Cold ash blond: who suits, how to paint and care?

Cold ash blond - the hair color that has continued to be incredibly popular over the past few years... Short, long, dark and blonde strands look great in ash shade. However, with all the obvious advantages, this shade also has disadvantages. Dyeing strands in it is extremely difficult, especially for dark-haired girls. This complex tone is not suitable for every color type. Nevertheless, even if you don't have the money for a master colorist, you can achieve an ashy shade on your own.

Who suits
Colorists recommend determining which color type you belong to, before dyeing the strands in any shade.
Type "Winter". Contrasting, fair-skinned and dark-haired, the eyes are quite bright - either black, or green, blue. They do not have freckles, but the tan does not fit well. A cold blond looks good on such girls, but there are problems in order to achieve an aristocratic, expensive shade. Even a slight ebb in the direction of the redhead will make the whole image painful. Girls of this type must use special tinting products.

- Summer type. Another contrasting type, albeit less bright. The eyes are most often gray, green, blue. The strands are light, the red pigment is completely absent. Tanning is difficult because the skin is light. Platinum is great for these girls. Difficulties in coloring, as a rule, are not.

- Autumn type. Soft type, brown or greenish eyes, olive skin. The tan lays down evenly, there may be freckles. Shades of platinum are contraindicated for this type.They will give them an unhealthy look, muffle their natural beauty. Since the natural color always contains some of the red pigment, it is extremely difficult to turn it into ash.

Spring type. White-skinned, freckled, poorly tanned girls. Ash color is not the best choice for them, as there is gold in the natural color. All attempts to get rid of the warm shade can negatively affect the appearance. Cold coloring is characterized by a high degree of complexity.

When cold ash is impossible?
As much as you would like to become an ash blonde, keep in mind that even professional colorists will not undertake coloring under certain circumstances. Moreover, you should not do it yourself.
Pre-staining with permanent paint in tones of black, chestnut. The dark pigment penetrates very deeply into the hair structure and is extremely difficult to wash. Therefore, it is impossible to achieve the required degree of clarification. You need an aggressive wash that will damage the strands a lot.

- Red-haired, black-haired, saturated brunettes by nature will also make the master want to dissuade you. With some serious tweaks, a colorist with experience will be able to achieve ash, but it will wash off so quickly that you will not have time to enjoy the new shade. You will have to constantly use expensive professional care products.

Colorist tips
It's no secret that it is impossible to achieve a cold ash blonde without discoloration. This is an extremely important step in staining. The darker your strands, the more aggressive products you need to use. This can negatively affect the health and appearance of your hair. It is impossible to refuse lightening, because you can achieve cold shades of blond only by washing your pigment out of each hair. Then there is a tinting in platinum.

Masters recommend following the basic rule when lightening. This will allow you to maintain the structure of the strands. Avoid using highly concentrated oxidants.
The maximum permissible oxygenate is six percent, ideally use 3 or 2 percent oxide... However, for dark strands, the last two are useless.

After the hair is bleached, you need to tint it right away. remember, that discolored strands without pigment are brittle, prone to destruction... Therefore, do not leave hair in this state, dye with permanent or ammonia-free dyes. Persistent strands are too dry, more aggressive. Products without ammonia not only color, but also restore hair, take care of it.

Home dyeing
If the decision is made, and you want to dye the strands yourself with a cold blond, proceed according to this algorithm.
Buy everything you need: lightening cream, oxygenating agent, toning dye. It is better to purchase them in professional stores, where they will recommend to you how much money you need to take for your hair. Not only length is important, but also the degree of density. You will also need gloves, otherwise you will ruin your hands.

- Combine oxygen and cream. The resulting mass must be evenly distributed on all strands. It is best to comb each one after application. Remember that the heterogeneity of the distribution will play a cruel joke on you. Instead of a luxurious blonde, you get piebald.
When mixing the compositions, read the instructions so that the amount of components is correct.

- Wait for the time specified by the manufacturer. Rinse the strands thoroughly, check if the resulting lightening is sufficient. If the level does not suit you, you need to repeat the procedure.

- Having achieved the required degree of discoloration, it's time to tint the strands with a cold ash blonde.

Toning is necessary for any type of coloring - monochrome, highlighting, gradient. It is this stage that turns the strands into exquisite, spectacular ash colors. Also, you will not be able to skip the clarification stage: tint on dark strands is a useless exercise.

Complex staining
If you don't want to color all the strands completely, you can try highlighting or a gradient with cold ash. This is one of the most effective and relevant color options. In addition, it is a more gentle method that does not affect the roots. The strands remain healthy, strong and thick, while acquiring a spectacular shade.

Highlighting can be done in the salon, but if you want to change the image at home, ask someone to help you. The procedure itself is not too complicated, but you will have to tinker with the selection of strands. The essence of the action is the same - bleaching and toning, only not all hair, but individual curls.
You will need the following materials and tools:
- gloves;
- hairbrush thin type;
- oxygenating agent;
- toning pigment;
- care products.

Ombre, balayazh, shatush are varieties of coloring with a smooth transition from one shade of the palette to another. It can be done in both contrasting and soft ways. This is a gentle option that leaves the roots intact. If you do not want to lighten the strands along the entire length, this is the best choice. These methods work especially well on medium to long curls. In the ash version, the gradient coloring is especially expressive and luxurious. Cold ash blond combines perfectly with shades:
all types of light brown;

You can do this on your own only if you have the appropriate experience and knowledge of color.
A cold blond is as beautiful a tone as it is difficult to care for. To prolong the life of the shade, you need to take good care of the strands. Better to use professional rulers.
Concentrates with lipids, proteins and ceramides. These are three different compositions that allow you to make the strands thicker, more obedient, and give them shine. Thanks to them, the curls do not get tangled, fit well, look healthy.

- Masks containing a purple tone pigment. They can be found on almost any brand. The mask will not only restore the strands after dyeing, give them tenderness, make them obedient, but also will not allow the yellow tone to appear.

- Concentrate with oils for the care of the ends. All unnatural blondes know that the most vulnerable part of a curl after dyeing is the ends. After the washing procedure, it is necessary to apply products with oils that do not need to be washed off. This will prevent brittleness and make your hair look lifeless.

For information on how to achieve a cold ash blonde, see the video below.