
Silk Filled Blankets

Silk Filled Blankets
  1. Advantages and disadvantages
  2. Types of silk filler
  3. Dimensions (edit)
  4. Manufacturers overview
  5. How to care?
  6. How to choose?
  7. How to determine authenticity?
  8. Review overview

A silk blanket is the perfect choice for people who want to combine the best possible comfort and aesthetics. Moreover, this product, due to its naturalness and the absence of dust mites, will be a real salvation for allergy sufferers.

Advantages and disadvantages

A silk blanket has many benefits. You can start with hypoallergenicity: a silk product will not cause itching, irritation, or any other reactions. Practical, lightweight and pleasant to the touch, the material can serve for many years, providing its owner with a restful and comfortable sleep. Correct thermoregulation (structure and good air circulation) forms an all-season blanket - underneath it is warm in the winter months and not so hot in the summer. The advantage is the lack of a greenhouse effect: silk absorbs and evaporates a large amount of moisture while remaining dry to the touch.

In products filled with silkworm threads, dust mites do not appear at all, which cannot be said about duvets. This is provided by a special protein that is a barrier to parasites. Moreover, these products do not generate static electricity. Finally, the fibers are completely environmentally friendly and safe for human health, due to the absence of synthetic or chemical additives.

Unfortunately, silk blankets have a number of disadvantages. A product made of 100% silk has a rather high cost, which, by the way, gave rise to a large number of fakes on the market. In addition, all the outstanding characteristics of the bedspread are retained only if the required maintenance is observed, which is particularly difficult.

Types of silk filler

In the production of silk blankets, there are two main types of filler: Mulberry and Tussa.

Waste raw silk

Waste from the production of varieties Mulberry and Tussa usually remain in large quantities, so all these leftovers are sent to the manufacture of low-quality bedspreads, as a rule, heading abroad.

Mulberry silks

Mulberry is premium quality natural silk. It is created from the threads of a silkworm grown in man-made conditions. Insects develop at a specific temperature and humidity level, consuming only fresh mulberry leaves. Production can only be manual, making it impossible to use chemicals. As a result, Mulberry long staple silk has the best quality and durability. Pearl homogeneous fibers have a length of 25 centimeters. The highest grade is known as "Mulberry" AA, and the first grade is "Mulberry" A.

The filler can be used for 20 years.

Tussah silk

"Tussa" is a type of silk that is obtained from the larvae of the wild silkworm that feeds not only on mulberries, but also on other trees. In production, raw materials are bleached in a special solution of chemical reagents, after which the fibers become weaker and acquire a brownish-yellowish tint. The length of the fibers does not exceed 25 centimeters. The service life of this filler is 6-7 years.

Dimensions (edit)

There are various variations in the dimensions of silk blankets. Samples measuring 150x200 cm and 140x205 cm are suitable for a single or one-and-a-half bed. For double beds, it will be possible to purchase variations from a small 175x205 to a euro size of 200x220 centimeters. You can find both larger models and non-standard ones, for example, 160x190 centimeters in size. The average weight of the bedspread is 1.5 to 2 kilograms. For the summer season, you can purchase a one-kilogram product, and for the winter - a three-kilogram one.

The heavier the item is, the warmer it will be.

Manufacturers overview

One of the most popular manufacturers is considered Togas Is a company founded in 1926 in Greece. Today the brand has more than a hundred boutiques around the world, including in Russia. For the production of blankets, the company uses both Mulberry and Tussa varieties. The most famous Russian manufacturer is called OnSilkpresent on the market since 2004. The brand's silk blankets are based on Mulberry material.

A fairly wide price range makes it possible to purchase high-quality products of different prices.

Of course, there is a huge amount of Chinese products on the market. So, the brand has already won the trust of the buyer. Meizhoulingpresent on the Russian market since 2008, as well as Aonasi - a company originally from China, using high quality Mulberry as a filler. The brand's blankets are produced without stitches to maintain quality and appearance, and the covers are made from teak or satin. The advantage of Chinese products is reasonable cost, but good quality.

Italian brand blankets get good reviews Asabella... In addition, you can find products in stores Austrian German Grass, Finnish Joutsen, Turkish Karven, Brinkhaus from Germany and Alanna from Turkey.

How to care?

Silk itself is rather difficult to maintain, therefore blankets made from this material require special handling. You can try to remove small specks using products designed for the fabric. In principle, you can use a brush, but without pressing hard. Some housewives also use the following recipe: combine part of the ammonia and two parts of water, after which they treat the pollution with the resulting solution, and rinse everything. Ethyl alcohol will also work. In case of large lesions of the surface, it is better to contact a dry cleaner.

Hand washing should take place at a temperature not exceeding 30 degrees and using a special detergent solution. After thorough rinsing, the blanket must be dried in a horizontal position, protected from heating appliances. It is allowed to wash the bedspread in the washing machine only in the “silk” or “delicate” mode, if you have a washing bag. It is important to ensure that the capacity of the device is at least 7 kilograms, and the powder is intended specifically for silk items. The mode itself should be characterized by repeated rinsing and a minimum number of revolutions on the spin.

However, it will be safer not to try to wash the product yourself, but to contact a specialist.

The material does not react well to high temperatures, and boiling can destroy it in general.... The silk blanket must not be dried in the sun, otherwise the unique protein structure of the fibers will be destroyed, and the product will lose its proper appearance. It is worth mentioning that, covered with such a blanket, every morning the bed should be left unmade for a while. This will allow the product to fill with air, as well as restore its shape and splendor.

If the blanket is knotted or wrinkled, then it is enough just to beat and shake it. Such "processing" of a flat product will avoid the formation of lumps. Ventilate the product periodically. The blanket must not be stored in a vacuum bag, as the product needs to breathe. To preserve the structure of the filler, heavy objects should not be placed on top.

How to choose?

The finest silk blankets are considered to be AA or A. Mulberry. They are not only of high quality, but also have a long service life. When purchased, the label of such a blanket must state 100% Malberry. A quality product necessarily has a small window that allows you to evaluate the filler. When unbuttoning it, an elastic white or pale beige layer should be found inside - that is, mulberry. Mulberry also has black and yellow blotches. If the blanket does not have this window, then such a product should not be taken.

Experts do not advise buying quilts, as silk begins to creep out through the thread holes over time. As a rule, in such blankets, the material itself is of poor quality, so the product breaks down very quickly. It is important to pay enough attention to the fabric from which the cover is made. The higher its quality, the more natural it is, the longer the bedspread can serve. Most often, silk blanket covers are made from either cotton or silk, the former being cheaper. This fabric must necessarily be dense so that fine silk fibers cannot penetrate outside.

High-quality covers are made from satin - a material whose warp threads are parallel to each other, with virtually no distance. Due to the fact that the threads are twisted rather tightly, a beautiful shine appears on the surface, reminiscent of silk. A satin blanket is breathable, and also clearly follows the shape of the body. Such bed linen is suitable for everyday use and does not lose its attractive appearance even after numerous washes.

Jacquard covers are of high quality - made of mixed fabrics with the addition of synthetic fibers... The interwoven warp threads form a relief pattern. By the way, the greater their thickness, the stronger the finished product will be. A mixture of satin and jacquard is also suitable - a very smooth and resistant material with a beautiful glossy shine. Silk blankets should also have a dot stitch to prevent holes from forming and to prevent silk threads from coming out.

How to determine authenticity?

In order to understand whether a silk blanket is genuine, you should first visually examine the product. Silk should quickly return to its shape when pressed. To the touch without a cover, its threads feel soft and elastic. The color of the material is not pure white - as a rule, it is painted in a beige or pearl cream shade... A decent seller usually invites the buyer to set one thread on fire. Hands from it should immediately get dirty, as if from a piece of coal, and the arising smell should remind you of burning hair, wool or similar organic matter.

Also, when buying, you should pay special attention to the cost - too low a price or large discounts usually indicate a fake. The silk itself is quite expensive, and the cost of making and transporting must also be included in the price of the blanket.

Review overview

Reviews of silk blankets are mostly positive. Buyers note the possibility of a long service life of the product without replacement, as well as the comfort of use. However, the high probability of acquiring a fake is mentioned, which requires special attention when making a purchase, as well as cooperation only with trusted sellers. With regard to products from Turkey and China, rustling and electrification are also noted.

For information on how to choose a blanket, see the next video.

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