Service ethics and etiquette: rules of conduct for employees and managers

What is service ethics? What it is? What are the foundations of the model code of ethics and the rules of etiquette for employees and managers? How to deal with clients? What is the risk of incorrect behavior in the work collective? All this will be discussed in our article.

What does the concept include?
Service ethics is a set of foundations, rules of human behavior in the field of his professional, industrial or service activities.
Service etiquette is understood as the norm of a person's moral behavior in a team. Knowledge of etiquette is expressed in the acquisition of professional qualities and the constant improvement of existing skills. A key condition for the well-coordinated work of any organization, company or institution is the culture of behavior and relationships between management and employees, as well as between clients and partners.
In the work environment, the employee is constantly in touch with everyone. Both managers and subordinates are obliged to observe the rules and requirements of business etiquette.

According to the rules of etiquette at events of a secular nature, conversations should be conducted without discussing personal life, it is better to discuss only current business problems and issues.
Compliance with official etiquette in accordance with all the rules is designed to create a healthy emotional work environment, improve mood, which will help increase work productivity and satisfy personal self-affirmation.
The fundamental principles of business etiquette differ significantly in companies, organizations, and institutions of different industries. There are general rules that must be followed by company employees and government officials. Several of the basic principles can be distinguished: punctuality, compliance of the employee's appearance with the established dress code of the company, the ability to maintain confidentiality, and leave personal problems outside the walls of the office.

Leader etiquette
Being a leader implies a certain status in connection with the assigned position and position. The authority of the leader is influenced by his possession of a high culture of communication. The standards of business ethics that must be observed by the manager are expressed in the following:
- communication with subordinates, colleagues, partners and clients should be based on the principle of democracy;
- attentiveness to the behavior of subordinates and availability in resolving conflicts;
- the ability to create a comradely and trusting atmosphere in the work collective;
- polite and correct attitude;
- responsibility in business matters;
- the ability to keep the word given to them;
- have objectivity in relation to all subordinates;

- to express adherence to principles and exactingness in business;
- create a favorable moral and psychological climate in a collective environment;
- make complaints against subordinates not in front of everyone, but in a personal conversation;
- it is necessary to periodically reward employees for success;
- in case of an incorrect assessment of the situation and punishment of an innocent subordinate, it is imperative to admit your mistakes;
- be fair in sentencing employees;
- do not lead empty quarrels.

It will be correct if the leader, by his actions and demeanor, strengthens the subordinate's sense of dignity. The praise of the subordinate in the form of verbal and monetary rewards should not be forgotten. However, there must be a measure in the praise, otherwise the subordinate will develop intolerance to criticism.
Balance is always needed in the behavior of a leader. So, if the subordinate did not fulfill the order of the management, it is necessary to indicate that responsibility or punishment follows for non-fulfillment of orders.

Employee etiquette rules
Each firm has its own “table of ranks”. The document can be either standard or supplemented with industry-specific principles. For example, some employees are addressed only by their first name, in relation to others, the subordination in the address by name and patronymic is clearly visible.
Beginners should carefully look at the manners and forms of communication in interpersonal relationships in a team and take them as an example.

The main norms of etiquette are expressed in the following:
- possession of a common culture;
- decency in relationships with colleagues;
- respect for the honor and dignity of colleagues;
- lack of hypocrisy and lies;
- politeness;
- the ability to leave your problems and personal troubles outside the walls of the office;
- benevolence, conscientiousness, deference, tact, delicacy;
- the ability to condole and express compassion.

Rules of etiquette with clients and partners
Etiquette of service relationships with customers and partners at enterprises and government agencies shows that it is necessary to maintain the correct behavioral qualities and observe the following rules:
- politeness;
- punctuality (you can't be late for meetings);
- timeliness (all incoming letters and calls from customers must be answered on time, without delays);
- responsibility for the tasks taken and the timing of their implementation;
- neat and decent appearance.

Compliance with generally accepted ethical standards in the work process will contribute to long-term and lasting relationships with customers and business partners, as well as the growth of the company's prestige and profit.
Service etiquette in working with foreign clients or foreign partners requires knowledge of the customs, traditions of the representative country, mentality and moral behavior. Ideally, relationships are built on respect and honesty.

Fundamentals of the Model Code of Ethics
The code of ethics and official conduct should not contradict the constitutional foundations, but take into account the principles of professional ethics and the rules of employee conduct in the work collective.
The Fundamental Standards reflect attitudes towards professional duty and ensure quality performance, career growth and high key performance indicators.
The ethical rules of thumb shape collective relationships. The document spelled out the basics about the conflict of interest in the company, responsibility for exceeding official powers, maintaining the confidentiality of personal data and company secrets, adhering to the principles of conducting reasonable competition, norms on personal integrity, and more.
Codes of ethics regulate the performance of representatives of various professions, both as individual practitioners and those in employment.

There are model codes that combine a list of disciplinary rules and norms of official conduct. The quantitative component of such foundations is small, the overwhelming majority of them are summarized. This is followed by detailing to specificity, and the following issues are covered:
- the code must be regulatory and focused;
- the code regulates the protection of the interests of the employee and the client;
- the code must be precise;
- the code, like any regulation, should be both controlled and supervising.

Features of unwanted behavior
In the labor process, inappropriate actions are always strictly suppressed. Undesirable behavior includes the following:
- offensive statements and remarks;
- bad reviews about colleagues, clients;
- foul language and profanity;
- rudeness in words and actions, abuse of office, obsession;
- tactless gestures towards colleagues and clients;
- violation of the regulated dress code.

See the next video for even more on the right team leadership strategy.