How to apologize to a girl you hurt a lot?

The psychology of the stronger sex differs significantly from the psychology of the fair sex. Therefore, it is so difficult for them to determine the points of contact. If two people are very close, it means that they caught "luck by the tail." But until this happens, conflicts are possible. Then you need to look for compromises and be always on the alert if you do not want to lose your beloved.
What cases require an apology?
First of all, you need to remember that in most cases you should not immediately take responsibility for the conflict that has occurred. You should not do this, because in life there must always be the presumption of innocence. Otherwise, you will begin to scourge yourself to the right and to the left for what you did not commit. So briefly turn into a "scapegoat".

However, you need to be able to admit your mistakes, if there are good reasons and evidence for this. First of all, you need to apologize when you feel guilty about yourself. This instinct cannot be confused with anything. And every person in the depths of his consciousness should always remember that without admitting mistakes he will not be able to adequately ask for forgiveness. It is worth pondering the problem when the following happened.
- You offended a girl in a drunken stupor. At a party, a situation occurred when you decided that your friend was unfaithful to you. From this your mood worsened, and further you lost control over yourself.
They said "a bunch of nasty things" and maybe even allowed assault. Now she doesn't want to see you again. It must be said right away that this is the hardest case.
- Because of his incontinence insulted the girl literally "out of the blue" in front of everyone on the street.She left this humiliation in tears, and now her phone is inaccessible to you.
- Treason - this is the most "unforgiving" case. You will have to work very hard to resolve this conflict. And you must be ready for this. It is possible that all your strength will be wasted, but you should not despair, as forgiveness can still be achieved.
- Careless attitudebeing repeated too often can lead to resentment and rupture of the relationship. If you are not used to caring for other people, then you should learn how to do it. Otherwise, the negative experience will be repeated over and over again.
- Jealousy for no reason is one of the main problems in relationships. From jealousy, you become unbearable for the girl and for the people around you. You should fight against such manifestations of character.
- Boredom and selfishness can piss off any person, especially your girlfriend. Try to avoid such manifestations.
- Avarice and restraint in any situation it is also unacceptable if you are in a closer relationship.
After the conflict has occurred, any guy really wants to fix the situation. Therefore, it is necessary to act, and then reconciliation is possible.

The ways
It is clear that a real man should apologize to a girl when he has badly offended her. There are many ways to do this. The main thing is that your apology is not intrusive and does not cause new attacks of resentment.
Remember that girls are in most cases impressionable and gentle creatures. Therefore, you should not use unacceptable methods for rapprochement. For example, if she does not want to put up, then you cannot shout and threaten her.
If you behave aggressively and try to take forgiveness by force, you will not succeed. Take advantage of some tips, "tailoring" them to your individual case.
The easiest and fastest way is find the right words: speak in your own phrases, and sincerely repent and obey. For this, try to replay the reconciliation situation in advance and do not forget to prepare a text that is better to be memorized.
Only when you meet, when you will carry out your plans, do not speak by memorized phrases, but make your confession sincere. Then you will succeed. After apologizing, patiently wait for the moment when the young lady's heart "thaws", and she will again be ready for dialogue and continuation of the relationship.

In writing express yourself more reliably. Therefore, write on a piece of paper what you wanted to say at the meeting. Do not be afraid of blunt phrases. When everything is ready, try to re-read the entire text and check the correctness of the phrases.
It also happens that, in a fit of feelings, a person thinks one thing, but writes something completely different and with a different meaning. It's better to play it safe here. The letter can be sent together with the courier, after ordering a huge bouquet of roses (or those flowers that your girlfriend loves). Place the note in the flowers.
In modern society, it is accepted communicate on social networks. Therefore, you can ask for forgiveness in private messages. For this it is worth writing the most sincere apologies. But first, state the problem and admit your mistake.
Only here it is worth thinking carefully before choosing this method. If you have a trivial conflict, then apologizing through sending a message may work. However, if you have behaved extremely ugly, then think about other ways. It is possible that the girl, after you have treated such a problem very superficially and did not deign to make an effort, will simply block you.
- Surprise may or may not work. It all depends on the nature of the girl herself and the nature of the quarrel. If there is a very strong conflict, you can get the "opposite effect". Therefore, if you decide to return your beloved with the help of a surprise, then try to come up with something "kind" and extraordinary. Otherwise, she may take your step as a mockery.
- Good way ask for forgiveness in verse and in the presence of friends and family. So you can “kill two birds with one stone”: rehabilitate yourself in front of the girl herself and rehabilitate yourself in front of the people around you.
Of course, it's easy to give advice from the outside. It is much more difficult for a person who cannot decide on the most effective methods. Therefore, you need to take advantage of the experience of those who already have this skill.

Examples of
Remember that you are not the first and you are not the last who gets into such an unpleasant situation when the girl refuses to communicate because of the insult. This situation can become irreversible. You need to take action. Try the following information and put it into practice. Just take into account all the nuances, such as the individual perception of the world around you, which is inherent only to your girlfriend.
- It's not bad if you suggest to your companion spend time together while traveling. It doesn't matter how much the ticket will cost and where you go. The main thing is that you can be alone and finally "mend" the hole in your relationship.
- Give an expensive gift. Everything here will depend on your well-being and on the girl's needs. Try to make the thing desirable. Maybe your beloved has long dreamed of something or really wanted to buy something. Try to fulfill her dream or desire. Then, perhaps, her heart will "melt".
- Write under the window in huge letters the word "I'm sorry" (you can lay out the flowers). Be sure to include the name of your offended person. Let everyone around you see this inscription. Girls love to be in the spotlight. She will be pleased to see how much you value your relationship.
- Concert tickets her favorite artist will also make your object of adoration the happiest in the world. It is advisable to arrange everything so that it was a surprise for her.
- SPA treatments in full will not only be a pleasant gift, but also improve your mood. After the girl undergoes the cosmetic course, she will feel as if she is “renewed” from all sides and will be ready to forgive you.
- Present to the offended friend nice outfit... To do this, invite her to the best women's store and choose an evening dress with her (or whatever she herself wishes). From such actions, her self-esteem will increase.
- If your passion loves animals, then give her a dog or a cat of elite breeds... From such kindness, she will thaw her soul and appreciate your present. You yourself will be pleased to see how the mood of the offended friend will change.
Whatever the gift or surprise, it must come from the heart. Then this step will strengthen your relationship.

Psychologist's advice
If you yourself are very worried that you have offended your chosen one, first of all you need to realize that you were wrong. And then the following tips will help.
- To start a reconciliation no need to follow your heels behind the object of their adoration. It is enough to decide on the time and place of the meeting.
- If you decide to ask for forgiveness, then it would be best to meet and talk about the problem face to face... You need to find out what exactly caused this resentment in your friend. This must be done in order not to do what you did later.
- When clarifying the relationship from the young lady, reproaches and accusations may "pour in". Listen to them silently. Let the offended person talkand then his rage will subside.
- Speak all your words in a calm voice and try not to create conflict situations... Remember that it was you who made the mistake, so try to behave in an appropriate manner.
- Sincerity should manifest itself in all your words and actions. Otherwise, nothing will work. The girl just won't believe you.
- Once you've received your forgiveness, try not to be too intrusive. Take some time out of the relationship. In the same time show care and attention... Skillfully "balance" between these two concepts.
- Try to do not make harsh statements about the young lady, if not much time has passed since the reconciliation. If you break some boundaries, then the girl may think that you have not realized and are not going to realize your mistake, and indecent behavior is a constant part of your character.
- remember, that when you are in a bad mood, it is better not to do anything... All the more so to take steps towards reconciliation of the parties. In this situation, you will only aggravate your difficult situation.
- Despite the fact that it is now customary in the world to actively communicate on social networks, try not to put up with messengers. This method is very doubtful in order to fully express your feelings. Your message can be useful if you are not very mischievous.
- You should not connect friends and girlfriends to your problem. Such help can only make it worse. Even if your loved ones want to sincerely help you, the girl may not appreciate such an impulse and think that you are a coward and that you yourself are not able to make decisions and realize mistakes.
- In another scenario, it could be even worse. It is possible that among friends or girlfriends there is such a person who will only be glad of your quarrel. You will not wait for assistance from this "assistant", but the harm, it is quite possible, it will cause significant.
- You shouldn't worry and panic either. If you have always had a strong relationship from the moment you met, then they have not gone anywhere. It's just that the insult does not yet allow the young lady to remember all the warmth of your connection. It is necessary for her to cool down a little after the quarrel. Perhaps the partner herself wants to get close to you again.
- Do not blame the girl after reconciliation. the fact that you still found the strength to ask for forgiveness. Firstly, it was your and only your decision, and secondly, she did not ask you to put up with her.
Remember that a relationship between two people is built of mutual respect. It is better not to allow quarrels and scandals than to correct the situation that arose after such an incident later.