Overview of Zepter knives

Zepter International is an international holding company for the production of goods necessary for human life on a daily basis. It manufactures knives, water purification devices, household cosmetics, cooking systems. The company's motto says that it is necessary to create comfortable products to make human life easier and improve its quality.

A bit of history
The brand was founded in 1986 by Philip Zepter in Austria. Philip himself is from Serbia and became the richest businessman in this country. His residence operates to this day in Monaco. This is a fast growing company that presents its new products every minute in different parts of our planet. Representatives of this company are located in 60 countries on almost all continents. The goods are manufactured in our own factories in Switzerland, Germany and Italy.
There are 120 Zepter offices in Russia. Official offices are located in large cities, while representatives of the company meet in smaller ones. The company began operating in Russia in 1994, and the number of clients has increased by 6 million since then. Distinct sales system, excellent quality, more than 100 thousand employees around the world can be called an important component of the company's success.

A Zepter manager anywhere in the world is an experienced, goal-oriented businessman interested in selling his products. He will always prompt, help you choose the right product for you. After all, more than 80 million people around the planet have already been satisfied with the purchased products. The company is mainly engaged in direct sales, although there are also shops with their own business design.Once in there, it is difficult to leave without a purchase, because any product on the shelves will help improve health and make your lifestyle more comfortable.
This motivates to purchase products.

Features of knives
High-quality and durable Zepter kitchen knives are especially in demand among experienced housewives and restaurant chefs. They are essential helpers in every kitchen who want to cook culinary masterpieces. Such a tool is made of high-quality steel, which is coated with an anti-corrosion agent and is distinguished by its strength. Products belong to the group of professional knives in all respects. Particularly noteworthy is the sharpness and strength of the cutting edge. Such knives are sharpened less often than conventional kitchen options.

The first sharpening is usually necessary after 2 years of operation, but these periods are individual, they depend on how the knife was handled. Basically, such a long time without sharpening is due to the maximum concentration of carbon, vanadium and molybdenum in the blade. The knives are incredibly brilliant. All products are coated with silver of the highest standard of about 40 microns or 24 carat gold dust.

The production starts with the right choice of used natural raw materials. Alloyed chrome, molybdenum, vanadium steel, multilayer Damascus steel or high carbon metal are often used. Due to the unique structures of these materials, good bending, sharp cutting edges, and resistance to rust are ensured. And all this is completed with a coating that protects against corrosion.
A centuries-old production algorithm has already been formed, which is owned by every master. And it consists of 40 stages of the production process. The production ends with the design processing of the knife, which is due to the configuration of the knife and depends on its position in the hand, balance and quality of the blade.
Zepter knives have all of the above qualities and differ from other tools in high reliability and original design.

Kit options
Most often, Zepter products are sold in the form of kits. It is considered convenient because of the large selection of items for a suitable situation to suit the preferences of each consumer. All sets are different, and each person chooses the right one for himself.
Some of the most popular sets are “Kimono”, “Senator”, “Caprice”, “Venus”, “Power of Granite”. Each piece in the set has impeccable style, unique finishes and maximum functionality. The handles of the branded knives are slightly curved and guarantee a secure grip, the fingers will not slip due to the wide base, this eliminates the possibility of cuts.
The variety of shapes will help you choose the right knife for any product.

The peculiarities of the set "Power of Granite" are that the knives have a marble coating of Granitex. With this coating, the sharp edge of the tool is preserved for a long time, food does not stick to the knife, thus, the service life of the product is extended. The set includes 6 items:
- small vegetable knife;
- medium knife;
- utility knife;
- large knife;
- with a wavy edge for bread (suitable for products with a hard shell, but soft inside);
- ceramic peeler.

Any universal set usually includes 5-6 knives. To make the right choice, look at how many people usually take part in cooking, what age and physique they are. Based on this, choose the appropriate set. Each set contains basic knives that differ in some way. For example, a basic set of 5 knives contains:
- general purpose knife - suitable for hard and soft foods, mainly used for meat and fish;

- serrated knife - suitable for cooking wavy potatoes, which can be fried or baked, as well as for cheese lovers;

- compact vegetable knife - most often it is small, easily peels carrots or tomatoes, as well as other vegetables of any hardness;

- medium knife - is also versatile;

- large knife - suitable for harder foods, ideally chops meat, cuts fish and cuts bread.

In addition to basic sets, the company presents a more professional version, consisting not only of knives, but also additional items for cooking:
- ceramic vegetable cutter;

- cutting boards of several sizes;

- cutting stands, steel and plastic;

- whetstones (their other name is musat), only those are suitable for this type of steel.

Another important advantage of Zepter is product warranty for 70 years... Such a lucrative offer attracts buyers to purchase goods from this particular company.
An overview of Zepter LZ 115 SET kitchen knives, see below.