
Ivanovsky blankets

Ivanovsky blankets
  1. Peculiarities
  2. Review of blankets "Ivanovsky Textile"
  3. Blankets from Comfort Tex
  4. Assortment from the "All to the House" factory

Recently, Ivanovo textiles have been very popular. And this is not surprising. A wide range of bed linen, pillows, blankets and rugs, bedspreads are of high quality. At the same time, very loyal prices. According to consumer reviews, it can be concluded that there is no better option.


Textile products from Ivanovo manufacturers are distinguished by a mass of positive characteristics.

Main advantages:

  • time-tested manufacturing companies;

  • all things are made from natural raw materials;

  • fabrics are durable and pleasant to the touch;

  • all things are hypoallergenic;

  • textiles do not give side effects in the form of skin irritation;

  • long shelf life;

  • compliance with water-air balance when using textiles;

  • affordable cost.

It is important for every person that the house is comfortable and cozy. Therefore, it is important to approach the choice of furnishings and household items with special attention. Ivanovo textiles are of high quality.

Before any holiday, you can buy a blanket as a gift. Moreover, the assortment is represented by objects that are completely different in texture, shape, shade and pattern. Anyone can find bedding according to their taste and preferences.

Review of blankets "Ivanovsky Textile"

The blanket is necessary for everyone. During sleep, the human body does not move. This means that the heat is not completely replenished. By 4 o'clock in the morning, the body temperature drops by a whole degree. That is why, historically, Homo Sapiens, with the loss of their fur coat, needed additional shelter. According to research by archaeologists, the first blankets were animal skins sewn together.In the process of development of civilization and innovative technologies, blankets were made from sheep's wool. Now Ivanovo entrepreneurs provide bed linen of completely different types, depending on the purpose of the products and the preferences of consumers.

Here are the popular categories of blankets.

  • Bike. The cost varies from 600 to 1300 rubles. They are used in the summer. They can often be seen in hotels and various boarding houses.
  • Camel hair. Cost: 1500-3000 rubles. These are sewn products filled with natural camel hair. They have a long service life - more than 10 years.
  • Swansdown. Cost: 1200-2500 rubles. These warm and light swan down blankets will reliably warm you in the winter cold. These are perhaps the most durable examples.
  • Cotton wool. Cost: 1000-3000 rubles. These blankets are made from 100% natural cotton. Perhaps this is the most versatile option for any season of the year.
  • Woolen. Cost: 600-3000 rubles. In the composition of wool, polyester components, which add volume, reduce weight, maintain a uniform thickness of the product.
  • Linen filler. Cost: 700-4000 rubles. Virtually no different in properties from the previous type. The only caveat in the filler: from the name you can see that there is flax.
  • Sheep wool blankets. Cost: 600-3000 rubles. Especially popular bedding items are made of merino yarn. This breed of fine-fleece sheep is distinguished by soft, light, long hair, in a special way curled and twisted. Therefore, the blanket is warm, the wool does not roll, does not stray into lumps, and keeps its shape for a long time.

It is recommended to carefully review the entire assortment before purchasing bedding items. It is worth focusing on the material, size and color of the blanket. After all, further human activity depends on the quality of sleep.

Blankets from Comfort Tex

In this case, the company offers the buyer soft warm blankets mainly for the winter season. Difference: fairly low prices. The Comfort Tex factory is a proven Ivanovo manufacturer.


  • children's options;

  • for adults (1.5-bed and 2-bed).

Natural linen and cotton are mandatory in their composition.


  • environmentally friendly fabric material;

  • a wide range of fillers;

  • a large number of different colors.

Nowadays, standard size blankets are often sold on a par with the so-called European standard - 155x215 cm. Naturally, large blankets are much more comfortable than small ones. That is why Euro blankets are more popular now. True, the duvet cover will be of the appropriate dimensions.

What to focus on when choosing? The list is not that long.

  1. Thickness.

  2. Material: camel wool or acrylic (synthetic).

  3. Design. It should be in harmony with the rest of the bedding.

  4. The size. Depends on the size of the bed. As well as the growth of family members. Children and adolescents are encouraged to take a larger size, so to speak, for growth.

In addition, the company provides lightweight options. They are best suited for use in the summer or at a comfortable temperature in the house in the winter. The products are distinguished by lightness, softness and environmental friendliness.

Assortment from the "All to the House" factory

Another famous Ivanovo manufacturer of textiles, time-tested. He also makes lovely duvets in different sizes, colors and fillings. There are winter options, as well as summer lightweight (172x205 cm).

However, bamboo bedding is becoming the most popular. There are enough reasons for this.


  • lightness and weightlessness;

  • environmental friendliness;

  • special strength;

  • warm, but not hot;

  • low thermal conductivity as a factor in long-term operation;

  • softness and tenderness;

  • convenience in everyday life.

These blankets are great for newborns, people with weakened immunity and anyone with allergic reactions.

Selection rules:

  1. clearly define the size and thickness;

  2. check the quality of the filler and seams;

  3. the most advantageous type is a duvet cover, this option allows you to use it in the summer as a standard bedspread, and in the cold as a duvet cover.

The company provides bamboo blankets of different seasons: lightweight, versatile and insulated.

Thus, Ivanovo blankets differ from other analogues by their high quality and relatively low prices. The assortment includes different categories of things depending on the size, color, variety of blankets. Everyone can choose their own bedding according to their taste and preferences.

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