
Choosing a merino wool blanket

Choosing a merino wool blanket
  1. Advantages and disadvantages
  2. Assortment of products
  3. How to choose?
  4. How to care?
  5. Review overview

Woolen blankets have long been considered one of the warmest and most comfortable to sleep in. Among these products are merino wool blankets. Merino is a breed of sheep with fine wool. Such sheep are raised solely for the purpose of obtaining filler for bedding. In this article we will tell you how to choose a blanket made of merino wool, the advantages and disadvantages of such products, as well as how to make them last longer.

Advantages and disadvantages

According to experts, a blanket made of merino wool has a positive effect not only on sleep, but also on human health. Among the advantages of this sleeping product, the following points are noted.

  • Sheep wool generates dry heat that relaxes the nervous system and brings comfort to joints while reducing pain. Threads woven from Australian merino wool act as an antiseptic on the human body, which helps with colds.
  • Some people like these blankets because of the massage effect, which is achieved due to the stiffness of the pile. And also such products rejuvenate the skin due to lanolin (the fat that wool contains).
  • Lanolin has antibacterial properties, so that various microorganisms, including bacteria, cannot live in the material.
  • In winter, it is warm under a New Zealand-made merino blanket (and also from other manufacturers), and cool in summer. This effect is achieved due to proper air exchange and the ability of the wool to normalize the temperature.
  • Blankets made of wool of this breed correctly "breathe" and absorb up to 35% moisture, while the moisture evaporates quickly, which saves a person from the greenhouse effect and an unpleasant smell under the blanket. The sensation of freshness and comfort comes from lanolin.
  • Products are fire resistant, do not absorb dust particles.Natural filler is capable of self-cleaning. The air inside has the ability to circulate in all directions, this is achieved due to the tortuosity of woolen hairs. I must say that only selected wool from the withers of Australian merino sheep is used for the production of blankets.

There are also disadvantages.

  • The material contributes to the development of allergic reactions. Like any other wool, merino wool can also be an allergen for some people. Therefore, these products are not recommended for newborn babies.
  • Such blankets are quite heavy: the weight of a merino blanket is 2 times more than that of the same product made of camel hair. But for those who like to fall asleep "under the weight", such products will be the ideal solution.
  • The service life is shorter than the manufacturers promise. Usually they indicate up to 15 years, but with constant use, you can hide with a blanket for less than 10 years. The material tends to cake, the structure of the blanket is disturbed.

The main disadvantage is the very difficult care of such products. You cannot wash a merino blanket in any type of washing machine.

However, there are other ways to clean it up, which will be discussed towards the end of the article. In the meantime, consider an assortment of similar products.

Assortment of products

There are quite a few varieties of merino blankets, usually they are divided by weight and appearance. Based on the density and severity, there are 3 types.

  • Standard type with a density of 350 to 800 g per square meter. These blankets are exclusively for winter. It is comfortable to sleep under them in the north in severe frost.
  • Universal lightweight type with a density of up to 300 g per square meter. The models are good for both winter and summer. If you sleep in a humid room, and even in a draft, then such products will definitely provide a comfortable rest.
  • Lightweight merino blankets with a density of up to 150 g per square meter. They are also considered children's products. By the age of 3-4, if the child has not developed an allergy, it can be covered with a blanket made of merino wool. It will warm or cool, depending on the season.

In appearance, the following types are distinguished.

  • Closed quilted version. A cover made of fabric (coarse calico, polycotton, cotton base, satin) is stuffed with wool and quilted together with the filler. Among the quilted merino blankets, you will find thinner and thicker models.
  • An open version, when one side is woolen and the other is fabric. Such blankets are good in the off-season, comfortable for summer, but in winter it is better to hide in a different kind.
  • Pure woolen blanket without textile backing. In terms of cost, such products are always more expensive, but they are very comfortable and attractive in appearance.

The most popular are quilted merino blankets.

They are more wearable, cheaper, and suitable for most people.

How to choose?

When buying a wool blanket made of merino sheep pile, be sure to decide for which season you are buying it, whether you want it open with the wool out or quilted. Next, pay attention to the following tips.

  • An original product made of Australian merino wool must necessarily contain a note about the raw materials.
  • Choose a model with a cover (if available) made of satin, calico or jacquard.
  • The product should not have any foreign unnatural smell. If the blanket gives off chemistry, then this is the result of improper technological processing of the wool.
  • The product label must contain information about the density, weight, composition of the filler and the base of the cover. The sizes are indicated and recommendations are given on how to care.
  • Merino filling (100% natural ingredient) is indicated by the corresponding word on the label. If it is absent, then the product has a synthetic base.

If you need a healing effect from merino wool, then choose an open-type blanket, because skin-to-wool contact is important here. Use this blanket without a duvet cover. When choosing, pay attention to the size of the product.It can be children's (from 0.8x0.8 m) and adult sizes. Among the latter, there are European (2x2.2 m) and royal (2.4x2.6 m) options, standard double (1.8x2.1 m) and one and a half sizes (1.5x2 m).

Merino blankets are recommended primarily for athletes, because wool will help relieve pain and relax muscles. People with musculoskeletal disorders will also improve their condition under a blanket of Australian merino sheep wool. Normalization of blood circulation in people who prefer such bedspreads is also noted.

How to care?

Proper care will ensure that your merino wool blanket will last longer. Here are some rules to follow.

  • It is recommended to wash such blankets at least once every 3 years. Small and lightweight models can also be machine washed, but this must be indicated on the label. It is better to give large and heavy items to a special wash.
  • Hand wash is allowed in water with a temperature not exceeding 30 degrees and with a special liquid detergent for wool.
  • Do not twist a wet woolen dress. It is placed in a bath so that the main part of the water is glass, then wrapped in a towel, taken out and left to dry. There is another way: an absorbent base fabric is laid out horizontally, then a blanket is spread over it and left to dry. Never hang a wet wool blanket: this deforms it. Drying should take place naturally, away from heating appliances.
  • If the manufacturer recommends dry cleaning, do not take risks and do not soak the product. It is better to do as the manufacturer advises.
  • Store merino blankets in natural fabric covers and exclusively in a dry place. When stored for a long time, some kind of anti-moth agent is added to the cover. Before covering with the product, straighten it and allow it to fluff.
  • At least 2 times a year, these blankets are ventilated: they are taken out into the shade and left for some time. You can lightly treat them with a beater or shake them well so that the villi are filled with oxygen and freshness.

Review overview

In the reviews of those who have already used a merino wool blanket, there are different opinions on this matter. For some, it did not suit, because it caused an allergic reaction, and for someone it is uncomfortable to sleep under such a blanket because of its prickly nature. But overall, most buyers are happy with their purchase.

It is noted that it is comfortable to fall asleep and sleep under a merino blanket, and it also had a beneficial effect on health.

So, many do not get enough of buying and improving their well-being: some have stopped aching in their joints and fatigue in their legs has gone, while others have normalized their nervous system. Such lucky ones are convinced that positive changes are associated precisely with the properties of sheep's wool.

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