The subtleties of business communication by phone

The art of business communication is an important aspect of negotiation and has not lost its relevance for many years. The intensity of business communications by telephone is increasing from year to year. And with the development of mobile communications, it is becoming one of the main ways of communication. It is important to know the intricacies and rules of business communication to practice telephone conversation skills.

The telephone plays an important role in the modern world, because it helps us communicate with family, friends, colleagues, management and business partners.
So, during a conversation with a certain circle of people, a person applies the appropriate method of communication and, for example, will never conduct a dialogue with his boss, as with a close friend. In this situation, a more formal type of communication is applied.

Business etiquette should also be used by employees who conduct public opinion polls, receive calls from customers, or conduct telephone negotiations. Often, it is successful telephone conversations that become the key to good business relationships. And even the company's image can entirely depend on the ability of employees to conduct competent dialogues over the phone.
The time schedule for a business conversation for an informative conversation is usually one minute. If the purpose of the call is to solve a problem, then the time interval can be increased to three minutes.

Nowadays, most of the calls are made via mobile devices. When using this communication tool, you must follow some rules.
- Always turn off your phone or set it to vibrate at a business meeting with a client, in a movie theater, or at a seminar.
- A mobile device is more sensitive to sound than a landline phone. Therefore, in a situation where, being in a public place, it is necessary to conduct a personal conversation without outside interference, you can simply speak quietly, and the interlocutor will surely hear you.

- Do not put too loud a ringer on your phone. He can scare others.
- Try to keep it short. In the presence of third parties, the conversation should not last longer than 30 seconds, otherwise there is a risk of looking impolite in front of a person. If there are valid reasons for a telephone conversation, for example, a relative's illness or a major transaction, then those present should be notified of the situation.
- Avoid telephone conversations during a business lunch. If there is an urgent need to answer the call, then you should leave the table and talk in a less crowded place.

Ethical telephone communication is essential to the effective operation of a company. The culture of telephone conversations is a special kind of business communication. Knowledge of the rules of etiquette will help strengthen business relationships and increase the profitability of the organization.
- It is necessary to greet the person with whom the telephone conversation is coming up. The most suitable phrases for this are the phrases associated with the time of day ("Good morning", "Good afternoon" or "Good evening").
- During a service telephone conversation, it is important to monitor your own intonation. In order not to alienate the interlocutor, you need to speak politely and calmly, avoiding unnecessary emotions.

- After greeting, it is recommended that you introduce yourself and state your name, title and organization.
- If you call a person, then it is always worth clarifying whether it is convenient for him to talk at the moment.
- Ethical standards require you to pick up the phone after the second or third ring.
- During the conversation, do not smoke, eat or drink.
- If the caller is interested in another employee of the organization, then the conversation must be redirected to him or turn on the waiting function.
- In a situation where you made a wrong number, you need to apologize to the interlocutor and immediately say goodbye without asking unnecessary questions.
- Never call early in the morning, during your lunch break, or before the end of your day.
- The secretary or assistant can make or answer calls instead of the manager.

- You can call your partner or client's personal number only on condition that he himself gave you his contacts. But on weekends and holidays, such calls are prohibited.
- There are times when a conversation is interrupted due to a bad connection. In this situation, the person who called first should call back.
- Do not drag out the conversation. A long conversation can become boring and resentful. If the communication has been delayed, and the purpose of the conversation has not been achieved, then you can call the client back the next day or arrange a personal meeting.
- After the end of the conversation, it is recommended to thank the interlocutor and politely say goodbye to him, having previously asked if he has any questions. This simple action will complete the conversation and encourage further collaboration.

How to Prepare?
You should carefully prepare for a telephone conversation and perform a number of specific actions. Let's take a closer look at the main points.
- It is worth calling the interlocutor only after a clear conversation plan has been drawn up. In order to exclude minor details, you can make graphic or schematic sketches.
- Write down important questions to remember to ask as you negotiate.
- Prepare documents that you may need in the process of communication (correspondence, reports, contracts).

- In advance, find out from the interlocutor a convenient period of time for making a call.
- To record the information received, prepare a notebook or diary.
- Find out the general list of persons who will participate in the conversation in order to address them by name and patronymic.
- Before dialing the number, try to tune in to a positive mood, then your emotional state, of course, should cause the disposition of the interlocutor.
- When making a telephone conversation, consider the safety of communications in the office, because valuable information can fall into the hands of competitors.

There are also points that should be eliminated and not allowed in the upcoming telephone conversation.
- There is no need to discuss business matters with an unfamiliar or random person. Better to make an appointment in person.
- It is not recommended to demand a decision from a person who does not have the authority to do so or thinks otherwise. He can give his consent over the phone, although he will be opposed to this decision.
- You should not voice requests if you are not sure that the interlocutor agrees with you and wants to help.
It is not necessary to be silent for a long time into the telephone receiver, otherwise the caller will get the impression that they are not listening to him.

How to speak correctly?
The role of the telephone in business communication is twofold. Very often it distracts from urgent tasks performed during the day, but at the same time speeds up the solution of many tasks. That is why it is necessary to learn the principles of telephone conversations that contribute to its more efficient use.

It is very important to master the technique of business communication for employees, the specifics of whose work is in telephone conversations with potential clients. Many companies try to establish contact with the caller from the very first words in order to make him a real customer.
The first impression during telephone communication directly depends on the timbre of the voice and competent speech, because the interlocutor at the very first minute presents a virtual image of the person with whom he is talking.

Firms compete using different ways to attract customers. An important stage in the promotion of services is sales by phone, and therefore, managers must correctly and tactfully conduct dialogues with customers, otherwise profitable contracts will go to competitors.

Tips & Tricks
The following tips can help you succeed in your business phone calls.
- It is recommended that you make calls to the person who has provided you with any useful service. Words of gratitude are very important for future cooperation.
- Always smile when conducting a conversation. Your smile and optimism will certainly be felt by the subscriber.
- During the negotiation process, try to predict the course of the conversation of the interlocutor.
- Never use profanity or colloquial language. This is contrary to the culture of communication.
- Use expressions and terms that the caller will understand.
- Do not cover the handset with your hand while talking in parallel with someone. Thus, disrespect for the interlocutor is manifested.
- Explain your position confidently and accurately, because accuracy is the courtesy of kings.
Listen carefully to the caller so you don't lose your train of thought. If you ask to duplicate information, then the interlocutor may not like it, and your reputation will be at risk.

- It is important to negotiate quickly, answering questions asked without delays or confusing proposals. A pause can be justified only when the specialist is busy looking for the documentation necessary for negotiations. If the pause is prolonged, then the person has every right to interrupt communication.
- In moments of telephone, real or virtual communication, you must be extremely polite. Shouting and talking in a loud voice is considered a violation of ethics.
- Say goodbye to the interlocutor correctly, since the skillful end of the conversation is no less significant than the main part of the dialogue. You can give the interlocutor the opportunity to be the first to hang up. Thus, you end the conversation on a friendly wave.

Of course, you need to have good diction to communicate successfully on the phone.To make your speech more expressive and your voice pleasing, use the lessons in the following video.