Shoe care

Mechanical stretchers for shoes: what are there and how to use?

Mechanical stretchers for shoes: what are there and how to use?
  1. What is a Stretcher?
  3. How to use?

Many have come across the fact that the chosen shoes fit too tightly on the foot, creating inconvenience when walking. Or a favorite pair of shoes, caught in the rain, shrank slightly and became half a size smaller. To deal with such unpleasant situations, you can use a mechanical shoe stretcher.

What is a Stretcher?

There are several methods you can use to fit the shoe to your foot:

  • carry shoes at home, putting them on thicker socks;
  • use chemical agents to soften the material from which the shoes or boots are made, and again spread;
  • stretch with a special tool.

The latter option can be combined with chemical stretching.

However, it is worth remembering that it is impossible to increase the size of the purchased pair with the help of the stretching block by a significant indicator. The most that the spreader bar can do is reduce the compression of the foot with too tight shoes, making it comfortable to walk.

In order to fit your favorite footwear, experts advise using a mechanical stretcher. The device is a kind of spacer block, consisting of a part for the bow and a stub, set on an axle with a screw thread for adjusting the stop.

The nose part of the shoe for stretching in different models of the device can be one-piece or sliding, used to adjust the shoe in width.


Stretching pads are of the following types:

  • wooden;
  • metal;
  • plastic.

In the old days, wooden spacers made from improvised material were used as a device for adjusting shoes to the foot.Modern consumers can purchase the unit they want in the store.

There are different types of mechanical shoe stretchers:

  • classic foot-contouring spacers for adjustments;
  • a spacer for adjusting the width, consisting of two plates connected by a spring;
  • a special device for stretching in the instep of boots, ankle boots and other high-toed shoes.

At home, manual devices are mainly used, while professional shoemakers use a special machine to stretch shoes.

Shoe looms are:

  • mechanical, where everything is configured manually;
  • electric, which have several functions for adjusting the shoe to the foot.

The machines are supplied with a set of attachments for adjusting various shoe models.

When buying a stretching machine in a store, you should pay attention that there are various models designed to work with the male and female versions. The spacers used for the ladies' shoes are made taking into account that the female shoe pair has a high heel. That's why the toe section is designed to accommodate the appropriate curve of the sole.

Male models of spacers take into account the anatomical feature of a man's foot, which is often wider than that of a woman. And also the fact that shoes for men practically do not have strongly tapered noses and high heels, which are found in women's shoes.

How to use?

There are no particular difficulties in using shoe spacers. The main thing is to choose the right shoe shape, taking into account the peculiarities of the shoe pair.

If you need to adjust the size, then you need to insert a stretch into the shoe and unscrew the screw to such an extent that the heel is very tightly pressed against the back and creates pressure on the toe. For the best effect, the inside of the steam can be treated with special chemical stretching agents. This can be spray, foam, or other liquid substances. After inserting the spacer, you need to leave the shoes for a few hours for the effect to take hold.

It is worth remembering an important rule: in order not to spoil the shoes, you must not stretch too much at a time. If a significant change in volume is required, then it is best to repeat the adjustment operation several times, gradually increasing the size.

To adjust the boots to the width of the foot, cross-braces or pads with a sliding nose nozzle are used. After inserting the last into the shoe, using the side screws, the spacers are pushed apart and fixed, creating the necessary pressure.

Two plates, connected at one end by a movable joint, and at the other by a mount, with which you can change the angle between the plates, are used to adjust the shoe in the instep of the foot at home. After inserting and securing the device in the right place, using the adjusting screw, create the necessary pressure on the problem part of the shoe. The spacer is left for several hours.

After removing the pads, the shoes are tried on and, if necessary, repeat the procedure until the desired result is achieved.

It is very convenient when you have a whole set of spacers at home that are used for various purposes. Then the owner will be able to fit the footwear with any problem, excluding the increase in the size of the pair of shoes.

For information on how to use a shoe stretcher, see the next video.

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