Photo wallpaper "Night city"

Why are the Night City photo wallpapers so attractive, what is it about them, why are they simply eye-catching? Residents of a metropolis quite often experience what is called emotional overload. Too many contacts, too much communication, too many problems, and all this has to be solved at once. In the evenings, you want to simply relax in peace and quiet, but the interior of an apartment does not always contribute to real desires. The reasons can be both in a change in the perception of the environment, depending on the internal state, and purely housing, when the size of the living space did not allow the once desired design "miracle" to be realized.

The choice for decorating an apartment with photo wallpaper is truly magnificent, extensive, so it would seem that so difficult? We looked, chose, bought, glued and you can enjoy your vacation in a renovated home ... Alas, not everything is so simple, since it is the large number of options for plots with night metropolises that does not allow us to dwell on one thing. And if you liked something at the exhibition or on the website, you should not immediately make a purchase. It is necessary to take into account not only "like-dislike", but also how these photowall-paper will look in particular in your apartment, whether they will not be "superfluous", too bright. And in this case, it will not be superfluous to order the visualization of the selected option in the interior of your apartment, since such a free service is available on the website, which we have provided via the link above.
Such pictures are good already because they allow:
enlarge the room visually, make it more voluminous;
maintain the illusion of movement with complete rest, rest;
create a design accent and harmony even in a small room;
convey the mood of city life.
There is no need to go somewhere to become a "participant" in the nightlife of your favorite city, you are already there, on these streets, and without leaving your comfort zone.

What rooms are they ideal for?
One of the advantages of night city plots is their relevance to almost any room, although there may be disagreements about the style. Well, let's figure it out:
- The largest room in an apartment is usually called a living room or a hall, and it is quite acceptable for her to place a picture on the wall with a night panorama of city highways, skyscrapers or the embankment. As a rule, it is in the living room that the common recreation area is decorated, therefore, you definitely cannot do without a large sofa with armchairs and a table. The wall behind the sofa cannot be empty, and for its size you can choose a panoramic seamless canvas, the image on which will complement the room with bright colors of city streets.

- For the bedroom, do not use pictures with highways, a lot of lights or crowded intersections. Pictures with views of the city in the pre-sunset time will be much more pleasant - this is not yet night, but its approach, which means time for rest and sleep.

- You can't do without gorgeous pictures from cartoons or comics for children's rooms or rooms for teenagers who love something extraordinary, unusual. There are a lot of design options, and here you need to pay attention to the interests of the child himself, since it is unlikely that a teenage boy will like to live surrounded by fabulous fairies and magical creatures.

- The kitchen or dining room, in principle, does not need such a clear adherence to the style of the entire apartment. This is a completely separate "world" where delicious treats are prepared every day, where it is customary for the whole family to gather at the dinner table and share the news. Both panoramic views and pictures depicting small streets, flower showcases on the embankments of Venice will be quite appropriate here.

Where is it better not to use photo wallpaper with night city streets?
In the list of zones of any apartment, the entrance hall was not mentioned, and this is not for nothing. It is with her that the acquaintance with the design of the room begins, but, as a rule, large hallways are rare, and the lighting in the narrow closet corridor is not very successful. It is unlikely that large canvases will be appropriate here, rather abstract pictures - trompe l'oeil, which will decorate a small room, and will not "crush" those entering with massive views of skyscrapers or city panoramas.
The richest selection of various subjects is another feature of the photo wallpaper.
A psychologically correct choice will ensure not only a harmonious combination of the painting and the design of the apartment, but will also preserve the memory of a pleasant trip or an event in the life of the family.

Varieties of plots:
- Monuments, skyscrapers, buildings with unique shapes (urban views of Tokyo, Dubai, Chicago, etc.) - these paintings are of particular interest to fans of modern architecture.
- Sights of various cities in the world, famous monuments of antiquity, unique natural corners - for lovers of the classics.
- Views of city bridges, unique in architecture, illuminated by lanterns or bright illumination at night.
- Street views (small cafes, embankments, seascapes), Provence flower landscapes, Laura's castles, oceanfront views, etc.
Depending on the interior, people are attracted by both color and black-and-white photowall-paper, and the main thing in the choice is the style solution.

Wallpaper with which base is better?
The quality of modern photowall-paper is very high, but for gluing the walls it is still necessary to level it, because the canvas is quite large. High-quality dyes, image clarity are excellent, but there is still a base on which this image is applied.
Types of photowall-paper, depending on the basis:
paper - inexpensive, thin, can be one or two-layer, eco-friendly, breathable, not resistant to moisture, they cannot be washed with any detergents;
non-woven - durable, do not deform when the walls shrink, do not lose their appearance after washing, do not tear when glued, breathable, moisture resistant, stretch well;
vinyl on a non-woven base - easily glued to a surface with slight irregularities, super-strong, moisture-resistant, excellent stretch, washable. Canvases allow the application of complex textured images;
self-adhesive - the presence of an additional layer greatly facilitates the process of gluing photo wallpaper. They are firmly adhered to the surface (any), the image is not affected by moisture, sunlight, the wallpaper is easy to clean.
The choice of photowall-paper made on different bases is the priority of the client, which is based only on his desire.

In the online store "KLV-oboi" you can order photomurals "Night City" with delivery to any region of Russia. In this case, you do not need to make an advance payment, only delivery is paid immediately, and payment for the goods is made only upon acceptance. We looked, if the quality suits you, then you pay - everything is very simple. For residents of both capitals, delivery around the city is completely free. Choose what you like, we can help you even in case of any difficulties in the size of the wallpaper.