Burgundy hair color: shades, selection, recommendations for dyeing and care

Most women love to be the center of attention and attractiveness in any situation. Therefore, many people prefer to dye their hair in bright and rich colors. These shades include maroon color. With its help, you can emphasize not only the beauty, but also the bright character of the girl.

Burgundy hair color is obtained by combining two basic shades - brown and red. The most popular shade of this season is considered to be dark cherry color, which is more suitable for young girls.
However, all shades of burgundy have their own advantages. All of them:
- give women self-confidence;
- allow you to look stylish and original even with the simplest haircut;
- emphasize the strong character of the young lady.

But it is worth noting some of the disadvantages of this shade:
- they are not suitable for girls with any skin imperfections, since they will only emphasize them;
- such a shade will look beautiful only on healthy hair.
Therefore, before dyeing such a bright color, you need to make sure that everything is in order with the hair and skin, and such a change will not harm the girl's style.

Varieties of tones
The burgundy color itself is quite beautiful and rich. But some girls prefer to dilute it with different shades that will help highlight their beauty. To choose a more suitable shade of burgundy for yourself, you need to experiment a little with the color scheme. It is best to use tonics that can be washed off if you don't like the shade. Later it will be possible to stop at the paint.
- Dark burgundy. This shade is more suitable for girls with a cold color type, that is, those with brown eyes and fair skin. But girls who belong to the spring or summer color type should abandon such a radically dark tone.

- Dark ripe cherry. This shade can be attributed to a brown or purple color palette. Mostly suitable for girls with deep gray or even brown eyes and very light skin. This color looks quite elegant and stylish.

- Cherry covered in chocolate looks elegant enough. Experts say that this shade suits every girl or woman.

- Red-burgundy, also known as "mulled wine". It received this name due to the similarity with the corresponding drink. This color is based on a bright burgundy, almost purple hue. It is complemented by light brown and orange highlights.
This color is suitable for almost all girls, without exception.

- Black cherry. This shade is not very expressive and is only suitable for girls with dark curls or brown-haired hair.

- wild Cherry is a dark shade of red that fades into burgundy. It is ideal for representatives of the cold color type with brown or gray eyes and natural brown or light brown hair color.

- Light burgundy the shade is more suitable for girls with light curls, for example, fair-haired or blondes.

- Ruby color is very rich and beautiful. Almost everyone can use it, the only exception is young ladies with very light hair, skin and eyes.

- Pomegranate the shade belongs to a dark red palette. More suitable for girls with green or blue eyes, as well as skin with a pink undertone.

- Dark crimson color refers to a magenta or red hue. It can be used by those who have freckles, as well as green or blue eyes.

Who is it for?
Burgundy colors are most suitable for girls who want to always be at the peak of popularity and are not afraid of new images. In this case, curls can be both short and long. However, most of all, a burgundy shade goes to girls with a bob haircut, having impeccable styling.
It is very important to guess correctly with the choice of shade. So, those with light brown hair should give preference to lighter shades. It is better for brunettes to choose rich and even darkish scarlet shades. All mahogany shades are suitable for all owners of dark skin, as well as those with brown or green eyes. Young girls can use both monochromatic coloring and try sharp transitions from one tone to the second.
For ladies over 30 years old, experts recommend using saturated shades, but without abrupt transitions.

How to choose paint?
The quality of hair dyeing largely depends on the manufacturer of the dye.

These paints contain many natural ingredients. For example, avocado oil, olive oil or shea butter. Thanks to them, the curls acquire shine and beauty, and also become silky. This range includes shades such as beaujolais, mahogany or glowing ruby.

High-quality paint from this brand allows you to maintain the durability of shades for a long time, as well as protect curls from brittleness. Those who want to dye their hair with this particular paint should know that there are several attractive red shades in the shade palette.

The paint from a French manufacturer can last up to 2 months. After staining, the curls remain as soft as before. The palette of burgundy colors is very diverse. There are both red-brown and light red brown-haired, as well as dark red-brown.

This dye can last 1 to 2 months on hair. Easy to apply to curls, even without a brush. The palette includes shades such as mahogany or cherry chestnut.

This paint has been popular for many years as it has three levels of durability. Among the burgundy shades, it is worth noting red pomegranate, mahogany.

Coloring tips
In order for you to be pleased with the result of staining in burgundy color, it is best to contact a specialist. But if there is no time for this, then you can carry out the procedure at home. First you need to prepare all the necessary tools. This is a brush, an old waste towel, a ceramic or glass container, several clips, and a hairbrush.

The first thing to do is to mix the paint with an oxidizing agent to the consistency of thick sour cream. Then you need to comb your hair, after sprinkling it with water. This is necessary in order for the paint to be absorbed better. An old towel should be put on the shoulders, and the skin near the hair should be moistened with a cream so that the dye does not remain there after it is washed off the hair. After that, the strands must be distributed into several zones and secured with clamps.

The staining itself should be started from the occiput area, then the crown area should be captured. The area of the temples is the last to be painted. After that, the hair must be combed, and then withstand the specified time, most often it is 40 minutes. Next, the curls must be rinsed under running water, and then apply a moisturizing balm on them. Also, when staining, one must remember that the paint must be applied to the hair no later than 15 minutes after mixing... Dark or light brown hair must first be discolored, and light hair must be dyed red. The same goes for the transition from one shade to another.
In addition, one must also remember that dyeing hair in burgundy is best done for short or medium curls. The hairstyle of the square will perfectly complement the color with smooth transitions - shatush, balayazh or ombre. Among them, the most versatile option is considered to be shatush. All shades are natural and the transitions are smooth. After this procedure, the effect of sun-burnt hair is obtained.

How to care for strands after the procedure?
After the dyeing procedure, any hair needs care, as it weakens greatly, so you need to use high-quality shampoos and masks. This should be done on a regular basis.

They shouldn't be too cheap, but they contain only natural ingredients.
- Lush - shampoos that come in the form of soap. Each specimen has different smells, but each contains Moroccan clay, orange oil, and soy proteins. They can only be used by girls with dark hair, as well as those who have used henna for coloring.
- Colorlast. If you wash your hair with this shampoo immediately after coloring, then the color can last up to 2 months. In addition, hair is well cleaned and moisturized with it.
- Natura Siberica. This shampoo contains white wax and Daurian soy. With the help of such components, any damage to the hair can be restored.
You need to wash your hair no more than 2 times a week so that the color of the paint does not fade.

Masks are also considered an equally important care product. The most popular among these are several products.
- Kapous. It contains both keratin and wheat. It is easy to rinse off and also easy to apply to hair.
- Ollin Megapolis. The composition of this paint includes black rice, which copes well with dry and brittle hair, making it smooth and silky.

In addition to such masks, you can also use homemade mixtures, which will also be useful, for example, with the addition of olive oil or kefir. Any such mask should be applied no more than once a week. It is best to dry your hair naturally so that it does not become more brittle. If there is no time for such drying, then it is necessary to use thermal protection of the hair.

To keep the dye on your hair as long as possible, you need to use special creams or oils to protect the color.On sunny days, it is best to protect your hair with a hat. You also need to limit trips to the pools, because they contain chlorine in the water. Almost any girl or woman can choose a burgundy color for dyeing their hair. The main thing in this case is to choose the right shade for yourself, which will emphasize beauty, not flaws.
In the next video, you will find a review on toning hair in burgundy color.