Musat for sharpening knives: how to choose and use?

A good kitchen knife is a guarantee of beautifully cut dishes and a satisfied cook. The correct device is considered to be the one that performs its main function - cuts, not breaks food. But after long-term use, even professional models lose their sharpness. Then there is a need for musat.

What it is?
Musat is a manual knife dressing tool that allows you to maintain a presentable appearance of the knife and extend its service life. With its appearance, it resembles an ordinary semicircular file. Depending on the application, musats are classified into the following types.
- Household - from 18 to 23 cm. Practice for sharpening ordinary kitchen knives.
- Universal - from 26 to 29 cm. Their cost is higher than that of the previous version. Necessarily present in the complete set for expensive cutters. Suitable for hard blades.
- Professional - from 26 to 36 cm. Used for straightening knives used to cut meat.
Chefs generally prefer to use short musatas, 26 cm long.

Musat are distinguished by their material. For ceramic special spraying is characteristic. On one side there are notches that allow processing the metal layer of the knife. On the other hand, the surface is smooth - for polishing and dressing. Such a tool is necessary for sharpening old devices or products with a not very durable surface.

Diamond with the tool, you can sharpen the knife in several movements, polish the surface and straighten. For its manufacture in industry, special chrome-plated steel is used, which is characterized by high strength. The outer part is covered with diamond particles.After processing, the knife remains sharp for a long time.
As soon as you have finished working with the diamond rubbish, be sure to rinse it by hand to keep the tool in good condition for a long time.

Metal appliance made of chrome vanadium steel. Differs in high hardness and different working surfaces.

Musats are also distinguished by their shape., which you need to choose, focusing on the main goal. If you need the lightest tool possible, then it is rational to opt for round model... To create the maximum intimate contact with the surface - on oval.

It is believed that the best sharpening results can be obtained when using a flat tool. Quadrangular instruments are a symbiosis of several types and are necessary in special cases.

Selection recommendations
To choose a quality tool, the following rules must be observed.
- Choose a model in which you can see your own reflection. Professional chefs are guided by this indicator.
- The magnet on the tip of the musat increases the comfort level of its use. After all, this way you can effortlessly remove dust from the knife.
- To protect your fingers from possible damage, choose models with a guard between the handle and the shaft.
- From materials, pay special attention to ceramics, since such a tool is characterized by durability and excellent sharpening properties without harm to the steel of the knife.
Ceramic musat is fragile, so you need to be very careful with it, since each blow forms chips and cracks.
- Observe the rules for storing the tool. If, for example, a diamond tool is stored together with knives and other hard objects, then it will quickly become dull.

Before choosing a musat, carefully check the quality of the product and its rating in relation to other models. A good diamond tool does not shed coating. Ceramic models have no visible mechanical damage. The density of the steel model is uniform, without roughness. And only if these indicators are observed, it is possible to buy the best musat offered by the market.

Sharpening subtleties
Due to active use, the blades quickly become dull, and the cook can only work efficiently with a very sharp knife. At home, there is also a need to increase the level of sharpness of the knife. At least the one that is most often used. Buying new models is unprofitable from an economic point of view, and it is unreasonable when there is musat. But for many, it remains idle, because at first glance it is not entirely clear how to use it. Several methods of knife dressing are practiced.

In midair - sharpening technique, which involves the use of musat by weight. Thanks to this technique, the knife sharpens quickly and easily.
First you need to put the knife at a slight angle, up to a maximum of twenty degrees, relative to the working surface. Then you should sharpen with quick movements, but without unnecessary fuss. The hustle and bustle will not speed up the process, and it is quite possible to get hurt.
- Take the knife in your hand, which you are used to working with, and place the blade on the bottom of the musat. The cutting surface must be away from you.
- Pass the blade over the musat without moving the tool from the set position.
- Do not use too much force when working. It is better to do a couple of easy approaches than one, but with more effort.
- After a few of these steps, turn the knife over and do the same on the other side.
To sharpen the knife, it is enough to walk the tool about five times. But this is valid for knives that are regularly sharpened. If the accessory is already very blunt, then the number of approaches should be doubled.

There is a more simplified version - Calmly. Even a beginner can sharpen a knife using this technique. The method involves sharpening with a support - a board or table top. Thus, it is much easier to identify and maintain the correct angle. The work algorithm is similar to the previous method, but still has some differences.
- The object should be resting against the table in an upright position, and then positioned at an angle of 20 to 25 degrees.
- Slide the knife across the musata perpendicularly.
- Move the tool only up and down. Lift the tool off the surface to lift it up.
Make sure that the knife does not slide on the surface, but is firmly installed - this is the only way to sharpen the tool well. Otherwise, the knife will dull even faster.

Editing knives
The above device can be useful not only for sharpening a kitchen appliance, but also for straightening the blade. To do this, you need to use some recommendations.
- Musat is installed, as in the case of sharpening, the surface should be non-slip, you can put a towel under the tool.
- Then it is necessary to tilt the device by the same degree as in the previous case.
- The tip of the kitchen appliance should be attached to the right, where the rod begins, and drawn from end to base. This action must be performed until the blade of the device takes on the required shape.
If you learn how to edit kitchen appliances, they will last much longer.

How to determine the effectiveness of musat?
After you have sharpened, you need to check the sharpness of the knife with the following options.
- Paper test... Take a piece of paper and try to cut a strip from the sheet. It is easy to perform this action with a sharp knife. A dull blade will slip off or simply tear the paper in uneven and sloppy pieces. Use absolutely any sheet for the experiment. But it is better to take a magazine one, since it is thinner than other types. To cut it, you need a very high quality sharpening.
- Tomatoes... Every housewife knows that it is impossible to cut tomatoes beautifully with a blunt knife, because instead of neat slices, you get gruel. Try not to put pressure on the vegetable, but simply cut off a small wedge from the end. If the blade makes nice slices easily, then it is sharp. With poor sharpening, the knife will simply slide off the surface of the vegetable. And you won't be able to cut it without making an effort.
- Arm hair... For the experiment, you need hair on your own hand. Swipe the blade against the hair growth. Be careful not to hurt yourself. If the blade is really sharp, the hair will cut off easily. And if it is dull, then the hair will simply bend.
- Thumb... To use this test method, you must have certain skills. Swipe gently across your thumb without touching the very edge to avoid cutting yourself. A sharp blade is characterized by a clear edge, while a blunt blade is oval.

Experts recommend using musat only for preventive dressing. If you carry out these actions regularly, then the knives will last a long time.
But for a deeper sharpening, such an accessory will no longer help, it will only damage the coating. Here you can recommend the use of special grinding machines. Also, do not use musat on wavy or serrated blades.
Do not forget about proper storage of musat. After it has completed its functions, it must be stored in a suspended state. Just hang it on a hook or place it on a special stand. Wash the instrument with any product, using a washcloth or soft sponge. These actions are essential to extend the life of the fixture.

In the next video, you will learn how to use a ceramic musat knife.