Shoe care

How to wash sneakers in the washing machine?

How to wash sneakers in the washing machine?
  1. Peculiarities
  2. How is it correct?
  3. Tips for famous brands
  4. When is the machine banned?
  5. Disadvantages after washing: how to clean?

Comfortable sports shoes have long been an integral part of the wardrobe for many. Practical and comfortable, sneakers are the most popular shoe that many people wear almost every day. Nowadays, you can buy sports shoes of any plan: leather, textile, with pictures, with laces and others, for every taste and wallet. But whichever shoe you choose, from time to time it needs a serious cleaning. How to properly wash sneakers in a regular washing machine will be discussed in this article.


Since this type of sports footwear, like sneakers, is the most popular with many, it is they that most often need a thorough wash. We wear these comfortable shoes almost every day, no matter where we go: to work or on a date. It is important that it is comfortable, practical and beautiful.

But any footwear loses its appearance from constant wear. If the shoes can be cleaned with a sponge, rubbed with a special cream, and they will once again shine with their original shine, then with this type of sports shoes everything is a little more complicated. If daily cleaning is no longer helping and your sneakers don't look as tidy as you would like, then serious steps need to be taken. For example, this is washing in a washing machine.

You can wash sneakers in a typewriter, the main thing is to know how to do it correctly so that your shoes shine clean again. If you do everything right, you can easily return your favorite shoes to their previous look.

For washing you will need: a special bag in which it is recommended to wash your shoes; a good detergent that can handle even tough stains and dirt.

Before putting shoes into the drum of the washing machine, they must be carefully prepared for the washing process.

First, it will help in the best way to wipe them off. Secondly, you will not ruin the washing machine:

  • Thoroughly wash the sole so that there is not a single hint that it was stained with street dirt. This can be done simply under the tap with a sponge or stiff brush. By the way, the most common toothbrush is also suitable, which will help remove particles of dirt and sand from the grooved sole;
  • be sure to remove the laces before washing. You can also wash them by hand using ordinary laundry soap;
  • check the shoes for integrity. That is, make sure that there is no damage, that the seams do not diverge, small decorative details hold well, and so on.

After you prepare your sneakers, you can safely proceed to the actual washing.

How is it correct?

Anyone who first encounters washing shoes in a washing machine is, of course, afraid of doing something wrong. Quite logically, questions arise: how to wash correctly, which mode to choose, whether such washing will ruin the shoes, and so on.

Let's begin with that you need to wash shoes in a special bage, as mentioned above. But not always there is such a bag in the house. It’s not a problem. It will be enough that along with the sneakers you put one or two small towels in the drum of the washing machine. This is necessary in order to soften shocks during washing and thereby protect the washing machine from serious damage.

Try to wash only one pair at a time. Better yet, wash one shoe at a time. In addition, if your insole is removable, then it is better to remove it during washing. The insoles, like the laces, can be perfectly washed by hand, and this is not so difficult to do.

By the way, if you decide to wash colored shoes, namely, sneakers of a bright color, then be prepared for the fact that they may lose their color. To avoid this, you need to place shoes for ten minutes in a solution prepared in advance. Pour warm water into a basin, dissolve a few tablespoons of ordinary vinegar in it, and immerse a pair of shoes completely in it. This way, you can set the color, and after washing, they will remain the same bright.

If you're washing pure white sneakers, it doesn't hurt to add a little bleach during the wash. Of course, the product should only be designed for white laundry.

As for the powder, it is better to give preference to a liquid product. Since ordinary powder very often leaves marks on shoes, especially if they are made of fabric.

Which mode?

Many washing machines that have been produced in recent years have a special mode for washing sports shoes... If there is no such mode in the typewriter, then it does not matter. Choose to wash your favorite shoes delicate or hand wash... In such a program, a more gentle temperature regime is provided.

It is better to refuse the "Spin" mode, as this can lead to deformation of the shoes.

At what temperature?

Leather sneakers, textiles or textiles are best washed at low temperatures. The temperature you choose should not exceed 40 degrees. It will be best if you choose 30-35 degrees. The lower the temperature, the greater the guarantee that the shoes will not come unstuck.

After you wash your athletic shoes, dry them thoroughly. Doing this with an automatic tumble dryer or a hair dryer is not recommended. After such a process, the shoes can be seriously deformed, and you will only have to send them to the trash heap.

In addition, it is not recommended to dry them near a battery or radiator.

Try to dry your sneakers outdoors. After taking them out of the washing machine drum, leave them in a basin or on a special board. Arrange them so that any excess liquid can drain off. It is best to dry your shoes outdoors, where they will dry out qualitatively with the help of natural wind.

To speed up the drying process a little, you can stuff your shoes with old newspapers or just paper. Just remember that white sneakers are best stuffed with pure white paper so that the product does not lose its color. Change to dry paper periodically.

Only after it is completely dry can you tuck in the insoles and laces.

Tips for famous brands

Shoes from such well-known brands as Nike or, for example, Adidas, are distinguished by a special quality. As a rule, such products are initially impregnated with a special substance that has a water-repellent and dirt-repellent effect. Thanks to this, they do not get dirty so often, and if they need to be cleaned, then this can be done quickly and easily.

Unfortunately, over time, this impregnation is gradually washed off. This is due to regular wet cleaning, rains, weather conditions and, of course, machine wash.

In the situation, modern means will help, which can often be found in a shoe store. With the help of such a tool, you can process leather sneakers, and they will again delight you with the fact that dust and dirt does not stick to them so much.

In order for shoes from world brands famous for their high-quality products to last as long as possible, need proper care:

  • be sure to purchase a sports shoe care product. Consider the material from which the product is made: leather, suede, nubuck, textiles, and so on;
  • before you start cleaning shoes with this or that means, be sure to carefully read the instructions;
  • after walking in bad weather, be sure to thoroughly clean the product from dirt, and then fill it with clean and dry paper. The same should be done for those who suffer from excessive sweating of the feet;
  • sneakers made of suede or nubuck are best cleaned with special brushes, which will help not to damage the delicate surface and keep the perfect look for as long as possible;
  • When cleaning leather products, try to do it with a not too damp sponge. Such shoes are afraid of excess water and from this they lose their original appearance.

When is the machine banned?

Unfortunately, not all sneakers are machine washable. There are products that absolutely cannot be machine washed. For example, these are products made of genuine leather or suede. In addition, reflective sports shoes are also not suitable for this type of washing. It is not recommended to wash shoes decorated with rhinestones, metal spikes etc. Such products during washing can seriously damage the appliance, and the washing machine may even fail.

You can wash sports shoes, which are made of leather, without the use of powders and a washing machine. Try to clean such items with a sponge daily from dust and dirt. Be sure to rub it with a special cream several times a month. You can buy the cream at the same store as your athletic shoes.

Keeping track of your shoes on a regular basis will help you last a long time and look as perfect as they did on the first day of purchase.

If you decide to wash your sneakers by hand, then these guidelines will definitely come in handy:

  • First, prepare your sneakers for washing as recommended above. That is, clean the sole of dirt, wipe the surface thoroughly, remove the laces;
  • if on sneakers, especially fabric ones, there are strong stains that have eaten into the fabric from time to time, then you will have to work on them initially. These stains can be removed with bleach. Choose a liquid product.The product can be for white or colored laundry, it all depends on the color of your shoes;
  • When cleaning a stubborn stain, you can use a simple toothbrush, which is very convenient for distributing the product and rubbing directly on the stain. Rub the stain thoroughly and leave it there for ten to fifteen minutes, after which you can start the main wash;
  • In order to wash the sneakers by hand, you need to mix the detergent in the basin, if necessary, bleach. Do everything in mildly warm water. Remember that too hot water can damage and the soles of shoes or decorative elements can come off;
  • After immersing the shoes in the basin, scrub them thoroughly with a soft brush on all sides. The insole is best washed and dried separately;
  • after you finish washing in powder water, shoes should be rinsed in cool water. This must be done carefully so that no particles of detergent remain, otherwise, after complete drying, dark, yellow spots will appear on the surface of the product;
  • you need to dry it in the same way as described above, avoiding drying with a hairdryer and next to batteries, radiators.

Disadvantages after washing: how to clean?

Unfortunately, many people are faced with such a problem that even after a machine wash, stains remain on the sneakers. This is especially true for the white sole. It seems that the shoes are perfectly clean, but the outsole disappoints with its not perfect whiteness. But such shortcomings can be easily eliminated after washing. However, this time you will have to work manually.

A regular eraser, which every schoolchild uses every day, will help bleach the soles of their favorite shoes. It will be enough if you rub all the problem areas with an eraser. The dirt will go away, and the sole will be snow-white again.

If the once white sole has become slightly yellowish or gray, then bleach will help to restore its whiteness. Take a liquid detergent for white laundry and dilute it with warm water. Pour just enough water into a comfortable, wide basin so that only the sole of your shoes can be soaked. Leave the product in this solution for about half an hour. This will help whiten the sole.

By the way, you can perform such manipulations before the main wash to make sure that the sneakers are perfectly clean from all sides.

The regular toothpaste we use in the morning and in the evening also works great on stains on white soles. Prefer white, mint paste. Since some pastes with particles and crystals contain a small amount of dye, which will adversely affect the whiteness of the sole.

So, apply the paste to your toothbrush and then rub it over the sole, paying special attention to the problem areas. This method will help to restore the whiteness of the sole as quickly and efficiently as possible.

Some machine wash stains still remain on the surface of the shoe. This often happens with textile sneakers. While the shoes are still wet, you can manually remove the stains yourself. To do this, you will need bleach, preferably liquid.

Also keep in mind that colored shoes need a product designed for colored linen, otherwise you risk ruining the product, and the material will look pale.

If, after washing, some parts, for example, rhinestones or other jewelry, flew off, then this is not a problem. Once completely dry, you can stick them back on yourself. This can be done using special glue. Please note that the glue must be transparent. Apply the glue to the place itself, not the product. In addition, do not apply too much glue, otherwise you will have to remove the remnants from the shoes later.

For information on how to properly wash sneakers in the washing machine, see the next video.

1 comment

I prefer not to wash. If you do not wear sneakers "for wear", then they live with me for 3 years, and then it's time to buy new ones ...


the beauty
