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Who should be the first to enter the elevator according to the rules of etiquette?

Who should be the first to enter the elevator according to the rules of etiquette?

The rules of etiquette in the elevator are an important component of the relationship between residents of the same house, office or entrance. No matter how many try to criticize etiquette, claiming that these rules are simply morally outdated, most educated and well-mannered people still comply with its provisions. And in the case of a lifting mechanism, most of the rules are included in the instructions for using this vehicle.

Who should enter first

Many men, without hesitation, let girls go ahead, because this is the way it should be according to etiquette. But this is not true. The first rule is a man creates all conditions for the comfort and safety of women, the elderly and children, and this makes its own adjustments to the rules.

The elevator is classified as a dangerous device, so a man must make sure that everything is in order with him and enters first. A woman comes in next, and only after her children. Representatives of the stronger sex press the buttons to call or order a floor. Everything comes out in the reverse order.

The stronger one always comes in first, so the elderly also enter after the young and the gender in this case does not matter, unless you want to compliment your fellow traveler or go up one floor below.

In the elevator of conservative institutions, entry and exit can be carried out according to the laws of subordination. The floor selection button is pressed by the slave. In modern democratic organizations everyone presses the necessary key himself.

Safety also affects the order of movement of the stroller with the child. She should follow the person entering the elevator, not push in front of her. It is also convenient when leaving the cab.

When entering, vehicles for people with disabilities should always be directed with their backs to the rear wall of the elevator so that when leaving you do not have to turn around and waste a lot of time. The doors of the mechanism are designed for a certain time, delay may result in injury to a disabled person. Long stay on the line of the sill can also cause the lifting system to stop.

The second basic rule of etiquette is ease of use. The cabins are not always spacious. In an elevator filled to capacity, people have to cuddle up to the walls, take uncomfortable postures, dirty their clothes on objects or shoes of fellow travelers squeezing through to the exit. To avoid situations like this, the first to enter the elevator are those whose destination is higher.

Recommended provisions

In addition to the question of who should enter first, there are several sequential actions that you need to be aware of. Here is a short list of some of them:

  • If you need to climb one or two openings, it is better to use the stairs.
  • With the usual floor selection panel, it is supposed to ask who is going to which floor.
  • It is necessary to greet only those with whom you constantly greet. The exception is business trips or when traveling to another country.
  • When traveling with a dog, you must carefully monitor your pet. It is advisable not to enter the elevator with a large number of people with him.

The best option would be to wait for the next one.

  • It is necessary to try not to disturb everyone's personal space and not create psychological discomfort for others. If someone steps on your foot, don't yell at the person. Better to accept his apology calmly.
  • When traveling, it is best not to start any conversations. Only greetings and general questions are allowed.
  • It is best to work out a short, generic greeting when traveling frequently. It could be a smile or a short nod.

Perhaps your example will become contagious, and you will notice how in a month all the inhabitants of your entrance will be affectionate to each other, at least when traveling in an elevator.

All about the rules of conduct in the elevator, see the next video.

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