Types of cutting knives, their choice and use

Every person who is professionally engaged in cutting and sewing has faced the problem of choosing a knife for cutting fabric. In the modern sewing market, these devices are presented in a variety of options, which often confuses inexperienced tailors.
In order not to be mistaken in choosing such a knife for cutting fabric, you should familiarize yourself in advance with all types of products, and with the features of their choice and use.
All these nuances will be discussed in detail in our article.

Tool features
The cutting knife replaces the traditional scissors in the clothing industry due to a number of tool properties that make it significantly more efficient than tailor's scissors. These characteristics include the following.
- The cutting speed of the material is significantly faster. This is because the movement of the hand while using the knife is much simpler.
- If each layer of fabric is cut separately with scissors, then the cutting knife can cut several layers of fabric at once.
- Such a tool is not dull. The blades of most models are self-sharpening, due to which the service life of the device is quite long.
- Cutting intricate patterns and shapes into fabric is easier with a knife.
- Unlike scissors, this knife can easily handle dense material such as leatherette or drape.

In addition to the characteristics common to all products, cutting knives also have a number of individual characteristics, depending on which type of tool they belong to. Among such sewing products, the following types stand out.
- Circular knife or roller is one of the most demanded.Its blade has a round shape and cuts the material by turning around its axis during the movement with the handle. On the body of such a knife, as a rule, there is a platform with rollers, adjacent directly to the surface of the fabric. This additionally ensures a straight cut. If the sketch contains small rounded lines, then it will be difficult to cut them with such a tool.
Many tailors prefer it, because it can be purchased at an affordable price, especially when it comes to a model with a mechanical type of control. The more modernized electric version of the roller knife is more convenient, but it will cost more. This pattern is often used for patchwork.

- Vertical knife, also called reciprocating, it is used for vertical cutting. The main fabrics for the use of such devices are synthetic fabrics, as well as fabrics that offer resistance when the blade moves horizontally along its surface. They can wrinkle, wrinkle and deform. These knives are quite large and differ in such characteristics as the frequency of oscillation of the blade, as well as the power of the engine. Mostly tailors from sewing workshops prefer to work with them.

- One of the varieties of large tailor knives is a ribbon... It is a kind of machine mainly used in factory production. The blades of such a knife are so powerful that they can cut, in addition to ordinary fabric, also very dense matter, as well as foam rubber and even wood.

- To cut small pieces out of fabric that require particularly painstaking work, you should use a round knife such as basic, which is created on the disk model. Often such a small-sized tool is used on thin materials.

- The most expensive fabric cutting device is laser knife. It prevents shedding of fabric fibers during the cutting process and is able to cut fabric folded several times, even along a complex path. This equipment is used mainly in factories.

- Analogue laser device the accuracy is the ultrasonic tailoring knife. However, due to its not so large dimensions, it can even be present in the arsenal of a cutter who works from home. The device works when connected to an outlet. It is suitable for cutting leather and other dense fabrics.

How to choose?
To find the most suitable cutting knife model for you, you need to take into account a number of nuances when choosing.
- Tool frequency. For one-off or rare cuts, you need completely different knives than for constant tailoring.
- Consider the material you are working with. A knife used for rough or thick fabric can simply crush thin fabrics.
- Keep in mind that the number of layers of fabric in the cutting process also plays an important role, since not all blades are capable of cutting several layers at the same time.
- Carbon steel should be used as the main raw material for the blades. An important feature is their ability to self-sharpen.
- The size of the cutting knife is important for the convenience of the process. Too bulky models will only complicate the work with the material.
- Pay attention to the shape of the blade. There are straight types as well as those made in the form of a zigzag. The type chosen will determine how the edges of the fabric will remain after the cut.
- When choosing between manufacturers, give preference to large firms whose products have already established themselves in the sewing market, since the products of little-known companies often turn out to be of lower quality.
- The blade diameter is determined by the complexity of the pattern. If you have to cut small parts of one layer of fabric, then take devices with a small blade.But if you need to cut several layers at once according to a large sketch, then you can opt for knives with a larger blade.
- To make the process of work as safe as possible, opt for such blade options that are as much as possible covered with a plastic or rubber casing.
- Make sure that the grip is as comfortable as possible. For many models for home use, this part of the design is not quite convenient, which can lead to errors when cutting the fabric.
When choosing electrical models, consider such a parameter as the quality of the device's insulation.

How to use?
In order for the process of cutting tissue to be most productive and accurate, one should not forget that it requires adherence to a certain sequence of actions, some of which involve the direct use of a knife.
- Place a mat under the fabric to protect the work surface from the knife blades while cutting. It is worth remembering that the rug must be replaced with every new cut. But you can purchase a special rug made of plastic. It is resistant to knife marks and can even tighten over time. Therefore, purchasing such a reusable accessory will significantly save your resources.
- Place the fabric on the rug so that its bottom edge is aligned with the longitudinal markings of the rug.
- To even out the edge of the fabric, in addition to a knife, you need to use a ruler. It is placed a couple of centimeters from the edge, holding it with your hand. In the other hand, you need to hold a knife and cut the fabric along the ruler, pressing hard with the blade. The incision should be made in one direction only.
- Use the device with the utmost care, do not place your fingers too close to the blades, as they are quite sharp and can injure you in case of careless movement. Also, make sure that there are no pets or small children nearby while working.
- The knife blades can become hot after cutting, so first let the equipment cool down. Then be sure to remove any debris from the blade.
Thus, in tailoring, a knife is an essential accessory for cutting out the necessary parts from various materials. It not only allows you to get the job done quickly, but it also helps to conserve fibers as much as possible. That's why it is very important to make the right choice when purchasing this device.

The performance of the reciprocating knife can be evaluated right now.