All about kitchen knives

For the preparation of products and dishes from them, a huge number of very different equipment has been created. But even the most sophisticated devices are unable to replace ordinary kitchen knives. Therefore, this type of culinary accessories should be given close attention.
By itself, the phrase "kitchen knives" comprehensively reveals their intended purpose - these are tools for cutting and separating food. But sometimes they are used:
- for peeling various fruits;
- for removing pulp from vegetables and fruits;
- to remove damaged and bad parts of various products;
- to give the workpieces a certain shape.

In most cases, utility knives are used for the kitchen. But professionals and advanced hobbyists alike often prefer specialized product kits. Knives are divided into a number of parts, each of which has received its own name. It is customary to highlight:
- tip;
- blade;
- neck;
- emphasis;
- shank;
- overlays;
- backdrop;
- rivets.

Various materials can be used to make kitchen knives. Along with stainless, steel is used here, containing different amounts of carbon. Also known are designs based on titanium, ceramics, and even plastic. The blades themselves are made by forging or stamping.

The cutting edges are carefully sharpened.
Sizes and shapes
More than 30 varieties of kitchen cutting tools are known. In a typical home, of course, far fewer knife options are used. To prepare 90% of the dishes, the chef should only have:
- small;
- wide;
- large (long) knives.

European products are impeccable classics of the kitchen knife. This design is perfectly balanced.The official name for this format is French Chef. Wood is used to make the handle. The handle is fixed with 3 rivets.
Kitchen European classics are equipped with a triangular blade with double-sided sharpening. From below, the blade protrudes noticeably forward. The main structural material is stainless steel. The blade narrows significantly in the area of the tip.

This design allows the cooks not to tear off the cutting part from the board during work.
The blade is supported on the tip and raised and lowered in the hand as needed. A simple chef's knife can be called almost universal: it works well for cutting fruits, meats and vegetables. Important: this device is not designed for delicate slicing of bread. The blade in a chef's knife is close to a triangle in shape. The blade is 18-30 cm long with a metal thickness of no more than 5 mm.

The main part of the structures is made no thicker than 2-3 mm. Such products are produced by a variety of companies, so the choice is simply huge. The cost of a standard chef's knife is relatively low. But it is quite heavy and not very suitable for long-term work.
In addition to the tiredness of the cook, the lack of suitability for performing subtle manipulations can also be a problem.
The current classification also includes a utility knife. Its elongated blade extends forward, and the length of the blade reaches an average of 15 cm. The lightweight and relatively compact design makes such a thing popular. Main areas of application:
- cleaning vegetables and fruits;
- shredding the same plant products;
- slicing small foods.

For the reduction in size and lightening, you have to pay for the loss of the ability to chop and butcher the frozen meat. The next important type of kitchen knife is a device for peeling vegetables and hard fruits. The blade in length reaches no more than 7-8 m. For the manufacture of the handle, wood or polymers are used. Some varieties have a rounded profile to make peeling easier.

Another "vegetable" subtype has a pointed, somewhat lowered tip. This solution is very helpful in removing the core of the fruit and getting rid of the wormholes. The problem is that, due to the modest size of the blade, it is unable to perform any other work. As for the fillet knives, they have a long and rather thin blade (10-34 cm). Products with a blade up to 15 cm are used when you need to process fish, poultry or cold cuts.

Longer options help cut fillets. The sirloin type is sharpened at an angle of 15 degrees, and the tip of the point is raised. Such innovations make it extremely easy to thin meat and fish raw materials to the limit. An important requirement when creating a fillet knife is the flexibility of its material. Too hard metal elements are simply not capable of bending.

Bread knives are equipped with serrated blades. In length, it reaches 20-25 cm, and the width of the entire blade is strictly the same. There is a characteristic rounding at the end. The material should be quite hard, because flexibility is not too important. A characteristic feature of the bread knife is the serrated sharpening, capable of cutting through a strong crust and not crushing the crumb.

The same design is great for cutting large fruits and vegetables. In the practice of experienced chefs, boning knives are also often helpful. Their main task is to separate meat from bones as conveniently as possible. The blade is of medium length (no more than 16 cm) with a slightly curved profile.

The blade is of medium hardness, and its most important parameters are elasticity and flexibility.
In addition to deboning, this knife will help you cut and chop small foods. To work in hard-to-reach areas, shortened versions with a sharpened triangular blade are used. Carving knives are also gaining popularity. They are needed not only for cutting meat carcasses, but also for cutting small bones and cartilage.Some culinary specialists use a carving knife at the initial stage of deboning.

If not limited to only European types of knives, then you can pay attention to Japanese products... Quite a few chefs use only such products. For their manufacture, steel with a high carbon content is mainly used. To achieve the highest hardness, Rockwell hardening is used. The cutting properties of Japanese models are as high as possible, they can be recognized externally by the butt descending to the edge.

This solution allows you to maximize the leveling of the work surface. But the high carbon content lowers the fluidity. Therefore, the blade is extremely poorly sharpened. Sharpening water bars of a special design come to the rescue. Most often, sharpening is done according to a one-sided scheme.

The term "santoku" in the Asian industry means the same as the multifunctional chef's knife in the European system. The high popularity of such a product has led to its inclusion in the assortment range of all major manufacturers. The blade is very long (16-20 cm), its width ranges from 4 to 5 cm. This characteristic makes it possible to use the santoku instead of the spatula for cut food. Another Japanese knife, the deba, is designed to butcher and process fish, poultry and meat, however, it does a poor job of chopping large bones.

The classic deba is 16.5-20 cm long (along the blade).
Upgraded subspecies (ai-deba) have blades of 13.5-27 cm. In Japan itself, the debut is done with one-sided sharpening, but the models shipped to other countries are sharpened on both sides. As for products made of damask steel, these are not just beautiful and reliable knives. There are centuries-old traditions behind them.

The production technology of real damask steel is extremely difficult and exclusive. In the past, it took several years to obtain a single blade. Reconstruction of the recipe took many decades and took the efforts of dozens of experienced metallurgists. But a folding kitchen knife, unlike a damask one, is nothing more than a curiosity. Such products may still be acceptable on a camping trip or on a business trip, but for serious home cooking, especially for haute cuisine, they are ineffective.

In camping life, hunting and fishing, in locksmith, carpentry, car repair and construction, all-metal knives play an important role. It's not that they are much sharper than conventional ones, but simply that they are more reliable. The metal handle breaks much less often than the plastic or made of wood. This circumstance is especially valuable in an extreme situation. The saw-type knife, on which the view ends, is mainly suitable for slicing bread.

How to choose?
It is not enough just to understand the basic knife options. It is much more difficult to make a good choice for the home, and it is even more difficult to choose the right working tool for a professional kitchen. For a standard home set, if you have no experience, you need to select the following types:
- universal;
- chef's;
- vegetable;
- bread;
- cleaver;
- fillet knife;
- slicing knives;
- a sharpening stone (from the same manufacturer as the rest of the tools).

Important: you should immediately refuse to purchase a pre-packaged set of knives. If there is no way to check them in hand, or even better - in practice, it is unlikely that it will be possible to make the right decision.
Each person should evaluate the tool in their work from their own point of view. What's good for one person may not work for others (and vice versa). Of course, you shouldn't buy very cheap models, especially if they also wear a popular brand.
The strength of steel is also of great importance. The discrepancy between markings and price tags or accompanying documents should immediately alert. For your information: it is imperative to check all joints and connections.Ideal for durability, the structures are made from solid, hand-forged steel. But they are not very common and are extremely expensive.

It is difficult to say for sure whether light or heavy knives are considered the best. The former cut faster and more accurately, less laborious to work with. The latter are much better at cutting through solid, especially frozen food. The balance of the structure must be optimal, the overweight of both the handle and the blade is unacceptable. Since ancient times, there has been a way to check: put your finger on the joint of the blade with the handle and, supporting the knife horizontally, direct it with a sharp edge down.
A truly balanced piece will remain in perfect balance and will not fall over. But such a check must be done very carefully. With the slightest inattention, it can be dangerous.

It is important to understand that only the most expensive models successfully pass this test. More than 90% of serial production is not designed for it.
The next step in selection is to evaluate the handle. It has to be hard enough because it takes a lot of effort. Easy cleaning and good adhesion are very important. Important: when there is even a small gap at the junction, it can serve as a storage for small food particles. Subsequently, the sanitary characteristics of the knife will deteriorate.
In most cases, knives with wooden and plastic handles are used in the kitchen. Products with bone handles may look attractive, but gradually the bone loses strength. There have been cases when the old bone plate crumbled directly in the hand, causing injury. You cannot purchase models with insufficiently dense and very soft wood. Durability is the primary property of a solid grip.

As for the ceramic blades, in the opinion of many experts, this is almost the best option. The ceramic point can be sharpened just as well as a scalpel. Later, it will not become less sharp or rust. However, fragility and too high a tendency to fracture make operation very difficult. Besides, ceramics of decent quality are unnecessarily expensive.

Normally, the cutting surface of a blade runs along its entire length, from one end to the other. Extremely important: serrated modifications are not suitable for cutting meat and vegetables. The notches will constantly slide off rather than cut through the material. Sharpening is ineffective. It is definitely worth abandoning products that are positioned as "incredibly versatile" - all such designs are not too perfect and very unreliable.
You have to spend money not so much for the brand as for the real quality. Brand awareness is not very important. It is unwise to buy a knife in the first store you come across. It is necessary to compare offers from different suppliers to identify the best option among them. Better to focus on direct sales from manufacturers rather than resellers.

Choosing a knife as a gift for a professional culinary specialist, one must evaluate not only the appearance, but also the ease of maintenance, and the service life.
Soft alloys are easier to grind and sharpen. But you have to take more careful care of the product. In addition, despite the hygiene of soft alloys, there is a serious drawback - a violation of the taste of products. According to professionals, carbon steels are better than stainless alloys.
In a sense, the lamination technique is a compromise solution between the conflicting properties of soft and hard metal. A brittle steel containing a lot of carbon is surrounded by a shell made of a softer alloy. Such constructions are realized by a large Japanese company Yaxell. As a basis, a metal with a strength of 60 to 64 units on the Rockwell scale is used. The outer damask shell prevents rust and increases the durability of the product.

When choosing between knives with a ceramic blade, it must be taken into account that the very first models of this kind began to be produced by the Japanese company Kyosera... Her vast experience is deserving of respect.The white type of ceramic is less durable than the black one. Important: connoisseurs of European cuisine should not purchase classic Japanese knives. But hybrids that are more convenient in configuration, retaining the lightness and strength of Asian modifications, are quite good.

When choosing a knife for hard cheese, you need to give preference to the spatula-shaped versionsthat have a slot in the middle. Soft cheeses are best cut with tools that have a thin metal string instead of the usual blade. The universal type of cheese knife is useful for those who just want to cut the heads for themselves without any special frills. It will be very good if the end part is bifurcated - it is easy to prick cut slices of food into this kind of fork. There are also highly specialized modifications: scrapers for removing scales from fish, pizza knives (with a serrated rotating disc-shaped blade), and some other modifications.

Manufacturers overview
There are many firms offering elite knives. However, it will not be possible to single out the best among them. Branded Japanese models are supplied mainly under the brands:
- Kukuichi;
- Hattori;
- Masahiro;
- Global.

The most advanced European brands are located in Germany and France. Less discerning buyers can opt for products from Swiss, British and Italian factories. Of the Chinese samples, the Rondell Flamberg RD-681 deserves attention. Knives perform very well for cutting meat and are inexpensive as well.

The price is about 50% less than that of similar offers from competitors.
This knife is suitable for both ordinary people and professionals. The hardness and sharpening of the blade allows cutting even sturdy products for a long time. The rubberized handle eliminates the sliding of the tool. Difficulties may be associated with caring for the RD-681. In addition, some experts say that rubber handles are not safe for the environment.
We recommend using Fissler 8803013 for slicing tomatoes. This is a solid German model, the high quality of which is evident in every detail. For delicate culinary work, this is perhaps the best version. The combination of a sharp edge and good polishing of the rest of the blade helps to make thin slices even from soft vegetables. The sharpness and strength of the blade are guaranteed for a long time.

An attractive alternative is BergHOFF Leo 3950045. This is an excellent Belgian product that also copes with soft vegetables. The blade was made of stamped steel with a coating to which the cut pieces do not stick.

The polymer also retards corrosion for some time. True, the coating itself is not very durable.
Apollo knives have received a lot of positive feedback. The main thing is to choose not the cheapest, but slightly more expensive designs. Consumers appreciate the ergonomics, balance, metal and handle quality, perfect cutting and long-lasting sharpening. Of the relatively cheap versions, Borner knives are highly valued. They have a comfortable grip and a comfortable size.

The Asia family is distinguished for its specific handle configuration and thin blades. Most of the models in this series have technological holes, which makes them very convenient for cutting soft foods. With short-term finishing with musat, a razor sharpness is achieved.

Editing is done without any problems. But gentle handling is imperative.
Alessi knives are also favored. These are small products that cut well and fit comfortably in the hand. Periodic sharpening is only required when used on glass boards. The solid metal handle is easy to clean and clean.

Of the Japanese knives, Keiko Santoku from Nadoba is very popular. The knife is made in the traditional national style. The plastic handle fits easily into the hand and does not slip. Each piece is sold in a separate plastic case.The cover marking contains information about the material and manufacturer.
Santoku is extremely poignant. Through holes in the web prevent the cut food from sticking to the web. But this product is not suitable for those who appreciate heavy knives. The way the tool is executed (inserting the blade into the handle without a guard) is not reliable enough. Over time, the joints can loosen.

In the expensive price group, along with Wusthof, there is at least one more brand - Zwilling J. A. Henckels. If we talk about products of moderate cost, then Victorinox, Arcos stand out here. And in the budgetary category, you should pay attention to the products of Tramontina, Opinel. If you are not limited to chef knives, then you can take a closer look at Tupperware products. Other top brands for inexperienced chefs are Shun, F. Dick.

The last of the listed brands has only one drawback - increased cost.
Fans of domestic products should pay attention to products from Gennady Prokopenkov. They are made by the master himself with full diligence, with full knowledge of the matter. It is quite difficult to acquire such a thing, and its cost is high. The goods made by Prokopenkov can be ruled by musat without any problems.

For information on how and which kitchen knife to choose, see the video below.