Types of table knives and their choice

The history of the tool begins with the Paleolithic era, the Stone Age. The first blades were made from stone plates for use in hunting as a weapon, as well as in times of war. They are also widely used in food preparation.

Over time, for ease of use, they began to attach handles made of wood or bone to tools. Wooden handles date back to the time of the Vikings; such a handle did not burn the hand in severe frosts and did not slip when processing animal carcasses. With the development of man, mastering the art of metalworking, bronze, copper, and gold items appeared. The latter were used in performing various rituals. Cutlery made of silver or gold are hygienic, they do not rust, and silver has disinfecting properties.
Iron knives appeared in the Iron Age. They were quite varied, there were wavelike and crescent-shaped variants. Knives have always concealed a mystical meaning, this gave rise to omens and superstitions. So, in some countries it is not customary to give a knife, but in Japan, on the contrary, a gift in the form of a blade means a wish for good luck and protection from negative factors.

Such tools were used in rituals, as well as in mourning ceremonies, as knives were often found in ancient burials.
In Russia and in European countries, a knife was an attribute of a free person, because only a person who was not burdened with slavery could carry a knife. Until the 17th century, knives were sharp. But there is a legend about how a table knife with a rounded tip appeared... Cardinal Richelieu was rather squeamish and very picky about food. Once, during a reception, one of the guests after dinner began to brush his teeth with a sharp tip, which caused the cardinal's extreme indignation.

To avoid such scenes at his desk, he ordered all knives in the house to have their blades rounded. The people of France embraced this innovation as the last word in fashion, and the further spread of cutlery with a rounded tip was only a matter of time. Mass production of knives was established by the end of the 19th century. At the moment, knives have different designs, so choosing the right knife is not so difficult.

The table knife features a rounded blade as well as a rounded end. A rounded blade is not sharpened. Such dull blades are necessary for safety at the table, as well as in order to preserve the surfaces of the dishes. For the convenience of cutting meat products and vegetables, notches are made on the blade.

By the type of design, knives can be folding, with a fixed blade, butting, with replaceable blades, skeletal. Foldable hides the blade in the handle; when in use, a locking mechanism keeps the blade in working order. Products with a fixed blade have a strong connection between the blade and the handle. The stalkers have a corkscrew appearance. Skeletal ones are made entirely of steel, while the handle is often wrapped with a cord or other anti-slip material.

Classification is also carried out according to the intended purpose of the products. There are knives for tourism and hunting, weapons, universal, kitchen and special purposes. Hunting and hiking knives can be used both to attack animals and to skin carcasses. Armory can be used for sapper work, in battles, when throwing, for self-defense.
Universal knives include a wide range of folding knives, clerical knives made of second grade steel, everyday knives used in everyday life.

Consider the most popular knives for home use, these can be table knives, fish knives, snack bars, dessert knives, fruit knives, for steak, butter, cheese knives, etc.
- Table knives are one of the main serving knives, intended for second courses, length about 20 cm.
- Fishy has a wider blade, resembling a spatula, intended for fish dishes.
- The snack bar is used for snacks, usually placed to the right of the fish knife.
- Dessert for cakes, various pies has a pointed tip.
- Fruity is similar in appearance to dessert, but a little shorter.
- The steak knife is used for meat, meat dishes. It has a sharp edge of the blade, slightly raised upwards, about 22 cm long.
- The butter knife is used to spread both butter and jams on bread.
- Cheese has a forked end of the blade, used for slicing cheese.
- Boning allows you to separate the meat from the bones.
- The slicer allows you to thinly cut meat, sausages.
- Bread is capable of slicing bread without leaving crumbs.
- For children, there are special children's knives that are safe to use and meet their purpose. They differ in their small size, lightness, multi-colored handles are often found.

Stainless steel knives are widely used. They are as durable as possible in use, suitable for daily use. Such products are protected from rust, durable, resistant to temperature extremes, do not leave an aftertaste on products, the appearance remains shiny even after prolonged use. However, these blades also have disadvantages. The main disadvantage is quick dullness.
They have to be sharpened frequently, which leads to a thinner blade. In pursuit of cheaper production, manufacturers often use low quality steel, which is why products bend when in contact with products.
Ceramic knives are very popular nowadays. Although they are very fragile, such products are able to maintain the sharpness of the blade for a long time.

How to choose?
Quality knives for the home must meet some criteria:
- the dimensions of the blade and handle must correspond to a ratio of 50: 50, or the blade may be slightly longer;
- a high-quality device has a hidden nail file, visible only on one side of the blade;
- the blade must be made of good steel, if you bend it, then it must take on its original shape;
- such a blade will not crack or become stained with rust;
- a good device must comply with the rules for attaching the blade, it must pass through the handle completely (inexpensive ones usually have a slightly wound blade into the cavity of the handle);
- the handle can be made of wood, metal or plastic, it must fit the size of the palm and be made of high quality materials;
- the cost of a set for the home cannot be low - high-quality blade processing and materials of manufacture require costs.

You can check the quality of a steel product in an easy way, you need to breathe on a clean and dry blade, then watch how the steam comes off.
If the perspiration has evenly covered the surface of the blade and has come off evenly, then this indicates the homogeneity of the steel. Hardening can be assessed by ringing, you need to hang the selected product by the handle and click on the blade with your fingernail. Hardened metal should sound high pitched.

If you want to maintain the quality and appearance of the product, then it is necessary to pay attention to the recommendations for the care of the knives.
- Before the first use, rinse the blade with hot water. After use, wash the knife with a little detergent, then wipe it towards the blade with a soft cloth. It is not recommended to wash the knives in the dishwasher, as this can dull the blade. Knives should be kept dry.
- Cleaning is done with a bottle cork. It should be dipped in sunflower oil, then in salt and rubbed with a knife. Then rinse the device with cool water and dry with a cloth. They also use special cleaning pastes. They will keep all the cutlery in your home looking shiny.
- Cutting boards made of glass or stone will dull the knives, so wood or polypropylene boards are recommended. Store the product in a separate place from other cutlery. These can be wooden or metal blocks, which are distinguished by their compactness. Or you can use magnetic holders that are conveniently attached to the surface of furniture, walls.
- A whetstone is used to sharpen the blade. When choosing a stone, you need to pay attention to the grain size: fine-grained ones are used for dressing knives, medium-grained ones for processing the edges, coarse-grain products are used for straightening the sharpening angle, straightening the shape of the blade. They also use musat, it is intended for dressing knives. If these funds are not available, then you can use sandpaper. For ease of use, a waterproof emery is recommended, it must be fixed on a flat surface and sharpened.

See below for more details.