without access to the network (for example, in nature);
- ease of cleaning and easy storage.

Manufacturers overview
It is believed that trusted manufacturers are a guarantee of good quality. This statement is rather controversial, because each product has its positive and negative sides. To make it clearer, let's look at a few examples.
- Fiskars Essential - fish knife made of high quality stainless steel, which does not change its properties even over time. The Finnish manufacturing company gives a five-year service guarantee. The special shape of the blade is created for the most efficient and quick cleaning of fish scales. Comfortable handle makes work easier.
- Borner toronto - made entirely of food grade steel, which can safely and safely come into contact with fish. The handle is non-slip, there is a hanging ring. On the working part there are teeth on both sides that will allow you to clean absolutely any fish.
- Fissman - a well-proven knife for cleaning fish, which features a built-in container for the remaining scales. In this model, only the blade is made of metal, which does its job well. On the back of the handle, an additional blade is extended for evisceration. Most of the complaints are caused by breakage of the case and handle, which are made of plastic and do not always withstand intense work. For housewives, a bright design will be a pleasant addition.
- VES Electric 4000 - electric knife for cleaning fish. Quite a powerful device with good performance. It is lightweight and comfortable to hold in your hand. Easy to clean and disassemble, meets all hygiene requirements. There is a protective container for collecting waste. Can be used remotely from the network, there is a charging indicator. The look is pretty nice.

Subtleties of choice
All kitchen utensils must be chosen wisely to ensure that cooking is only pleasant. There are many factors that can influence the choice of a knife for cleaning fish - here are some of them.
- The convenience of the knife is of great importance, especially if you have to deal with cleaning the fish often. This primarily concerns the shape of the handle and the total weight of the product.
- Time-tested devices are trustworthy. However, you should not be limited only to them - in new models, previous experience is combined with innovations.
- Among the materials from which such kitchen utensils are made, high-quality stainless steel is the most preferable. It has the longest service life without oxidizing or imparting any flavor to the food. Wood or plastic is often used to make pens. Wooden parts are less hygienic, although they are more pleasant to the touch. Plastic is inferior to the above materials in strength, but such a product will be lighter and cheaper than an all-metal one.
- Now on the market you can find many fakes imitating knives from well-known manufacturers. Poor-quality kitchen utensils not only affect the quality of cleaning, but can also lead to injuries. Therefore, if you are in doubt about the knife, it is better to turn to trusted brands.
- Versatile options for both cleaning and filleting are not always convenient in both cases. If funds permit, it is better to purchase two separate knives. Large fish butcher kits are also useless. In addition to a scraper and a fillet knife, only scissors are usually needed.
- If you regularly have to clean large quantities of fish, it is wiser to purchase an electric fish scaler. With her, the time for such manipulations will be reduced several times.
These devices have a fairly wide range of prices, while the cost is almost always paid off by the convenience and speed of cleaning.

Terms of use
Even the best knife will not be able to correct the situation if the person who works with it has no experience. For the result to be good, you must follow certain recommendations for cleaning fish.
- It is better if the fish is fixed. For this, you can use a board with a clip. If the knife does not have a protective shield or container, the carcass can be placed in a wide plastic bag so that the movements are not constrained. You can also get rid of flying scales by cleaning in water.
- The mucus can be washed off as needed under running water. Use salt to keep the fish slippery.
- The fins are often sharp, so they should be removed first. It is better to carry out all work with gloves.
- Dry scales require a lot of effort. If it is difficult to cope with it, you need to soak the carcass in water or pour over boiling water. In particularly difficult cases, the scales can be removed from the skin.
- After preparation, the carcass should be placed with its tail towards you. The scraper should move from the tail to the head.
- To make cleaning of scales less troublesome, it is better to clean the fish directly at the place of fishing or on the street - then cleaning in the kitchen is definitely not needed.
- All surfaces and tools in contact with fish require additional hygiene. In addition to household chemicals, you can use soda, vinegar and lemon juice for this. They will also help get rid of the characteristic fishy odor.

Next, see the video review of the fish knife.