Which steel is the best for knives?

There is no unequivocal answer to the question of which steel is more suitable for the production of knives. It all depends on the purpose for which the knife is intended. Even such “titled” steels as Damascus and Damask steel do not always cope well with the assigned tasks. Modern alloys often have the best characteristics and are capable of performing a wide variety of functions.

The basis of any type of steel is made up of two elements - iron and carbon. The latter is responsible for the level of hardness. The higher the level of carbon in the alloy, the harder the product will be. The optimal indicator is 0.7%, but there are instances with a higher level of this element. The upper limit was set at 2.14% - if you exceed this value, you get cast iron, which, of course, is not suitable for the manufacture of any blade. Additional properties are provided by the additional elements that make up the steel.
- Manganese. This element makes it possible to improve the quality of metal annealing, to form its structure, and also to increase its strength.
- Chromium protects steel from corrosion, but its excess will make the metal brittle.
- Nickel also gives resistance to corrosion and makes the blade more durable.
- Molybdenum performs several tasks. It increases strength, hardenability, makes the metal more elastic and less brittle.
- Vanadium in the composition of steel is responsible for the level of strength and hardenability of the blade.
- Silicon is considered a versatile additive that can improve various characteristics of the metal.
In addition to the listed elements, which are most common, the alloy may include tungsten, nitrogen, sulfur and some other components.
It should be understood that the addition of any component makes sense only as long as its concentration does not exceed the maximum allowable. If this happens, the steel will simply be damaged, it will lose all its original properties.

Despite the importance of the composition, it does not play a decisive role. The final quality of the metal also depends on heat treatment and hardening. It is the totality of all these points that determines the presence of certain characteristics, among which the following are key.
- Hardness, that is, the ability of the blade to withstand significant external loads.
- Wear resistance.
- Strength. This indicator is sometimes confused by non-professionals with firmness, using the two terms as synonyms. However, the two properties have completely different meanings. The solid blade can withstand heavy loads without deformation, and the durable one is resistant to chips and cracks. In addition, the level of strength and hardness are interconnected - with an increase in one indicator, the second invariably decreases.
- Corrosion resistant. Another important indicator. Wherever a knife is used - in the kitchen, on a hike or on a hunt, it often comes into contact with water (and a hunting knife also with blood), which has a negative effect on the working properties of the blade. Therefore, "anti-corrosion" is one of the most important characteristics.
- Ability to hold sharpening.
- Ease of sharpening.
It is impossible to single out a brand in which all these qualities would be present. Each of them has certain properties, depending on the composition. Moreover, the more properties a knife has, the higher its price.

Comparison of species
Of all the varieties, the most famous are two - damask and damascus steel. Even people who are very far from the world of knives have heard about these alloys, products from which have long been considered the most reliable, strong and durable. In addition, they had an attractive appearance due to the peculiarities of the composition and hardening, which had additional value for the buyers. But not only the visual appeal made damask and damask blades so popular. These species also had good performance characteristics, perhaps the best for their time.
So, damask steel, which included complex carbon compounds and fine iron fractions, has high strength, good cutting ability and flexibility. In addition, it is distinguished by a specific pattern, which is formed as a result of blade hardening, and a special fibrous structure. A knife made of such metal is a reliable and durable tool, it can be used both in the kitchen and when hunting or fishing.

Damascus is based on the same components as any other steel - carbon and iron. The additional elements added to the alloy composition give the blade special flexibility and strength. After heat treatment, the surface of the blade made of this steel is covered with an interesting, chaotic pattern, which is the result of mixing layers.

These two types of steel can be called legendary. From ancient times to the present day, a special attitude has been preserved towards them, and it is not only about the "technical characteristics". Both damask and Damascus metal have a rich history, mentions of them are found in Russian epics and ancient Arabian tales. Yes, perhaps in those days such blades were the most perfect weapon, but now the situation has changed somewhat.

Nowadays, it cannot be said that Damascus or damask steel is the strongest in the world. Modern technologies and updated compositions have made it possible to create alloys that are not inferior, and sometimes even superior in their characteristics, to the famous blades. For example, stainless steel 95X18 or 100X13H is practically universal, it is able to satisfy 98% of consumer requirements.
In addition, like any other metals, damascus and damask have not only their pluses, but also minuses.So, the first of them is prone to corrosion. To protect the blade from rust, you need to make an effort - wash thoroughly and wipe dry after use, cover with special compounds, store in a dry place. A damask knife is quite difficult to sharpen in "field conditions" - it will take time and effort, and in addition, you need to choose the right tool for sharpening. The first stone that comes across will not cope with this task.
These two types of blades rarely fulfill any utilitarian function these days. They are often purchased not as a working tool, but as a decoration or as an exhibit in a collection of weapons. For practical use, choose knives made of modern alloys.

Titanium coated knives have proven themselves well. Such blades are distinguished by the black or golden color of the blade. They have high strength (up to 90 HRC on the Rockwell scale), additional protection against corrosion, and keep sharpening for a long time. An important fact - with increased blade hardness, the level of strength does not decrease. This is exactly the case when you can get "all at once" - both hardness and strength.

Top brands
Modern metallurgy offers a large number of alloys with a wide variety of properties. A person who is far from this area can hardly distinguish one species from another, and does not seek to distinguish it. He wants to buy a quality knife made of good steel, which will last a long time and will cope well with the tasks assigned to him. Today the most popular alloys are as follows.
- M390. This is a premium stainless steel representing an elite price group. It is wear-resistant, durable, not afraid of external factors, is not susceptible to rust and keeps sharpening well.

- ZDP189. The same applies to elite brands. Differs in high hardness and ductility.

- CPM S35 VN. In the manufacture of this brand, powder steel with the addition of niobium is used - it is a shiny metal of gray-silver color. A knife made of this alloy has increased sharpness and strength.

- ATS-34. This brand is originally from Japan, it is characterized by high sharpness and strength. The disadvantages of metal include susceptibility to corrosion.

- VG-10. This steel is very similar in its characteristics to the ATS-34. The composition includes a large amount of chromium and vanadium - elements that increase the strength of the blade.

- 440C. This brand is in the greatest demand not only in Russia, but all over the world. The composition contains a large amount of chromium and carbon. A knife made of this alloy is easy to sharpen and has good anti-corrosion properties.

- AUS-8. Another Japanese-made steel. Of the advantages - insensitivity to corrosive processes, but there are much more disadvantages, including poor retention of sharpening.

The given rating does not include all known steel grades. It lists those that are most in demand and trusted by consumers. Blades made of 440C steel have gained wide popularity in Russia due to their good technical characteristics and an affordable price.
Knives made of alloys of the middle price segment are purchased most often. Too expensive models are not affordable for everyone, and cheap ones cause mistrust (often not unfounded). In addition, a high price does not always mean a good quality blade. It is better to pay attention to the working properties of the alloys and their composition.
In addition to the specified steel 440C, several more types can be distinguished, such as BG-42, AT S-34, which contain a small amount of chromium, but as much as 4% molybdenum. The indicated alloys are referred to as stainless steel ball bearings. They have high wear resistance, which makes them stand out from other brands. The d2 alloy, which is loved by American manufacturers, has proven itself quite well. In terms of the combination of qualities, this steel is well suited for the production of knives for almost any purpose.

How to choose?
The main selection criterion is the scope. The list of necessary qualities that it must possess and the type of steel depend on where, in what conditions the knife will be used. For example, for a kitchen knife, a sufficient level of strength and the ability to keep sharpening for a long time are important. For a skinning tool, it also matters how quickly and easily it can be sharpened.
For the same hunting knife, its cutting ability is important. This property is possessed by carbon, damask, damask, powder, alloy steel. There are several basic criteria that are equally important for blades of any purpose. These include:
- hardness.
- strength.
- corrosion resistance.

The high level of hardness protects the blade from external influences and deformation. Good toughness makes the knife resistant to chips or cracks. A blade with a high strength index will bend under load, but will not break. The anti-corrosion properties make the knife more durable - after all, water or blood, which it often has to "meet", does not have a harmful effect. As for manufacturers, the following companies can be distinguished here that have proven themselves well in the global market:
- Solingen (Germany);
- Wenger (Switzerland);
- Winkison (England).

Knives of Finnish, American, Swedish and Japanese production have also won positive reviews and popularity. Among domestic manufacturers, a special position is occupied by products of the Kizlyar and Zlatoust factories. Modern technologies that are used at these enterprises have made it possible to create high quality products that are not inferior (and sometimes superior) in their characteristics to foreign counterparts.

However, not all alloy qualities depend on its composition and production conditions. Properties such as flexibility, brittleness, softness, the ability to quickly dull are in direct proportion to the heat treatment of the material.
Some consumers attach great importance to the sharpness of the knife. But this is far from the most important thing. A much more important property is the blade's wear resistance, which depends on the amount of carbon in the composition.
It is impossible to name some kind of universal steel grade, the knife from which will have all the necessary qualities. It all depends on the scope of use. It is she who determines which characteristics of the blade will be key. Hiking, hunting, fishing or household needs - in each case, different characteristics of the knife are decisive.
Perhaps the only thing you shouldn't pay attention to when choosing a knife is its cost. It is not always an indicator of the high quality of the blade. And the first knife you like is not worth buying either. It is better to spend time, bypass several stores, look at reviews on the manufacturer's website, compare prices - and then make an informed decision.
Next, see the video on which steels are used for knives.