Damascus steel kitchen knives: features, selection and care

Knives are indispensable attributes of any kitchen, be it a modern open cooking area of an expensive restaurant or a small work surface in a "odnushka". You cannot cook breakfast, lunch or dinner without a knife, even a simple "snack" will not do without this versatile tool. But few people analyze their quality - if only it was sharp and comfortable in the hand. However, cooking will be faster, easier and more enjoyable if your kitchen has a good quality set of these utensils. Damascus steel kitchen knives are a safe bet.

Short description
These are strong, durable products that seriously compete with ceramic models. The operational characteristics of such knives will delight the most discerning housewives. In terms of strength, flexibility, cutting properties, Damascus steel is 3-4 times superior to other types. Knives made of such steel are used not only by cooks, but also by fishermen, hunters, mushroom pickers, tourists.

Modern models are characterized by ergonomics, strength and durability. The handle is made of various materials, has a well-thought-out shape and conveniently "merges" with the palm of your hand, without slipping out during cooking.
They are considered products of high strength in terms of impact on the blade, do not deform when the blade is bent. They practically do not lose their aesthetic appearance and performance properties during many years of intensive use, the cutting edge remains sharp without sharpening during the entire service life (provided that the tool is handled correctly and stored properly).

How to choose?
There is an opinion of many professional culinary specialists that it is not worth cluttering the kitchen with too much knives.Even the standard set of 6 knives and scissors, which is widespread in retail chains, can be overly saturated. Professionals recommend the Chef's Three - a set of three knives that must be found in every kitchen.
- Chef knife - the main universal tool for cutting meat, poultry and vegetables. High-class culinary specialists master this tool and do not need any more knives. It is selected exclusively by hand for each culinary specialist individually.
- Serrated knifeto slice bread and chop vegetables, fruits.
- Small knife, to peel vegetables, fruits.

Such a set will be convenient for both an experienced chef and a beginner.
When choosing a Damascus knife, you need to pay attention to the pattern on the blade. The simpler the drawing (the forging jets at the layer boundaries are even, without significant convolutions), the better the strength and cutting properties of the tool. A small drawing will indicate a larger (compared to a large) number of layers; it is preferable to choose such a knife.
Among the Russian manufacturers, one can note the high-quality products of the company. "Russian Bulat", among foreign - Japanese knives firms Samura and Tojiro... On the market, they are in demand among both professionals and novice cooks.

Care and storage
With the indisputable advantages of Damascus steel, there is a significant drawback - the products must be constantly carefully looked after. Damascus knives require absolute cleanliness so that rust does not appear on the blade. The rules of care are simple, you just need to constantly keep this moment in sight, regularly performing simple procedures:
- after cooking thoroughly wash not only the blade, but also the handle, then wipe dry;
- avoid contact with acids and alkalis of any origin;
- periodically wipe with an oiled cloth, without applying too much lubricant, even if the knife is temporarily not used (oil or petroleum jelly is suitable for lubrication);
- if a corrosive plaque does appear, carefully remove it with a hard rubber band or fine sandpaper with kerosene or organic oil.

It is categorically impossible:
- strongly bend the blade at a significant angle;
- cut wood, plastic;
- use as a construction or assembly tool;
- cut something from food on metal stands.
Damascus knives should be stored exclusively in a dry place (in a drawer or special sheath); in the kitchen they can be stored in a simple, compact, hygienic brush stand. Magnetic holders can be used in small kitchens. Anyway tools should not be jumbled up carelessly - they must have a permanent storage location.
Proper storage of kitchen utensils will protect the owner from many unforeseen hassles.

For a story about the intricacies of caring for Damascus steel knives, see the video below.