Wallpaper for living room

Wallpaper design for the hall: options, choice, gluing, examples

Wallpaper design for the hall: options, choice, gluing, examples
  1. How will the different types and their textures look?
  2. Popular wallpaper colors in the living room interior
  3. Prints
  4. Application in different styles
  5. How to choose a design for a hall?
  6. How can you glue it beautifully?
  7. Beautiful ideas

A lot of time and no less attention should be devoted to decorating the hall in order to get a good result. After all, the whole family, guests, friends, relatives often gather here. It is important to make the hall welcoming, cozy and harmonious. To achieve this goal, it is necessary to correctly select not only furniture, but also finishing materials. This article will discuss how to choose wallpaper for the hall.

How will the different types and their textures look?

If earlier in the stores of building and finishing materials it was possible to find mainly paper wallpapers, today their assortment has significantly expanded. Products of a wide variety of textures, colors and base materials are on sale. Finding the perfect solution for the hall will not be difficult. Consider what types of wallpaper you can buy for this room.


Well-known canvases that have been popular for many years. Many buyers are attracted by their democratic cost - these are the most budget options. On sale there are glossy and matte paper canvases.

This type of wallpaper has the following advantages:

  • they are cheap;
  • presented in a huge assortment - it will be possible to choose canvases for any hall;
  • are environmentally friendly - they do not contain harmful chemical components, they do not emit any vapors, do not provoke allergic reactions.

Paper wallpapers are bad because cannot boast of a long service life. The low cost hides not the most practical and reliable materials, from which there is no point in waiting for perfect service for many years. Even the highest quality, beautiful, branded products are unlikely to last more than 10 years.

In addition, they must be glued only to perfectly prepared walls - they should not have potholes, irregularities, drops and other similar shortcomings. If there are any, then the paper will immediately emphasize them, attract unnecessary attention.

Not in favor of paper wallpaper indicates that they lose their presentation under the influence of external factors:

  • the sun's rays can make the canvases fade, less bright;
  • a high level of humidity in most cases has a very bad effect on the quality of paper sheets;
  • this finish is susceptible to mechanical damage - paper sheets can be easily torn.

Paper wallpapers are not as popular today as they were in the past. It should be noted that they will not serve for a long time. Such products are not suitable for all styles. Often, the design of paper canvases is too simple, and imitation of other surfaces on them (for example, brick) look completely unnatural. If you want to create a luxurious interior in the hall, then it is better to refuse such options.


Such wallpaper is made by applying polyvinyl chloride to a paper or textile base. Vinyl wallpaper may vary in texture. Going on sale:

  • smooth;
  • solid;
  • embossed canvases (designers advise buying these products for the hall if you want to make it original and hide the imperfections of the wall surfaces).

Often, designers, when decorating halls, resort to vinyl canvases. This is due to the fact that such wallpaper boasts resistance to high humidity. They can be glued to walls that have certain defects - vinyl canvases will not accentuate them. These products are lightweight, so the gluing process is quick and easy.

Vinyl wallpapers are more expensive than budget paper options. But their service life is much longer. On average, canvases of this type last at least 15-20 years. The main disadvantage of these finishing materials lies in their composition - there is plastic there. Due to this component, air and steam circulation is disturbed.


In the living room, textile canvases are glued with enviable regularity. This finish looks chic, but it is also not cheap. Modern manufacturers launch high-quality textile wallpapers on the market, which are based on:

  • silk;
  • linen;
  • velvet;
  • atlas.

This type of wallpaper is ideal for decorating a living room in a classic style. They look expensive and smart, adding a touch of luxury to the furnishings. These finishing materials are not cheap, but their quality and design justify the high cost. Textile fabrics are durable and can serve 15-25 years without any problems, while retaining their visual appeal. The basis of these products is environmentally friendly, so the walls with them can "breathe", due to which there is sufficient air circulation in the room.

There are not many drawbacks to textile wallpaper.

The main thing is the peculiarities of caring for them. Textile fabrics are exposed to the negative effects of annoying sunlight. Such a finish also "dislikes" a high humidity level.

Glass fiber

These canvases have a lot in common with textile options. The principle of their production is very similar. Fiberglass wallpaper is made from specialized glass threads. These materials make it possible to produce very beautiful and durable coatings with a long service life.

The main plus of modern glass wallpaper is its environmental safety.... They contain exclusively natural materials that do not emit harmful substances, do not harm human health.In the living room, this finish will look expensive and elegant.

Glass fiber is characterized by the fact that meet all fire safety requirements. Their melting point is over 500 degrees.

Glass fiber are more expensive than all the finishing materials listed above, but they also last longer - 25-30 years. Among the shortcomings, one can note the impressive weight of such a finish. Because of this, glass fiber wallpaper can be problematic to transport and glue on the walls.

The described wallpapers are relatively new finishing materials, therefore they cannot boast of an impressive number of structures, prints and patterns.


Wallpaper of this type is applied to the walls in the same way as ordinary plaster. The composition of these products contains a special solution based on acrylic, which includes fibers of natural origin - silk, cotton, paper, and with them the color scheme.

Many designers recommend using liquid wallpaper when decorating a hall. You can prepare these finishing materials yourself. This does not require special knowledge, skills and experience. Liquid materials do not impose serious requirements on the surface of the base - you will not have to scrupulously level the walls.

Liquid wallpaper also has its weaknesses. They do not tolerate high humidity levels. In the living room, such problems are extremely rare, so experts advise to fearlessly purchase these interesting finishing materials for the walls.


Photo wallpapers are very popular today. On sale you can find a great variety of different options. The canvases can depict flower arrangements, forest, sea or city landscapes. Modern wallpaper has nothing to do with the finishing materials that were popular before. Today, manufacturers produce canvases with images that are as realistic as possible. Look interesting and trendy options with a 3D effect.

For the living room, you can pick up photo wallpaper that depicts not only the listed motives, but also imitations of other materials. It can be original and realistic coatings like wood, stone, imitation of a brick wall.

The choice of the best option largely depends on the style in which the interior is designed as a whole. For example, an imitation of brickwork will look perfect in the direction of the loft.

Popular wallpaper colors in the living room interior

When choosing the ideal wallpaper for the hall, it is important to pay due attention to their color. The mood, focus and level of comfort of the interior will depend on the chosen color. Let's consider what features wallpaper of different colors has.


White, beige, cream, ivory-colored wallpaper is a timeless classic. They look harmonious in almost any setting. Light-colored canvases can correct the look of small rooms, making them visually more spacious and airy. Against the background of such a finish, pieces of furniture and decorations of a wide variety of colors will look harmonious, because light colors are not capricious in the selection of companion colors.


Many people are afraid to mess with gray wallpaper, afraid to make the living room boring, "bland" and gloomy. In fact, the canvases of this range can become a real interior decoration. Gray is presented in a huge number of shades and tones - it will be possible to choose the best option for any situation... A similar finish will make the interior modern and progressive.

Pastel shades

As if burnt out by the sun's rays, these gentle and soft colors will be the perfect backdrop for any room. The hall will look harmonious blue, mint, lilac, delicate turquoise, pink, peach shades. Often used to decorate the hall sand or canvases of a shade of coffee with milk. The advantage of pastel colors lies in the fact that they can effectively coexist.In addition, this finish visually expands the space and brightens it.

Gold and brown

These colors are very popular because they create a very cozy and welcoming atmosphere that you don't want to leave. But we must remember that Many of the browns can feel heavy and are best suited to larger spaces.


Separately, it is worth talking about the canvases of this positive and vibrant color. On sale there are both saturated wallpaper of a banana or orange tone, as well as quieter copies - pastel yellow. Certain options should be selected based on the wishes of the household. Some prefer juicy and variegated colors, while others may seem too intrusive and annoying.


There are many dark wallpapers on sale that are suitable for decorating a hall. It can be black, dark blue, green, graphite gray paints. They may look very solid, expensive and aristocratic, but it is recommended to resort to buying such materials only if we are talking about a large hall of sufficient square. In such an environment, it is advisable to organize an accent light wall. Furniture and decor against such a background should be lighter. For example, interiors with black and white combinations look stylish and modern.


To decorate the walls in the living room, you can choose not only plain colors, but also wallpapers with various patterns / prints. Their choice is simply huge. Finding something beautiful is not difficult. It does not matter in what style the hall is made - a suitable pattern or drawing can be found in any case.

Canvases with large patterns are in great demand.... It can be compositions with flowers, peas, palms or butterflies - there are a lot of solutions. It is advisable to use such finishing materials to organize an accent wall in a room, which will attract the main attention.

Usually, in the presence of such a finish, the interior of the hall does not have to be decorated with something else - large prints on the wallpaper are enough.

Many designers prefer to decorate living rooms with wallpaper. with oriental prints. Such a finish looks expensive, but you have to match it with furniture and accessories made in the same style, otherwise the interior will turn out to be disharmonious.

Some of the most popular are plant prints... Images can mimic bamboo, reed, or tropical compositions. On sale there are both bright and calm options for neutral tones.

If you choose more saturated and variegated wallpaper, then it is better to decorate with them only one wall in the room, and make the rest of the surfaces calmer, more discreet. This way you can create an accent on one wall in the room without overloading it.

Will never go out of style wallpaper with flowers... Previously, there were only such canvases on sale where prints were present, consisting of a large number of small flowers. Today, the fashion has changed, and manufacturers produce more finishing materials with the image of large and expressive buds that look realistic. In a trend, wallpapers with large colors, combining contrasting shades.

No less popular modern and stylish geometric pattern. Often, such finishing materials, designed in light colors, visually make the room more spacious and lighter. Vertical stripes can visually add height to the room.

It is not recommended to choose monochromatic options - they can make the atmosphere too boring, devoid of interesting details and zest.

Wallpaper looks beautiful, which depict sakura. It can be small prints, and maybe a large realistic image on photo wallpaper. Such a finish will allow you to create a calming, pacifying interior with a touch of romanticism.

The latest peep of fashion - beautiful wallpaper with monograms. These patterns can combine contrasting scales, or be made in the same palette of different tones. Canvases with monograms are used both as accent and as the main decoration. On sale you can find many different options that are ideal for the living room, make it graceful and stylish.

Application in different styles

The wallpaper should be chosen in accordance with the stylistic direction in which the living room is sustained. Let's consider in detail what features and distinctive features are typical for interiors of different styles, and what wallpapers should be selected for them.


Classic interiors will never leave the fashion line. This is a setting filled with impeccable proportions, high quality natural materials, calm and solid color combinations. For such interiors, it is recommended to select wallpaper in light and pastel shades. Nice embossing with uniform ornaments and discreet patterns is acceptable. Excessive brightness and ostentatious luxury are best avoided.

High tech

Trendy and popular contemporary style. For halls in this vein, it is recommended to select plain wallpaper in white, beige, gray colors. Colorful prints, large realistic images will be superfluous.


An interesting, expressive style that can emphasize the bright individuality of the owners of the home. For such interiors, it is recommended to select high-quality wallpaper in warm, soft colors.

If we are talking about organizing a spacious room, then you can pick up stylish canvases with natural motives.


Rooms decorated in this style have a peaceful, calm and welcoming atmosphere. Here canvases of pastel shades fit perfectly. Wallpaper can be both plain and decorated with delicate floral prints.

    Scandinavian style

    Discreet, concise and solid. For such ensembles, it is recommended to choose discreet snow-white or gray finishing materials. On one of the walls it is permissible to glue photowall-paperto form an original accent surface, diluting the restraint and tranquility of the Scandinavian interior.


    This is a popular loft style in which aging walls are encouraged. You can simulate a simple rough plaster, brickwork of different colors. Thus, not all walls in the room can be decorated, but only one - accent.


    Rustic style, in which there is no place for pretentiousness, ostentatious luxury and wealth. Everything here should be humble and simple. Popular prints on wallpaper in the form of stripes, discreet cute flowers, a variety of geometric patterns. Glueing of cloths in a cage is allowed. It is advisable to stick to calm, pastel colors.

    Japanese style

    Favorite direction of many. Ideal for people who want to make the interior of the hall calm, peaceful and harmonious. In such an environment, high quality textile fabrics look gorgeous. They may contain images of hieroglyphs, dragons, cranes, beautiful sakura. The color scheme should be extremely neutral and soft. Nothing should cause irritation or unnecessary emotional excitement in a Japanese interior.


    Another of the modern trends. For such interiors, you should select only laconic, plain wallpaper, devoid of unnecessary decorations and patterns. Drawings can take place, but only discreet, unobtrusive. A neutral color scheme, devoid of variegation, will do.


    Pretentious, expensive style. He is distinguished by ostentatious luxury and wealth. For living rooms, you should select only high-quality, branded wallpapers. For example, chic Italian canvases of impeccable quality, which depict monograms that stand out against a solid background, are suitable.Such wallpapers will look great in an ensemble with expensive furniture, golden decor, bronze and silvering in the interior.

    Art deco

    Art Deco style will look harmonious wallpaper showing contrast. It can be either relatively calm or dramatic. The most varied patterns and prints on canvases are permissible. It can be monograms, geometric lines, and abstract motives. There are no serious restrictions on colors.

    How to choose a design for a hall?

    Selecting a specific wallpaper design for the living room should first of all, starting from its quadrature. So, it is better not to decorate the room in the "Khrushchev" with dark canvases. Here you need to select only light or pastel options that will visually make the space wider and lighter. You should not resort to introducing contrasts, colorful decorations and prints. A laconic, minimalist design is ideal, which will not make the room overloaded.

    If the room is large, then here you can resort to applying finishes in different colors. Even black wallpapers are not prohibited, but they must be correctly beaten with other, lighter and more calm colors.... For example, a tandem of black and white or black and beige / silver will look gorgeous in a modern style. Of course, in a spacious area, the presence of light colors is also allowed - they always come to the point.

    Prints are also allowed, but their excess should be avoided - such a finish can visually reduce the space, make it heavier.

    The height of the ceilings is also important. To visually make them higher, you can pick up canvases with vertical patterns and geometric prints.... The same technique works for the visual expansion of the walls in the room - in this case, horizontal images will do.

    If it is too difficult to choose the optimal interior design for the living room on your own, you should contact a specialist. Professional designers will be able to quickly and easily plan a harmonious and beautiful interior with ideal finishing materials on the walls.

    How can you glue it beautifully?

    There are several interesting ways of gluing wallpaper in the hall.

    • Horizontal combination... Thus, the wall is divided along a horizontal line. The top is usually made lighter, and the bottom is rich, with an interesting pattern or print.
    • Vertical combination. Represents a contrasting alternation of stripes. Thanks to this solution, the room becomes visually higher. It is possible to avoid unnecessary variegation of the walls.
    • Combination of plain colors and wallpaper with prints. The combination of plain colors and rolls with pictures looks interesting. So you can highlight certain surfaces, form an accent base in the room. In this case, the wallpaper can be supplemented with a beautiful molding of a suitable style.

    The combination of different wallpapers on the walls allows not only to decorate the living room, but also to hide many wall imperfections, as well as to divide the available space into separate zones. This will visually make the room more spacious, more interesting. Not only colors can differ, but also the texture of the paintings on the walls.

    You can buy wallpaper for painting and apply a gradient on them - the interior will turn out to be amazing and unusual.

    Beautiful ideas

    In a cozy living room, where all the walls are decorated with plain coffee-colored wallpaper, an accent wall behind the TV, decorated with black canvases with contrasting white patterns, will look spectacular. Here it is better to organize a white multi-level ceiling with a sufficient number of lighting fixtures, a cream floor, put light furniture, and hang transparent tulle and thick brown curtains on the windows.

    If the room is small, it should be decorated in light colors.For example, all walls, floor and ceiling can be made snow-white and only one wall behind the sofa can be accentuated - choose for it snow-white wallpaper with a black small pattern of a certain geometric shape. Against such a background, white furniture should not be placed - there will be too much whiteness. Better to pick one black sofa with leather upholstery and a couple of gray woven sofas. Place a glass table with chrome legs and a fluffy carpet on the floor.

    The halls, decorated with plain light gray wallpaper, look stylish and modern. In such conditions, the ceiling can be made simple, white, and the floor can be covered with carpet in a neutral shade.

    Furniture should be chosen white or pale ash, put a dark glass table. It will be possible to brighten up the situation with decorative pillows in pastel shades, fresh flowers in vases and black and white paintings on the wall above the sofa.

    Living rooms look amazing, in which the accent wall is decorated with a photo wallpaper depicting a forest landscape at sunset. Against the background of this design, a white corner sofa with beige pillows will look gorgeous. The rest of the walls in the room should be trimmed with canvases in neutral shades, the ceiling should be white, and the floor cream.

    For information on how to choose a wallpaper, see the next video.

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