How to dye your hair without dye at home?

The good thing about dyeing your hair at home without dyeing is that most of the products used for dyeing have a temporary effect. In this regard, a woman will be able to decide whether she is ready to paint in one shade or another for a longer period. In addition, this method makes it possible to change your image more often without compromising the health of your hair.
Features of alternative staining
Any pigmented product is suitable for dyeing your hair at home. It can be spices, dairy products, alcoholic beverages, decoctions. You can also turn to the help of cosmetics. For example, in stores you can find hairdressing crayons, tinted shampoos or toners, but all these products can harm hair, so most girls prefer to use natural ingredients. Such funds have the following advantages:
- they are easy to use, they can be prepared without professional skills and they can be applied without assistance;
- natural products are very economical compared to professional paints, besides, they can be bought in almost any store;
- natural ingredients not only do not harm the hair, but also heal it, add shine, accelerate growth, and restore the damaged structure.

Of the shortcomings, first of all, it is worth noting the fact that natural products allow you to change the color of the strands by only 1-2 tones, therefore, for a complete transformation, you will need to perform several procedures at once. Of the currently known means, only henna and basma can transform hair color at once, all other products have a cumulative effect.
Another disadvantage is the poor stability of such compositions. Hair is colored only temporarily, and to maintain the shade, you must constantly use masks with pigments.

What colors can I dye?
Natural products do not give as many shades as the usual hairdressing paints. Naturally, they will not help to radically change the color either, that is, a brunette will never become a blonde, using only home-made coloring components. However, with the help of these tools, hair can be darkened, lightened, get rid of gray hair, get a red, copper or red hue.
Completely white curls for a girl with light brown hair will not work, but you can make the strands more golden, shiny and saturated. Ladies with black hair will not be able to lighten their hair, but blondes and brown-haired women can quite achieve the desired result. With home staining it is possible to obtain a chestnut or brown hue, as well as get rid of excessive redness after the last stain.

Means used
To give hair different shades, girls use different natural products. For example, to lighten the strands, it is suitable chamomile broth, for this, the hair must be rinsed with such a product after each shampooing. The effect is noticeable within a month. The same effect has lemon.
By the way, with the help of lemon you can not only lighten your hair, but also give it an ombre effect.

You can get a lighter shade when using kefir... To do this, the product is distributed on damp hair along its entire length and washed off after an hour. In the same way, you can use honey, but rather it does not lighten the color, but rather imparts a pleasant honey tint. Both products not only change the color of the hair, but also heal it, make it silky, smooth, shiny, and strengthen the hair.
Glycerin has a lightening effect, it brightens the strands quite quickly, and also gives the hair a shine and a mirror-like appearance, but it should be remembered that it is necessary to wash off the product very thoroughly with a lot of shampoo.

Natural dyes can help a fair-haired girl give her hair a warm shade and turn her into a brown-haired woman. To do this, you can apply cognac or strong insoluble coffee. In both cases, the products are applied for 3-4 hours and rinsed with water. When using coffee, the strands are not only slightly shaded, but also acquire a pleasant coffee aroma.

Woody shade can be obtained by using decoction of oak barkwho need to rinse their hair after washing, and an hour onion peel decoction mask. Woody color allows you to achieve aboutcreature from young walnuts. If a lady with dark hair uses a nut mask, then she can achieve a bronze tint. Copper tint can impart decoction of nettlewho are advised to rinse their hair after each wash.

To make your hair look a reddish tint, it will again help onion peel, but in a more concentrated form. Hibiscus tea will achieve a bright red tone. If this tea is combined with calendula, you can get a more pungent shade. Application consists of regular rinsing. For a deep, languid color close to cherry, it is recommended to use a mask of warmed up wine. Henna gives a really red tint.

At home, you can use not only natural ingredients, but also cosmetics. For example, many girls use special tonics for this. They give a longer and faster effect, but the substances included in the composition color not only the hair, but also the scalp, towel, bedding. Another option is hairdressing crayons.Their color is washed off after shampooing, so ladies can experiment with color, as well as create an ombre effect with crayons.

When using any components, you should always remember that the result obtained may differ slightly from the declared color.
The shade is determined not only by the dyes of the product itself, but also by the peculiarity of the hair, the result of the previous dyeing, the condition of the hair shaft: for example, hair that is looser in structure is easier to change color.

Painting technology
Basically, for dyeing hair at home, it is proposed to prepare masks and infusions from natural products. With broths, it is often enough just to rinse your head every time, and the masks are applied for several hours under the cap, and then thoroughly washed off. Remember that one procedure is usually not enough, only regular use will achieve the desired result. The general rules for applying the product are as follows:
- before applying this or that composition, an allergy test is required;
- if a very thick substance is obtained, then it is applied in succession so that the shade lays down evenly;
- only fresh and high-quality products are suitable for staining;
- to protect your hair, you need to pay special attention to the proportions of natural masks;
- for each staining procedure, it is necessary to prepare a new composition, and not stock up on masks for future use.

The henna painting technology deserves special attention. It is this tool that is most often used by girls for temporary staining. This is a fairly safe component, which nevertheless quickly and permanently changes hair color. Henna is released even in a bleached form, as it is useful and able to strengthen the hair, make it more vibrant and thick. Suitable for ladies looking for red hair. To obtain black henna is combined with basma. The application technology is as follows.
- Combine henna and basma in equal amounts.
- Add enough hot water so that the consistency becomes thick and does not spread on the skin. If the hair is oily, you can add red wine to the water in a ratio of 1: 1. If dry, the same amount can be replaced with a decoction of flaxseed.
- Apply a greasy cream such as petroleum jelly to your hairline.
- Apply the previously obtained composition evenly to the strands. You can use a wide-toothed comb.
- Cover your head with a warm cap.
- After 1-1.5 hours, rinse your head with water.

In addition, it is worth mentioning separately how to paint over gray hair. It is naturally impossible to get rid of this problem forever, but it is quite possible to rejuvenate the strands for a long time. To do this, you can use turmeric... This product is able to change gray hair to a sunny golden shade of hair. It also allows you to overcome the yellow pigment.
To prepare a mask, turmeric is combined with cosmetic oil or hair balm and applied to the strands for about 30-40 minutes.

It should be remembered that the component stains the towel, leather, bathroom accessories, so you should be careful when working with this composition. In addition, to combat gray hair, you can use the same henna and basma, as well as a decoction of onion peel.
Many masks require precautions to be taken. For example, a popular way to lighten curls is use of hydrogen peroxide. It is cheap and effective, but it can damage your hair. When preparing the mask, hydroperite is crushed and dissolved in water, and then applied to the strands. In this case, the mask is kept for no more than 15 minutes, and then washed off with warm water.

In order to protect the curls as much as possible from the effects of harmful substances, the use of this method of lightening is recommended to be combined with restorative and nourishing masks. If you neglect these precautions, your hair will turn into dry sticks.
If anyone wants to change their hair color using hairdressing crayons, then the following rules of use should be followed.
- Wear gloves and protect your clothes with a cape or dressing gown.
- If dark hair is colored, then it should be slightly moisturized. Light strands should be left dry. So the color is better fixed.
- Twist a tourniquet from one strand and paint over it with crayon, sprinkle with varnish.

It is recommended not to comb your hair. You can wash your hair when you get tired of the color, but after the washing procedure, you need to apply a mask or conditioner so as not to dry out the curls with frequent use of crayons.
For information on how to dye your hair without dye, see the next video.