Knife stands: varieties and selection rules

Kitchen knives should not be stored haphazardly, especially for those who love and know how to cook, use different types of this tool - for meat, cheese, cutting rolls, etc. If a person has several different types of knives in constant use, then it is assumed that they must be sharpened. Therefore, their storage in such a sharpened and unsafe form for hands should be carried out according to the rules.
It is especially dangerous to fold "side by side" knives made of ceramics, since it will not work to sharpen them in the conventional way, in most cases it will only be necessary to throw them away. How best to store knives so that they always remain sharp, we will consider in more detail.

There are several main reasons for organizing the storage space for knives.
- The need to be within the reach of knives while cooking. Whatever dish you cook, you can't do without a knife. And if you need to constantly climb somewhere in order to get a knife, in a drawer or cabinet, this creates a lot of inconvenience to the one who cooks.
- Security considerations. The cooking process is often chaotic, the food is fried, boiled on two or three burners at the same time, one awkward movement is enough to cut or prick yourself with the edge of a knife. The task of the knife holder is to arrange them so that neither the one who cooks nor the random person in the kitchen - a child or an adult - can get injured. If there are children in the family, the knives should not be kept within their reach, in the drawer, so that no one accidentally grabs the blade.
- The ability to extend the life of the knives. Steel knives can become dull, and ceramic knives can get microcracks and chips that are invisible to the eye, if they lie at random.
If each knife has its own place, the likelihood of a decrease in its performance is minimal.

For those who cannot decide what type of knife holder they need, an excellent solution would be universal stand holder... Such a block can store several types of knives from different materials. In such stands there are special sheaths for metal blades, for the so-called "string" knives for cutting cheese. Sometimes these racks have ceramic blade compartments. Often the compartment for steel knives is supplemented with a magnetic edge on one side of the stand, penknives and a corkscrew "stick" there.
Wooden coasters - the classic version, found in two out of three kitchens. The material is ergonomic, environmentally friendly, compact, will fit into any type of interior. Such stands will hold a small number of knives - up to six pieces. It is convenient to store in them the most "running", working knives, which are used most often, so they will be at hand. As a rule, their design is such that the plane is at an angle, this makes it possible to conveniently pull them out and put them back.

But the tree has a significant drawback - it swells under the influence of falling water droplets. Accordingly, it also harms the blades. Another disadvantage of such stands is the inability to thoroughly clean the holes in the stands due to their narrowness. It is for this reason that bacteria can accumulate there. And also in such sets it is not visible where which specimen is located, since they all have the same handles.
Magnetic hanging stands more modern, fashionable and original. They are metal bars containing powerful magnets that can support the weight of the heaviest knives. It is very convenient to use them, since in order for the knife to hold, it is enough just to attach it with the blade to the magnetic surface, the fixation will occur automatically.
Such a stand saves a lot of space in the kitchen, because it can be fixed on the wall above the stove, and the work surface will remain unoccupied.

Each copy is clearly visible, so you can immediately take the one you need. Since the blades do not come into contact with the magnetic wall holder, they are not deformed. Even collectible items can be stored on such an original horizontal stand, especially since their design can be very modern, and may even be part of the kitchen decor. The only drawback of this stand is that it cannot be used to store cutting objects with ceramic blades.
In a plastic or polypropylene base usually kept knives made of ceramics. To avoid injury to their fragile blades, they should not be stored together with steel or other devices. Separate stand required, plastic is best. Silicone spacers are most commonly used in these models as they do not damage the ceramic blades.

As for the coasters with fillers, these are the newest products on the market. Now they are rapidly gaining a leading position among organizers for storing cutlery. This is an unusual device, so it deserves a closer look. Most often, the black filler is a combination of graphite and rubber. Its device is as follows: a brush is installed in a plastic or wooden container. For its creation, polymer material is used. It is very convenient to use, and it looks very original.
This stand has the following advantages:
- it is compact and requires very little space on the work surface;
- it is universal - you can install any type of knives in it, other cutting objects - kitchen scissors, for example;
- it looks fashionable and stylish, it has a modern design, it will perfectly fit into any interior;
- it is convenient to use, you do not need to find a place for each item, you can simply install it in any chosen place of the "brush";
- it is easy to clean, periodically the "brush" can be taken out and washed using ordinary household chemicals.

Original design options
Coasters for kitchen cutlery often become objects of interest for designers, because you can embody any idea - both funny and stylish. In addition, design is constantly moving not only along the path of decoration, but also to improve the consumer properties of the item. For example, wooden racks are now made not only with blind holes, but also with through holes. Often this design is combined with giving the stand an original shape - for example, a dart board. Through holes are more hygienic. And also the racks began to be made not of wood, but of steel or plastic. Thus, the structure can be disassembled and washed by hand or using a dishwasher.
Plastic stands are interesting in that they can be completely transparent. From a short distance, the knives may appear to be hovering in the air, although they are held securely. The original design in the form of a man or the head of a superhero, as well as a magnetic holder in the form of a photo frame, will surprise no one, since these are sold in any major dish center.
As for individual design solutions, the cost of such art objects can be quite high.

Subtleties of choice
When choosing a stand for storing cutting objects, one must proceed from considerations of expediency, paying attention to decorative properties. An important factor is how the item fits into the overall decor of the kitchen. And, of course, you need to proceed from what kind of knives you have: for ceramic you need one thing, and for metal - another... Filled constructions are also called brush stands. The porous structure of the "sponge" -filler provides the blades with excellent ventilation, and the filler itself does not deteriorate from moisture. They can store both stainless steel items and high-carbon blades. If you have a wooden or plywood container, you can make a stand yourself. It is not a sponge or a brush that is used as a filler, but barbecue skewers made of wood.
When choosing a stand in which knives will be stored, it is also necessary to take into account its dimensions and the presence of additional fasteners. If it will be used as a tabletop unit or a wall holder, you should pay attention to those instances in which various fastening options are provided - for example, the ability to store folding units.

Of course, the value of the collection of knives available in the house should be weighed against the cost of the stand for them. In other words, you should not order an organizer from a well-known designer for cheap knives, and vice versa. And also the stand should "fit" into the overall kitchen decor - both in color and style. To showcase knives from the collection (for example, hunting), you can purchase a plexiglass stand. There are models for the demonstration of one copy and a platform for three or four knives.
Plexiglas is suitable both for storing kitchen knives and for displaying collection, hunting knives.
For information on how to make a knife stand with your own hands, see the next video.